Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 957

"Sure enough, it's a monster." Thorin said quietly, "Swordsman, you are really amazing."

Gandalf smiled and said: "I said earlier that Diego will help us a lot. Now that we have secured a week of stability, we must speed up our pace."

Thorin nodded slightly, "It's just that the night is not suitable for us to move forward. Get up early tomorrow morning and add footsteps."

"Good." Gandalf nodded.

Thorin said to Xufeng: "Swordsman, I and Gandalf are on duty in the second half of the night. You and Ms. Hammer go to bed."

"Well," Xu Feng yawned, "It just so happens that I am also sleepy."

After that, Xu Feng found a thick blanket, found a shelter from the wind, and lay down.

The hammer lay next to him and asked in a low voice, "Xufeng, why have you been there for so long? It's hard for the orc scout to deal with?"

Xufeng nodded and said: "It's true that I can't deal with it. I almost let the second half-orc scout run away. Fortunately, the scout was riding a female wolf, and the female wolf was eager for revenge and did not obey her master. "

"...You killed your husband?" Iron Hammer asked in surprise.

"Yes." Xu Feng said naturally.

The Hammer sighed, "Well, although the wolves are quite terrifying monsters, it is a kind of happiness for this pair of wolves to die together."

"Well..." Xu Feng grinned, "The mother wolf is not dead."

"Running?" The Hammer was startled, and then said: "Will that make Ahsog alert?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I didn't run, the mother wolf was caught by me and locked in my crystal cage, and the crystal cage is in my spiritual table inventory."

The hammer looked at Xufeng in astonishment, not understanding what Xufeng's operation was.

Xufeng smiled and said, "This is an alchemy task given to me by Uncle Mi Xiu. I need a wolf cub."

"But you caught a female wolf, not a wolf cub," the hammer reminded.

"The mother wolf is pregnant." Xu Feng smiled.

"Xufeng, you! You beast!" The hammer almost jumped up.

Xufeng quickly suppressed the hammer and said softly: "What is it called? I didn't do it!"

The Hammer said grimly: "You caught the pregnant mother wolf, and you will snatch her cubs in the future. This is enough for a beast in itself!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, I never advertised myself as a gentleman."

The hammer snorted, "I don't care about you anymore."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Hammer, you are a bit weird recently."

"Where is it?"

"I can't tell you," Xu Feng said with a smile: "I used to feel that you were careless, like a man, but recently, I found that you have become more and more feminine."

The hammer's body shook slightly, and then he concealed: "How is it possible! I think you can't hold it anymore, right? I can warn you, I take you as a brother! If you dare to have trouble with Laozi, just want to , I will smash walnuts for you to eat."

Xu Feng got a cold crotch and quickly said: "Good brother, don't worry, I promise to take you as a brother!"

With that said, Xu Feng put his hand on the waist of the hammer.

The hammer said angrily: "What are you doing?"

Xufeng said frankly: "I treat you as a brother, isn't it normal for brothers to hug and hug each other?"

"is it?"

"Yes!" Xu Feng said: "Unless you don't treat our relationship as brotherhood at all, but as a relationship between men and women."

"Of course I didn't!" said the hammer: "Isn't it just a hug? Normal!"

"That's right, this is too normal." Xu Feng immediately rode one leg up.

The hammer's heart thumped, and for the first time she felt red and red. It was even hotter than staying next to the hot smelting.

Xufeng yawned contentedly, and soon fell asleep.

Chapter 65-I Wish You A Long Life

Thorin stood on the edge of the rock and looked into the darkness for a while.

Sure enough, there was no faint howling of the wolf around, and the uneasy feeling that surrounded him was also calmed a lot.

But he was not happy about it.

Their team had only left the Shire area, and even the Breland area had not passed, and they were spotted by the Orc scouts.

What does this show?

This shows that these half-orcs have already been alert to his movements.

It also shows that the scope of half-orcs' activities is no longer limited to the terrifying Misty Mountains. I am afraid that there will be traces of half-orcs or other monsters in places like Breland, Berkland, Mengshui Marshes, and Fengyun Ridge.

Thorin didn't understand. It was obvious that the Alliance army had already wiped out Sauron's body. The monsters had lost their leader, and they should have been wiped out. Why did the monsters feel like they have come back in the past ten years?

Also, what is the origin of this human named Didi?Why could he kill two fierce and cunning half-orc scouts by himself?

If this human being is really here to help him, then there is great hope for his restoration.

However, if this powerful person does not really help, but covets the treasure in the Gushan Palace, what should be done?

"Want a bite?"

Gandalf did not know when he stood beside Thorin.

Thorin frowned slightly, annoyed at his surprise.

Although Gandalf is a reliable ally, it is still a big mistake to let Gandalf get close to him silently.

The king should always be alert.

This was taught to him by his grandfather, Sol, the old king of Gushan.


Thorin shook his head slightly, drove away the messy thoughts, and said lightly: "You know, Gandalf, I don't smoke."

Gandalf grinned and said: "I used to think I didn't smoke, but since I tried Shire's tobacco, I have no other hobbies."

Thorin glanced at Gandalf's gray beard. "I wish you a long life."

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