Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 958

Gandalf laughed, "Long live a hundred years is cursing me. If I can only live a hundred years, then I, the archmage of the Holy White Council, would be too embarrassing."

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Gandalf, you are the Archmage of the Holy White Council. According to legend, you have witnessed the first era of Middle-earth, and together with the main gods, defeated and exiled the mighty Morgoth. In the Second Age, he led the Alliance army and killed the invincible Demon Lord Sauron."

Gandalf spit out two eye circles and said with a smile: "That's all rumors."

Sauron said in a deep voice, "Everyone respects you, Gandalf. With your appeal, can't you help us organize an alliance army and take back the lone mountain that belongs to us?"

Gandalf took two sips of Shire tobacco, and then sighed: "It's easy to form an alliance army. People in Middle-earth have different hearts and minds. Each has its own interests. What's more, White-robed Saruman As the speaker of the Saint White Council, he feels that we mages should not interfere with your own grievances, and your own affairs should be resolved by you."

Thorin frowned and asked, "Then why are you still helping us?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "Because I am friends with your Oakshield dwarves."

Thorin said: "You are friends with many races, such as humans, elves, and hobbits."

Gandalf smiled and said: "Yes, I hope that each of your races will be safe and happy, but... I have witnessed the fall and extinction of many families. I don't want this to happen to your Oak Shield family. "

Thorin nodded heavily at Gandalf, "Gandalf, you are a truly trustworthy friend, and I, Thorin Oakshield, will never forget this."

Gandalf smiled and said, "I hope we can succeed this time."

Thorin glanced in the direction of Xufeng, "Gandalf, is there really nothing wrong with that human? He seems to be too powerful, and with his strength, he shouldn't be silent in Middle-earth."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Did you say Mr. Diego? Yes, he should have some little secrets, but who of us has no secrets? It doesn't matter if there are secrets, as long as he is sincere to help us, that's fine. ."

Thorin asked uneasy: "Do you think he really came to help us?"

Gandalf took a puff of smoke. "Don't you think it?"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "I don't know, I always feel... he doesn't belong to us."

Gandalf chuckled, "Sorin, you don't have to worry about it. Although I don't know their secrets, with my instinct as a mage, I believe that they are not malicious to us."

Thorin nodded, "To be honest, I don't believe them, but I believe you."

Gandalf leaned slightly and returned to his position.

The more the night gets into the early morning, the colder it gets.

The bonfire in the camp is always burning.

Thorin always stood on the cliff and looked far away, not afraid of the erosion of the cold wind.

In the next morning, the dwarves got up one after another.

Instead of making traditional boiled beans, they took out the instant noodles that Xufeng gave them and soaked a bowl of hot water.

Such food is delicious and quick for them.

It would take at least an hour and a half to get out of the camp, but after having instant noodles, the dwarves completely cleaned it up in only half an hour and set off on the trip to Gushan again.

As for Xufeng's killing of two orc scouts last night, Xufeng didn't say it himself, nor did Thorin mention it, so the other dwarves naturally didn't know.

For Xu Feng, this is not something worth bragging about. The only thing he wants to do is to protect Thorin and Bilbo.

As for Thorin, he didn't want to cause unnecessary confusion. Of course, he was slightly jealous of Xufeng's achievements.

With one's own power, killing two elite scouts of half-orcs will definitely admire other dwarves.

Thorin didn't want his people to worship a human mercenary.

The dwarf team continued on, and after crossing the sprawling ridge, they came to a wide river.

"What kind of river is this?" The Hammer asked curiously, "Is the Anduin River?"

Gandalf smiled and shook his head, "No, this is the Brandy River. The Anduin River is at the mouth of the distant Misty Valley."

"Brandy? Wine?" The Hammer asked in surprise.

Gandalf blinked. "Brandy is wine? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Hammer quickly smiled and said, "Oh, that's what I heard wrong."

Gandalf smiled and said, "This river originated in the Brandy Mountains, so it is called the Brandy River. And the Brandy Mountains are the mountains we just passed by."

The hammer nodded slightly, "After walking for a day, I just walked out of the Brandy Mountains."

Gandalf smiled and said: "Yes, leaving the Brandy Mountains is really leaving the Shire area. The warm climate in the Shire area is actually because the Brandy Mountains block the cold air and hot air, and after passing the Brandy Mountains , The territory in front of us has entered the kingdom of the human race-Jarno."

Chapter 66 Don't Enter!

"The Kingdom of Jarno!" Bilbo said excitedly: "I know this. I have also met a young prince from the Kingdom of Jarno. He is here to negotiate the purchase of Shire tobacco for the royal family of Gondor. He was very polite, so I gave him a very friendly price. The prince should be called... Well, Arazon?"

Xufeng's brow moved slightly.

Alashon, is the father of the future king Aragorn!

The history of Middle-earth is really closely related!

Gandalf nodded and smiled: "Well, Arasson is very good. I think he is the best person who has the opportunity to unite the three kingdoms of the human race, Arno, Rohan, and Gondor."

Bilbo smiled and said, "I hope he will live a long life."

In fact, Aragorn gave birth to Aragorn two years after his marriage. When Aragorn was two years old, Aragorn was ambushed and killed. The kingdom of Yarnuo was disrupted, and the unity of the three kingdoms of the human race was once again stranded. The mother of Aragorn can only send the two-year-old Aragorn to the Elven Kingdom and hand it over to King Elrond to raise.

It was not until Aragorn was twenty years old that King Elrond told Aragorn that he was the king of the human race, which inspired Aragorn's ambition to revive the human race.

Of course, these were all things that happened later, and these things, whether Bilbo or Gandalf, were unpredictable.

Xufeng already knows the future plot direction, but at this time, he can only remain silent. His goal is not to save the human race in Middle-earth, but to complete a series of rewards.

The most important thing is to maintain harmony with all forces on the premise of completing the series of rewarding tasks.

Bilbo likes Prince Arathon because of his friendly neighbor mentality.

Humans have three kingdoms, the northern one is the Yarnuo Kingdom, the lower one is the Rohan Kingdom, and the southernmost one is the Gondor Kingdom.

Originally, these three kingdoms are all of the same origin. They are all descendants of the Dendan tribe. Their first king is the prince who cut off the hand of the demon lord Sauron Ring—— Esiduo.

Esidor and Elf King Elon are very good friends. After cutting off the Lord of the Rings, the two supported each other towards the Doomsday Volcano to melt the devil, but at the last moment, greedy desire swallowed Esidor. Esiduo took away the demon king and proclaimed himself the emperor of the human race.

Of course, he was indeed worthy of this title, because he was the first human being to cut off the hand of the demon king.

He established an extremely powerful Kingdom of Gondor, but then in the second year of the Second Age, he was hunted down by orcs and ring spirits, and died on the banks of the Anduin River. The Lord of the Rings in his hand also fell and disappeared. .

After the death of Emperor Esidor, a power struggle also occurred within the Kingdom of Gondor. A royal bloodline went all the way to the north and established the territory of Jarno. With the increase in population, the army and economy have grown. Nuo gradually formed a kingdom.

Later, a Rohan Kingdom appeared between the two kingdoms. The Rohan Kingdom did not have the true bloodline of Esiduo. The only ones with the blood of Esiduo were the Gondor Kingdom and the Yarnuo Kingdom.

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