Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 952

Now, not only Bilbo, but the other dwarves also stretched their necks, looking over in surprise.

Bilbo watched the crooked, flexible, golden instant noodles in the bowl, and immediately swallowed a big mouthful of water.

"Is this...really edible?" Bilbo stared at the instant noodles.

Xufeng didn't answer, but picked up a pair of homemade chopsticks, picked up a chopsticks instant noodle, blew a few mouthfuls, and then put it into his mouth.

"Um! Uh! So cool!" Xu Feng deliberately sucked loudly.

All the dwarves had no intention of cooking beans and ate them, and they moved closer to Xufeng.

Even Thorin, who has always maintained his majesty, couldn't help but stand up at this time.

Bilbo said eagerly: "I, I also use chopsticks, Diego, can you let me, cough cough, try?"

Xufeng grinned, "Okay, you entertained me so warmly before, now of course I also want to entertain you, come, give you a pair of chopsticks."

Bilbo awkwardly picked up the chopsticks, picked a chopsticks instant noodles, learned the appearance of Xufeng, and blew the heat on it first.

Not to mention eating, even smelling the aroma of instant noodles has already made Bilbo unbearable.

He opened his mouth wide and stuffed all the instant noodles on his chopsticks into his mouth.


Bilbo closed his mouth and exclaimed.

He has never eaten such delicious pasta!

He thought that flour can only be used to make bread!I never thought that flour could be made into noodles, and I never thought that noodles could be so portable and practical!

It really is "instant noodles"!

There is such a delicious food in the world!

Bilbo's tears flowed out.

Olli on the side said in surprise, "Bilbo, why are you crying? Isn't it awful?"

Bilbo shook his head desperately, "No, this is really delicious!"

Ouli said: "Since it is delicious, you should be very happy. Why is the expression so painful and hopeless?"

Bilbo cried and said, "I'm afraid, I won't be able to eat such delicious food again in my life!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, don't cry, I brought a thousand bags of instant noodles this time, enough for everyone to eat."

Bilbo wiped away his tears immediately, "Really? Can we and I really have instant noodles?"

"Of course." Xu Feng said generously: "As long as you want to eat, everyone can eat."


"I want to eat instant noodles!"

"I want to eat too!"

The dwarves squeezed in front of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng did not hesitate to give everyone a packet of instant noodles, and also taught the dwarves how to make instant noodles and how to use chopsticks.

Suddenly, the whole camp was filled with the fragrance of instant noodles.

Chapter 60-Gandalf's Strength

Thorin opened his mouth, and finally hesitated, and did not walk to Xu Feng.

He is the prince of the Oak Shield tribe and the heir to the Gushan Palace.

No matter when, he must maintain his dignity.

As the heir to the Gushan Palace, how could he ask for food from a human?

Xu Feng saw through Thorin's thoughts, and then tore a pack of instant noodle packaging bags, soaked them, and then brought them to Thorin.

"Sorin, have a taste?"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "If this is your charity, then forget it."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Of course not. These instant noodles are indeed made by me, but the noodle pressing machine uses your dwarf forging technology. You eat instant noodles, and you are not eating foreign food."

Thorin's eyes lit up, then he grinned and said, "Swordsman, you are very good."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I have said it many times, don't call me a swordsman, just call me Diedi."

Thorin took the steaming bowl of instant noodles and said with a smile, "Thank you, Diego."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You are welcome, come, Diedi teaches you how to use chopsticks."

With that said, Xu Feng taught Thorin how to use chopsticks.

Thorin was very clever and quickly mastered the balance of chopsticks. Just as the instant noodles in the bowl were soaked, he picked up the zigzag instant noodles with his chopsticks and sucked it up.


As Thorin ate, he admired and said, "This is simply the best delicacy in the world! Diedi, can someone like you eat instant noodles every day?"

Xu Feng suddenly smiled wryly, "No, no, I only eat occasionally."

Thorin nodded and said, "Sure enough, such noble food, even a capable person like Diedi, can't eat every day."

Xu Feng secretly vomited: "Please, this is instant noodles. If I make self-heating Kung Pao chicken, self-heating Haidilao hot pot and so on, you Middle-earth World still can't regard me as the god of food!"

The whole camp was full of smoking, but Gandalf was sitting aside, smoking tobacco.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Gandalf, would you like to try a bowl?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "You know, I'm a wizard, I don't need to sleep, eat or drink."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Of course you can. You can still smoke without smoking, but didn't you smoke too? Come on, have a taste."

Gandalf hesitated, then smiled: "Okay, then I will try it too."

Xufeng immediately made a bowl for Gandalf, and then taught Gandalf how to use chopsticks.

Gandalf studied with curiosity, and instantly understood it completely.

Worthy of being a secondary god in this plot world.

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