Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 951

He felt that the mountain in front of him was already the largest mountain he had ever seen.

Of course, this thought only lasted for a long time.

When they walked out of the Shire area and passed through uninhabited deserted beaches, huge mountains appeared in front of Bilbo.

Bilbo was suddenly speechless in amazement.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of power it was to create these hard rocky mountains.

Thorin stopped the horse's head, looked at the sky, and turned his head and said: "Kilifili, you two go to the front to explore the way, this high spot, we set up camp."


Qi Li and Fei Li immediately fought their horses and quickly explored the way forward.

Bilbo asked Chao Xufeng curiously: "Diedi, I don't quite understand why we are going to camp at a high point. Can't we find a warm cave?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Prince Thorin is very experienced in this area, and he is right. In this complex mountainous area, we should find a commanding height to camp, and we must not hide in the cave."

Bilbo asked, "Why?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "If we have enemies, we won't be able to find their sneaking whereabouts at a low place. Moreover, if we sleep in a warm cave, the enemy can set a fire at the door and burn us to death. ."

Bilbo smiled awkwardly: "There aren't that many enemies, right? I mean, we just passed by here and went to Gushan, and it didn't hinder anyone. Why are they targeting us?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "The Alliance side will naturally not deal with us. After all, Thorin is the recognized prince of the Oak Shield tribe, and there is Gandalf in the team. However, the Demon Lord side does not think so. ".

Bilbo was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: "Diedi, you are scaring me, right? Actually, there are no monsters at all. You just want to scare me by scaring me and look at me being afraid of making a fool of yourself, right?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly and rode his horse.

Chapter 59 I want to eat instant noodles too!

After the team crawled along the rugged mountain road for a few more miles, Kellie flew back on horseback.

Thorin asked, "How about it, have you found a place to stay?"

Kili nodded, "I found it. On the east ridge, there is a platform with a wide view, which is very suitable for us to camp and set up. Philip is doing preparations there."

Thorin nodded, "Very well, you can lead the way."


The team immediately followed Kili, to the final point.

When they reached their foothold, the sky quickly darkened.

The dwarves are skilled in camping. They don't have tents, but they can cleverly use the scattered stones on the ground to simply build a shelter.

In addition, they are wearing thick fur coats, so even if it is ventilated from all sides, they will not feel too cold.

As for Xufeng and Iron Hammer, they are naturally not cold.

Xu Feng's level is already very high, and his physical fitness is very good.

And the hammer itself is a survivor with flame attributes, and several pieces of equipment on her body are equipped with flame effects, so she will not feel cold.

The only person who felt the cold was Bilbo.

Bilbo has lived in the Shire area since he was a child. The Shire area is like spring all year round. When the temperature is lowest, it is only 15 degrees, and when the temperature is highest, it is only 25 degrees.

Suddenly leaving the Shire area and entering the towering mountains, the single coat on Bilbo was obviously not cold enough.

Thorin took out a thick fur cloak from his salute and threw it to the trembling Bilbo.

Bilbo quickly caught it, but he immediately realized that the weight of this fur cloak was heavier than himself.

He worked hard and worked hard to keep himself from falling.

"...Thanks!" Bilbo thanked him politely.

Thorin nodded coldly.

With such a thick and heavy fur coat, Bilbo no longer felt cold.

However, another problem followed.

He is hungry.

For Hobbits, they have to eat more than a dozen meals a day. Although they don't eat much each meal, this way of eating has been carved into their genes.

And on horseback, obviously you can't eat so many meals, nor can you eat so delicately.

At noon, the dwarves eat hard jerky, even Xufeng and the hammer are no exception. After all, they don't have time to make a fire and cook in order to hurry.

Now that they have a place to stay, the dwarves start to light a fire, boil water, take out food, and start cooking.

Bilbo kept licking his lips, wanting to eat warm food as soon as possible, but the dwarves are not experts in cooking, and their dinner is only cooking beans in a large pot, and put some lunch in the beans. That kind of hard jerky.

Bilbo was very disappointed.

What is even more disappointing is that every meal in the future will be like this.

Suddenly, his keen sense of smell smelled a peculiar smell.

He sniffed and looked towards the place where the fragrance was floating.

I saw Xufeng sitting on a flat rock with a large bowl in front of him, and the bowl was covered with a layer of kraft wrapping paper.

The peculiar fragrance comes from the bowl under the kraft paper.

Bilbo dragged his heavy fur clothes and moved step by step in front of Xu Feng, "Diedi, what is this?"

"Bowl." Xu Feng smiled faintly.

"No, I mean this." Bilbo swallowed.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Oh, you said this-kraft wrapping paper."

"No, no, I mean, the contents of the bowl." Bilbo asked, blushing.

Xufeng laughed, "It's just instant noodles."

"Instant noodles?" Bilbo asked in surprise: "It's the kind of crooked thing that you cut into four squares? No, can it be so fragrant?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, soak it in boiling water, then pour the seasoning and jerky in, and simmer for another three minutes-well, it's almost time."

Xufeng opened the kraft paper packaging, and the aroma of instant noodles immediately rushed out.

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