Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 962

In the face of disasters, people are always powerless, and only time can heal the wounds.

Xufeng asked again: "How do you understand the situation in the town?"

Lucius said immediately: "Our arrow tower was built around the entire town of Bray, which is why we can block the entrances and exits in such a fast time. But regarding the situation in the town, we actually I don't know it very well, I can only stand on the arrow tower and watch from a distance."

Xufeng asked again: "So, are there any town residents who rushed into the arrow tower and wanted to escape?"

Lucius hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "Yes."

Xufeng asked: "Then how did you stop it?"

Lucius said helplessly: "We first shouted out to advise them to stay indoors and not to come out to gather, so as not to be infected, but there are still people who want to escape. I can't say that such people are selfish, but if they are allowed to carry the plague If the pathogen escapes, then I will be the sinner of the entire human race. So... I ordered the soldiers to bend their bows and use arrows to frighten them."

"Is it effective?" Xu Feng asked.

"Thank God, it's still effective now." Lucius said with a wry smile: "But maybe next time, there will be no such deterrent."

Hearing this, Mrs. Gan Dao kept asking: "Captain Lucius, please tell me the truth, if there are townsfolk attacking the arrow tower, will you really shoot them?"

Lucius was silent for a while, then said in a hoarse voice: "I think I will."

Gandalf asked, "Even if they might not have been infected by the plague?"

Lucius said: "I can't be sure about this. What I can be sure of is that everyone is suspected of being infected. Therefore, stay at home quietly at this time, nailing their doors and windows, and not letting bloggers infect themselves. The right thing is to not give yourself a chance to infect others."

Gandalf said: "You have to know that if you shoot any innocent civilian, you will be punished by human laws."

"I know." Lucius Stanran smiled, "Why do I want this? It's just that something happened to me, so I can only do this. Even after another time, I was smashed by the townspeople of Bray Town. It’s better to die than to let the plague spread out of my hands. Let’s put it this way, I’m ready to take the black pot, this pot is already black, and I happen to be in this position again. Come back?"

Gandalf nodded, "...you did the right thing, although I don't want to admit it."

Chapter 70 Black Blood Plague

Xufeng asked again: "How are your living supplies? How long will it last?"

Lucius sighed, "We originally had strategic materials. Strategic materials should be enough for our team of fifty people to eat and drink for a year. If we distribute these materials to the townsfolk, I believe it can last for about a week. "

Gandalf asked: "Then why don't you give it?"

Lucius smiled bitterly: "Because, we have never really obtained strategic materials. Remember the abandoned warehouse I told you just now? That warehouse should have been full, but it has been empty for several years. ."

"Why is this?" Gandalf asked.

Lucius said helplessly: "This is about to ask our superior quartermaster. I used to urge him to ask for supplies, but he always used various excuses to prevaricate. Of course, this is not what I worry about the most, I The most worrying thing is, if Prince Arsson has collected relief supplies this time, what if it is handed over to the quartermaster again?"

Gandalf asked, "What is the name of the quartermaster? Where does he live now?"

Lucius said: "His name is Gould and he lives in the Nernhaen military fortress. The Nernhaen military fortress is about one day away from here. Even if you ride a fast horse, it will take half a day, Nern Hahn is to the north of us, and the relief supplies from the capital of Jarno can only be delivered to us through Nehahn."

Gandalf thought about it slightly, "After all, Prince Arsson's first batch of relief items should be able to pass through Neenhahn."

Lucius said worriedly: "That's what I said, but I am worried that things will not be so easy."

Xufeng asked: "Are you worried that the quartermaster named Gould will make you a trip in secret?"

"Maybe I think too much. After all, it's an extraordinary period." Lucius said comfortingly.

Gandalf looked at Xufeng, "Diedi, what should we do now?"

They have roughly understood the situation here. As for what to do next, it is the most difficult to decide.

Xu Feng thought for a while, "First of all, we don't understand the situation in the town yet, so we have to go to the town to see it first, and then make a decision after understanding it."

Captain Lucius quickly said: "It's absolutely impossible! Both of them are people with status and status. Go to the town, if they catch the plague, then..."

Although he did not go on, the implication was obvious. Even if the Archmage of the Holy White Council was infected with the plague, he could not enlarge the mage to leave.

Of course, with his strength, wanting to keep Gandalf and Xufeng, that is absolutely idiotic.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Don't worry, Captain Lucius, we have taken care of it. If we are infected with the plague, we will self-quarantine without you."

Captain Lucius still shook his head, "No, no, it's definitely not possible."

Gandalf said: "We don't need to obey you, I'm afraid even if your Prince Arsson is here, we can't stop us."

Lucius thought for a while, and finally sighed helplessly, "Well, Mr. Gandalf, you are right. If you insist on entering the town, then please be at least ten meters away from the townspeople. Be careful that their breath will spread the plague germs to you."

Gandalf said lightly: "Okay, I see, let your people open the door to the town."

Lucius paused slightly, and finally said in a deep voice to the soldiers behind him: "Didn't you hear Mr. Gandalf? Open the gate to the town!"

Several soldiers quickly opened the gate of the arrow tower on the inside, and Xufeng and Gandalf walked out immediately.

As soon as they walked out with their front feet, the door behind them suddenly closed.

Xufeng shook his head and smiled, "This is really ready-made, but it is a very time, and it is understandable."

Gandalf sighed: "I remember that the town of Bray is a bustling human town. I didn't expect it to be so depressed now."

The two stepped out of the long corridor of the arrow tower, and saw rows of spiked wooden rafts outside the arrow tower, and some of the spiked wooden rafts could still see dried blood.

These things are naturally used to prevent the townspeople from attacking.

It can also be imagined how critical the situation in the town is now.

After walking through these spiked rafts, it is not so easy to return to the arrow tower.

Xufeng pointed to a dilapidated warehouse not far away and said, "There should be a soldier's material warehouse. Lucius said that there is an infected soldier there. Let's go there first."

"Good." Gandalf nodded.

Although, in terms of Gandalf's age, qualifications, and identity, Gandalf should be in charge of this situation, but in fact, the whole situation is involuntarily controlled by Xufeng.

After the two walked outside the warehouse, Xufeng put on the gloves he had prepared for a long time, and pushed the broken wooden door of the warehouse.

However, although the wooden door was broken, it was not pushed open.

Obviously, someone used a heavy object to withstand it.

Xu Feng asked in a deep voice, "Is anyone inside?"

After a while, a weak voice came from inside, "I'm infected, please leave this place quickly."

Xufeng immediately asked: "Are you a soldier in the town? What is your name? How are you now?"

The man hesitated for a while before whispering: "My name is Leiden, a soldier in this town. I was infected with this terrible black blood plague while preventing the townspeople from attacking the arrow tower. This is my first day. Infection, I have already started coughing up red blood. In one day, I will start to cough up black blood. After coughing up black blood, I will die. You must not come near me."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Leiden, you are a man."

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