Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 956

The orc scout turned around in surprise and stared at Xu Feng with surprise and anger.

As a scout, only elite half-orcs can serve as a scout, because there are also elite forces that can cope with all kinds of unexpected scenes.

Naturally, this half-orc scout had experienced more dangerous scenes than this.

However, he had never seen any human being, and dared to challenge him alone!

The average height of half-orcs is more than two meters, they have the blood of the elves, their height is the same as that of the elves, but their weight and brutality are three times that of the elves!

It is impossible for a normal elf warrior to single out a half-orc warrior, let alone a relatively short human.

There must be other ambushes here!

The orc scout secretly thought, planning to leave here as soon as possible.

But the wolf under his crotch didn't think so.

The wolf lowered his head, bared his teeth, and let out a creepy low growl in his throat.

The orc scout pulled the reins hard, but the wolf didn't care, even if the reins were about to cut its neck.

Xufeng smiled and said: "That's right, stay and fight!"

The orc scout shouted angrily: "I have no time to fight with you, a small and ignorant human! I will write down this account for the time being! One day, the hell fire of the demon Lord Sauron will bring you All annihilated!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "I didn't talk to you again, what are you talking about? I'm talking to Brother Wolf."

The wolf raised his head and roared.

Xufeng suddenly realized, "Oh, you are a she-wolf, so I killed it, should it be your husband?"

The female wolf froze and froze like a mad, and together with the orc scout, rushed towards Xufeng.

The orc scout exclaimed. It was impossible to jump off the wolf's back. He had no choice but to bite the bullet, drew out his wide-blade saber, and slashed at Xufeng's head. go with.

Xufeng had been prepared for a long time, and while performing the crane-shaped body technique, he threw the wolf head in the opposite direction.

The female wolf instinctively chases the male wolf's head, but the half-orc scout's power and moves are completely useless, and can only passively follow the female wolf.

Seeing the timing, Xu Feng made a sudden spin, and the sword of Triton slashed directly at the waist of the orc scout.

The orc scout quickly dodged and jumped off the mother wolf's back embarrassedly.

The mother wolf also recovered, grinning close to Xufeng.

But Xu Feng’s movements were significantly faster. When the mother wolf jumped up and flew at him, Xu Feng slammed the crane into the water, and rushed to the side of the orc scout who hadn’t gotten up yet, and followed a move to sink vigorously. He jumped and chopped off the head of the orc scout directly.

The black blood splattered, and the remnant of the orc scout shook, then crashed to the ground.

Xu Feng turned his head and pointed his sword at the female wolf.

"Now, only the two of us are left."

The mother wolf roared with a grin, and then rushed towards Xufeng swiftly.

Its combat effectiveness is naturally inferior to that of a half-orc scout. Xufeng can even kill a half-orc scout with one sword, and it is naturally no longer a problem to deal with a female wolf.

However, this female wolf is more desperate than a half-orc, and every bite is lifeless.

Xu Feng couldn't find a suitable breakthrough for a time, so he could only use the crane-shaped body technique to keep flashing and moving, and at the same time looking for all the opportunities to make a move.

One person and one wolf faced off in the valley for more than a dozen rounds, and the female wolf's physical stamina couldn't support it.

For a monster, it doesn't seem to be right.

Xufeng saw the opportunity and kicked the mother wolf into the air with one kick, and then the sword of Triton pierced the mother wolf's bare abdomen fiercely.

But in the next second, Xu Feng's sword hung on the undulating belly of the mother wolf.

He found that the female wolf's abdomen was clearly bulging.


Chapter 64: You Are A Little Weird Recently

Xu Feng was taken aback, then grinned and said: "It's really hard to find any place to break through the iron shoes. It takes all the time."

The mother wolf stared at Xufeng with fierce and bloody eyes. She was already controlled by Xufeng's Triton Sword. If she struggled a little, she would be scratched by the blade.

Xufeng smiled coldly, "I killed your husband. You should hate me. However, since you are pregnant, then I will not kill you first. After you give birth to a cub, if you still want to find me If you take revenge, then I will be with you at any time."

The female wolf growled in a low voice.

"However, not killing you is not the same as letting you go. If I let you go, you will return to the orcs' nest in the Misty Mountains. The half-orcs will see the empty space above your saddle and understand what's going on. So I have to catch you first."

When Xufeng thought, the crystal cage in the inventory of Ling Vision appeared.

The mother wolf was thrown directly into the crystal cage by Xufeng before he could struggle.

The female wolf hit the crystal wall desperately, but the crystal wall was of the dimensional level. An NPC wolf could not break through.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Just stay in there. After you give birth, I will let you go."

After speaking, Xu Feng took the crystal cage back to his spiritual table inventory.

After retracting the crystal cage, Xu Feng found firewood again, piled the corpses of the male wolf and the two orc scouts together, and burned them directly into ashes.

By the time he returned to the camp, it was already late at night.

Thorin had already regained consciousness. He glared at Xu Feng, who was covered in mud, and frowned and asked, "Swordsman, what are you doing?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Oh, nothing, I slaughtered two Orc scouts who were following us."

"What?" Thorling's eyes widened suddenly, "Are you alone?"

Xu Feng shrugged, "Yes."

Thorin sneered, "It's impossible, even if it's super powerful, but you want to kill two cunning half-orc scouts by one person at the same time. This is absolutely impossible. When you kill one of them, the other half-orc The scout had already ran to report."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, I expected that they would do this, so I waited until they were separated and killed them one by one. I think that in the next week, we should not have trouble with half-orcs. However, the home of the Orcs is in the Misty Mountains. The closer to the Misty Mountains, the more the Orcs will scout. So many people in our group will be discovered by them sooner or later."

Thorin glared at Xufeng, "...Did you really kill two orc scouts?"

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, and left the two orcs' weapons on the ground.

These two weapons are not extraordinary items, so Xufeng has no interest in them, and they are only used as trophies when they are brought back.

Thorin took a closer look at the weird weapon, and then sniffed the weapon.

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