Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 954

"This battle started in the early hours of the morning and continued until the early hours of the next day. We are all exhausted, but the half-orcs are still tireless. They are monsters created by Morgoth, and they have the blood of the elves. With the physique of the beast, their eyes are full of madness."

"Especially their leader, Asog the Destroyer, he is two meters tall and he is as strong as a standing lion. With every swing of his spiked hammer, a piece of dwarf brother falls."

"Athog has always hated our dwarves. He vowed to clean our dwarves from Middle-earth. Therefore, he was merciless and continued to kill. The old king Thor rushed to fight him, but Thor's physical strength was early It has reached its limit and cannot defeat Ahsog at all."

"That's it..." Bahrain choked. "In this way, he chopped off the old king Thor's head... The old king's son Thorne rushed to avenge him frantically, but was hit by Asog with a hammer. The cliff has disappeared so far, and even the remains are not found."

"The dwarven army quickly collapsed, and seeing the half-orc legion is about to wipe out all the elite of the dwarven seven kingdoms! And at this moment, I saw him—"

Bahrain looked eagerly at Thorin, who was looking into the distance.

"He is the pride and hope of the Oak Shield tribe. He bravely rushed up against the tide of Orcs and fought Azog the Destroyer!"

"His shield was easily smashed by Asog, so he picked up a piece of oak as a shield, and Asog attacked Thorin frantically, without putting him in his eyes, but Thorin was calm and calm. He avoided Asog's several fatal attacks, and while Asog was swinging the mace, a sword! Cut off Asog's right hand!"

"Athog's howling sounded through the entire Moria! The half-orcs were afraid that their leader would be killed by Thorin, so they desperately sent Asogra back. Asog was naturally very unwilling. But there is no alternative."

"The morale of the dwarf army was greatly boosted. Under the leadership of Prince Thorin, we regrouped into an army and launched a desperate impact on the impossible orc army!"

"The Orcs began to retreat. We finally drove them out of Moria and regained the ancient Blue Mountain territory."

"But, that night, we didn't sing to celebrate, because our casualties were too heavy. Only a few of the Oak Shield tribes survived."

"In order to prevent the Orcs from attacking again, we had to withdraw from the Moria we just acquired, and instead build our home in the safer but extremely barren Blue Mountains."

"This is the Battle of the Blue Mountains." Bahrain sighed and said, "Although this battle was a costly victory, I told myself that there is another person worthy of our lives to follow. That person is Prince Thorin. He will be king in the Gushan Palace, and the Oak Shield tribe will rise again."

The dwarves present all stood up and looked at Thorin in admiration.

Thorin nodded slightly, accepting the respect of the dwarves.

Bilbo asked curiously: "What about Ahsog? That orc leader, how is he?"

Thorin said coldly: "He slipped back into Modo's cave like a dog and never showed up again. I guess he has died because of his injuries and inner fear."

The dwarves suddenly cheered.

Gandalf, who was smoking, frowned slightly.

He knew that Azog would never die so easily. Azog was created by Morgoth. His strength was amazing, and he could even compete head-on with the white-robed mage Saruman. Thorin could cut down Aso. It was already a lucky thing to come with one arm, but it was impossible to kill Azog.

However, Gandalf could not refute Thorin at this time.

Thorin is a very brave fighter, but at the same time extremely good face.

To say that Thorin was wrong at this time would only annoy Thorin.

Gandalf could only spit out his eyes faintly, secretly worried.

He hoped that Thorin's arrogance and good face would not affect his mission to Lone Mountain.

Xufeng didn't express any attitude, but stood on the top of the ridge platform, looking far away at the opposite ridge.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and it was impossible to see what was on the other side.

But Xufeng could sense that on the opposite ridge, something was staring at them.

Chapter 62 The Orc Scout!

After enjoying the extremely delicious instant noodles, the dwarves fell asleep contentedly.

Thorin arranged for Xufeng and the Hammer to watch the first half of the night, and he and Gandalf to watch the second half of the night.

In fact, Gandalf does not need to sleep, even if he is on duty all night.

After the dwarves were asleep, Xufeng gently touched the hammer.

The hammer asked: "What are you doing?"

Xufeng lowered his voice and said, "You are here on duty. I will go and take a look on the opposite ridge."

The hammer said in surprise: "This is not necessary? Besides, if you go alone, what if you encounter danger?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will be fine, and it is very convenient for me to act alone."

"Okay." The hammer pointed to his head, "If you have any questions, even if you contact."

"Yeah." Xu Feng turned to Gandalf, who closed his eyes again, and said softly: "I'll go on patrol."

Although Gandalf felt strange, he finally nodded, "Be careful."

Xufeng jumped off the ridge, and did not make any noise when he landed.

He unfolded the crane-shaped body technique, and ran towards the opposite ridge with an extremely light and rapid pace.

The ridge on the opposite side was at least three kilometers away from the ridge where Xufeng was in a straight line, but such a long distance was nothing to Xufeng.

He quickly reached the foot of the opposite ridge.

He heard the faint roar of beasts on the ridge, and he also found that there were a few clear beast paw prints on the soft mud.

Xu Feng roughly measured it. These beasts' paw prints were twice as large as his palms. Obviously, the beasts passing by must be very huge, and there should be two in number.

Their path of travel is also very clear, indicating that this is by no means a beast living in the wild, it is most likely a half-orc scout.

The so-called scouts are scouts.

The orc scout was riding a wolf.

One of Uncle Mi Xiu's alchemy missions is to capture a wolf cub.

Although it is impossible for the scout to show up here with the wolf cub, if you find the wolf, you will have a chance to find the wolf's lair in the future.

Xufeng grabbed the damp soil from the ground and rubbed it on his armpits and other parts that are prone to odor.

After confirming that the scent on his body would not be smelled by the wolf, he gently climbed up the ridge.

At the top of this ridge, there really are two hideous orc scouts riding on the giant wolf.

They are all over two meters tall, their ears are pointed, their skin is pale, and their sharp fangs are exposed. The stench that comes out of their mouths and noses can be smelled even if they are far away.

The half-orcs were originally a noble and elegant family of elves, but Morgoth was added to the gene of the beast, and finally created this kind of ferocious-looking and powerful race.

After the demon Lord Sauron's strengthening, the half-orcs can no longer see the shadow of the elves, and the elves absolutely don't admit that they are extremely close to the half-orcs.

Xu Feng hid in the dark, carefully observing the two tall orc scouts.

The two orc scouts and their wolves did not find Xu Feng's trace.

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