Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 955

Xu Feng thus speculated that the strength of these two orc scouts should be around level 50.

With Xufeng's current strength, it should be safe to sneak attack on one of them, but neither of these two scouts left the saddle of the wolf. One was attacked, and the other would definitely run away quickly.

Xu Feng stood firm and waited for the opportunity.

The two orc scouts talked in a demon language.

One of the orcs said, "We finally found the trail of the oak shield dwarves!"

Another half-orc said: "We should get closer and make sure that Thorin is in the team."

"No, there is a powerful wizard next to Thorin. If we get too close, we will definitely be discovered."

"Our master has waited too long for Thorin's opportunity to act alone, and we must not go wrong!"

"You go back and report to the master, saying that we have been staring at Thorin, but without his order, we dare not stun the snake and ask the master to give new orders."

"Okay! I'm going now!"

The half-orc strangled the reins of the wolf, and the wolf then let out a heart-pounding roar, then shook off his wide hoofs and ran towards the other side of the ridge.

Xufeng's brows moved slightly, and then he unfolded the crane-shaped body technique, and quietly followed.

Two scouts of level 50 or so get together, it is naturally difficult to deal with, but once they are separated, it is another matter.

Xufeng couldn't let the scout report the letter so easily. He had to take action as soon as possible to kill the returning half-orc scout.

The wolves run very fast, and within three minutes they have already left the ridge.

And Xu Feng also took a shortcut to chase him up, and directly flew up from a high cliff, and the sword of Triton in his hand pierced the orc scout like lightning.

The orc scout was shocked. He never realized that he would be ambushed by a human. Normally, humans are timid guys. Without three or five people, he would not dare to attack a powerful half. Orc's.

Although the orc scout reacted half a beat slowly, he was experienced after all. He heard the sound of sword energy piercing in his ears, and immediately shrank his head, then leaned sideways, directly from the saddle of the wolf. Rolled down.

Although this evasive action is embarrassing, it is very effective.

The Sword of Triton’s attack was already very fast, but the Orc scout still avoided the deadliest blow.

Xu Feng screamed inwardly.

The strength of this orc scout was far greater than he thought.

Fortunately, I didn't have a big deal just now, and I hit two with one, otherwise the situation would become quite embarrassing.

The orc scout had a lot of inertia to roll and evade, and he took advantage of the situation to bring the running wolf to the ground.

The wolf roared and struggled a few times, and his belly was exposed.

The whole body of the wolf is wrapped in armor, and the armor value is also very high, and the level is not bad. In terms of Xufeng's attack power, it is difficult to lose the wolf in a second.

But now is a very good opportunity.

Although the orc scout avoided Xufeng's surprise attack, the wolf was impossible to escape.

Xu Feng took advantage of the trend to hang the blade of Triton's sword upside down, and with one move, the sword of Triton's sword pierced the wolf's belly.

The wolf wailed miserably, and the entire valley echoed with a creepy voice!

When the fallen orc scout saw his mount being stabbed, he immediately showed a battle axe and rushed towards Xufeng desperately.

Xufeng grabbed the wolf's tail forcefully, lifted up the heavy wolf, and smashed the orc scout fiercely!

Chapter 63 is pregnant!

This throw seemed to be casual, but it was actually calculated by Xufeng.

The trajectory where the wolves was thrown was exactly on the trajectory of the battle axe of the Orc Scout.

The battle axe in the orc scout's hand was obviously sluggish, and he didn't want to chop his own wolf, even though his wolf had almost no possibility of surviving.

Just when he hesitated for a while, Xu Feng rushed up, and the sword of Triton in his hand pierced his open mouth directly with lightning speed, and then pierced out the back of his head!

The orc scout struggled painfully, and then collapsed on the ground holding his own wolf.

Black blood flowed out like a spring, and the surface plants that were originally full of vitality were immediately withered by the black blood.

It really is a monster.

Xu Feng sighed deeply.

If it hadn't been for this half-orc scout hesitating for a while, Xu Feng would have killed him so easily.

The creatures of Middle-earth are very strong!

Holding the sword of Triton, he cautiously leaned over to check the situation.

The orc scout was silent, but the wolf in his arms still had a trace of breath, but only the strength to whimper and gasp was left.

The wounded wolf stared at Xu Feng with his blood-red eyes, his eyes full of spite.

Xu Feng coldly raised the sword of Triton, raised the sword in his hand, and chopped off the head of the wolf without mercy.

Immediately afterwards, he also chopped off the orc scout's head to prevent him from being resurrected by undead magic.

After cutting the orc scout's head, Xufeng heard an agitated wolf neigh from the ridge in the distance.

Obviously, the companion of the wolf was aware of the battle taking place here, and also smelled the scent of black demon blood, and was rushing here with another Orc scout.

Xufeng immediately hid behind a large rock and was ready for the second ambush.

In the first battle, although he was not fatal with a single blow, he did not lose too much physical energy, so there is no problem at all in fighting again.

After a dozen breaths, the wolf rushed over with another Orc scout.

When the orc scout saw the tragic scene, he was shocked.

He tightly restrained the wolf who wanted to rush to the nearby area, watched the surroundings vigilantly, and finally turned the wolf's head forcibly, preparing to escape!


Xu Feng cursed secretly in his heart.

This half-orc scout is indeed cunning enough. He can tell at a glance that his opponent is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. Instead of entangled with a powerful opponent here, it is better to report the information that the dwarf is going to Gushan as soon as possible. Chief Azog.

There is no emotion between half-orcs and half-orcs, and naturally there is no talk about who will collect the corpse for whom.

Seeing that this half-orc scout was about to run away, Xu Feng frowned, jumped out from behind the rock, and picked up the huge wolf head on the ground.

"Hey! You!" Xu Feng shouted loudly.

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