Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 961

For people in Middle-earth, magic is definitely a superior skill.

Those who can use magic skills are either the noble elves or the sub-god Maya.

Don't look at Gandalf's usual joking, but as a secondary god of Maya, when it is time to shoot, he will still unambiguously shoot.

"What happened!"

The captain in heavy armor ran down from the arrow tower. His heavy steel armor slammed on the narrow wooden stairs, and the entire arrow tower was trembling.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "This is the gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council, Gandalf."

"What? This!"

The captain's eyes widened suddenly. Although it was not easy to see his eyes through the thick iron helmet, Xu Feng still saw them.

The captain looked at Gandalf, who was covering his face, and then at the fire pit on the ground full of flames and ashes. Then, with his straight waist, he saluted Gandalf, "Respected Mr. Gray-robed Mage, I didn’t know it was you who came here! If you announce your identity outside of the city, your subordinates will treat you with courtesy."

The Holy White Council is well known!

The mages of the Holy White Council are all kind to all races in the alliance, and the status of the five great mages is like a king!

A small captain in the town of Bray naturally dare not disrespect Gandalf!

Gandalf waved his hand, "I don't blame you for this matter. I didn't explain my identity first. It's just that your subordinate, you must take care of it, and don't be arrogant."

The captain nodded and bowed, "Yes! Yes! Master, you are right, I must punish Milne."

Gandalf immediately pointed to Xu Feng and said, "This is an outstanding swordsman of Human Race, Mr. Diedi."

The outstanding swordsman of the human race?

How did I not hear it being said?

The captain gave Xufeng a surprised look, and quickly bowed and said, "Hello, Mr. Diedi."

Although I have never heard of it, the captain dare not neglect at all. After all, this is the person next to the gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council!

Xu Feng said faintly: "You don't have to be polite, captain, just call me Diedi."

"...Yes." The captain said in a solemn way.

Gandalf admired and said: "Look, Diego is so approachable, he clearly possesses peerless martial arts and wisdom, but he never lets anyone call him husband. It's so noble!"

Xu Feng grinned, "I'm sorry, Gandalf."

How noble is he, he wants to take advantage.

The captain asked cautiously: "Mr. Gandalf, why are you two here? There is obviously a terrible plague here. I advise you two to leave as soon as possible."

Gandalf frowned and said, "What are you talking about? I am the gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council. A plague has occurred in the place where the human race lives. Should I just stand by and watch?"

Xufeng asked: "Sir, Captain, haven't you asked for your name?"

The captain said immediately: "I'm called Lucius, the captain in charge of Bray Town."

Xufeng nodded, "Then, Captain Lucius, can you give us a general description of this plague?"

Lucius sighed in the thick iron helmet, "Two adults, please sit down."

Gandalf said coldly: "No, we are short on time, Captain Lucius, you can make a long story short."

Chapter 69


Captain Lucius didn't dare to disobey the gray-robed mage Gandalf, and immediately told Gandalf and Xufeng about the plague in Blay Town.

It turned out that the plague broke out three days ago.

This is also the reason why Gandalf did not receive notification from the Holy White Council.

If he had known that there was a plague here, Gandalf would definitely choose to postpone the Gushan Expedition, and first solve the plague here.

The plague happened without warning. First, a child in the town had a lung disease. After seeing the doctor, the doctor only said it was a normal cough, prescribed some herbs to treat the cough, and left.

I don't know that the next day, the child's illness did not disappear at all, but began to cough up blood.

First, he coughed up red blood, and in the evening, he started coughing up black blood. Before dawn on the third day, the child died.

The family members who lost their children were very angry, thinking that the doctor must have prescribed the herbal medicine indiscriminately that caused them to lose their beloved son. So they gathered a group of neighbours and went to the doctor's house to ask questions.

After they arrived, they discovered that the doctor had also fallen ill and started coughing up blood like the dead child.

The doctor closed the door desperately and told everyone that this was an infectious plague he had never seen before.

The neighbours in the neighbourhood suddenly became confused and hurried to escape from the doctor's house.

However, the efficiency of the spread of the plague was too high. The child's parents started coughing the next day, and neighbors who were in close contact with them also started coughing.

Immediately afterwards, the entire street was infected with the plague, and the townspeople all hid at home and did not dare to go out.

Of course, there are also some townspeople who want to escape the plague place of Bray Town, but the captain Lucius who is responsible for guarding here again heard about the incident, immediately blocked all the town exits, ordered the townspeople to stay at home and dispatched The commander was sent to report to the higher commander.

During the two days waiting for the order, a large number of residents of Bray Town died. Originally there were more than 3,000 people in the town. In just two days, more than 760 people died.

The whole town of Bray was terrified, and no one dared to go out and contact other people.

But the problem is that the townspeople don't have much food in their homes, and the source of drinking water is also a huge problem. If this continues, I am afraid that the entire town of Bray will be wiped out if it does not last a week.

After spending two days in panic in this way, the higher-level instructions finally arrived.

The superior commander asked Captain Lucius to stick to the town of Bray and not let any of the suspected residents of the town be released. As for medical reinforcements and video reinforcements, Prince Arsson has been recruited urgently, and it is believed that they will be sent to the town of Bray soon.

Hearing this, Gandalf couldn’t help frowning, “It will take at least five days to get from Jarno to the town of Bray, and it will take at least one or two days to raise supplies, which adds up to a full week. Maybe it will survive?"

Lucius said helplessly: "Even if you can't make it through, you have to endure it. The townspeople in Bray Town are really miserable, but...I can't let the townspeople infected by the plague leave here and bring the entire human race to annihilation. Disaster. I block the town gate and may be hated by the whole town of Bray, but I will never become a sinner of the human race because of this."

Xufeng nodded, "Captain Lucius, you are doing the right thing. You have to use extraordinary means in extraordinary times. This is helplessness. How many soldiers do you have in the town and what is their condition?"

Lucius immediately replied: "We have a whole team here, originally there were 50 people in total. It stands to reason that this kind of force is more than enough to garrison a non-frontier town and maintain public order in this town, but Once we encounter disasters, we really can’t do anything. We can’t do anything except block the town.”

At the end, Lucius blamed himself quite a bit.

Xufeng asked: "Am I infected among the 50 of you?"

Lucius said helplessly: "Yes, nine people were infected, eight of them have died, and one of them was placed in an abandoned warehouse 500 meters away from the arrow tower. How is it? Calculated by time, I'm afraid... the soldiers are my siblings. As the captain, I should have protected them, but now I can only watch them die tragically."

Xufeng wanted to comfort the sad captain, but in the end he held it back.

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