Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 963

Leiden said bitterly: "This gentleman, if you can, please tell me my mother in River Valley, tell her...I love her, I did this to prevent this damn plague from spreading to my hometown. ."

Xufeng said moved: "Leiden, you are a good son. Now, I want to ask you, do you know the situation in the town?"

Leiden said: "In normal times, I know the people in the town better. I know the situation in the town."

Xufeng said, "Your captain Lucius said that more than 700 people have died in the town. Is this true?"

Leiden said: "Not exactly, I mean, the captain is a good captain, and his method of forcibly closing the city is also correct, but he is sometimes too careless, and he can't go deep into the town to check. The casualties are just based on the number of townspeople who hit the arrow tower yesterday. There were thousands of people who hit the arrow tower yesterday. If you remove the old, weak, sick and disabled, the team leader thinks that at least seven or eight hundred people have died. .Actually...the residents of Bray Town are mostly kind-hearted. They know that the plague they have contracted will be transmitted to others, and they are willing to stay at home consciously and wait for the rescue of the Royal Family of Arno...cough, just They are too hungry. This year’s crops have not yet begun to be harvested. The previous years’ grains have been eaten up. Now is the most blue and yellow time, they have nothing to eat. If this continues, these people will not be infected by the black blood plague. You have to be starved to death! Therefore, the most urgent task is to deliver clean food and clean drinking water to the people in the town as soon as possible, so that they can stay at home with peace of mind, so as to suppress the black blood plague!"

Chapter 71: The Pharmacist's Attempt

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "Leiden, what you said is very reasonable, we will find a way to rescue, now, I want you to do one thing."

Leiden inside asked, "What's the matter?"

"Open the warehouse door and let me check your current situation." Xu Feng said confidently.

As soon as he said this, even the gray-robed mage Gandalf next to him was shocked.

Without understanding the origin of the black blood plague, he rashly approached the infectious body, this...

It's just to die!

Gandalf thought to himself, with his current strength, I am afraid that he can't resist the plague. Even as a secondary god of Maya, in addition to endless lifespan and mana, the body is still the same as human beings and will suffer from pain and disease. !

And while Gandalf was still worried, "Diedi" took the initiative to ask to see the pathogen!

... Noble!

Gandalf felt ashamed.

A secondary god created by the fifteen main gods, his consciousness is not as high as the young man around him!

Gandalf's admiration for Xufeng emerged spontaneously.

In fact, Xu Feng's doing this is not noble.

However, in order to contain the plague, at least the state of the infectious body must be seen first.

If you enter the town directly, you will be unfamiliar with the place, and it is easy to get around further and further after entering. Secondly, it is not clear how severe the plague is, and how far it can go.

And the warehouse is relatively empty, there is only one infectious body inside, and there are still very disciplined and responsible soldiers, then there is no better opportunity than this.

Therefore, Xu Feng asked to see Leiden.

Leiden said immediately: "No, this lord, this is very dangerous. This is not only irresponsibility for your own life, but also irresponsibility for all lives outside."

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Leiden, you are a good soldier. I admire you very much for this. But, please believe me. I am actually a pharmacist. I carry a kind of medicine. It may be possible to suppress the Black Blood Plague, but I must try it. If the attempt is successful, we may be able to save the village of Bray."

Leiden was startled, "Are you a pharmacist? Can you treat the plague?"

Xufeng said quickly: "I can't guarantee, but if you let me see your status first, I think I will be a little sure."

Leiden said excitedly: "I understand! Please step back ten meters first, and I will open the door."

"it is good."

Xufeng immediately backed away from Gandalf by ten meters.

Leiden walked to the door with heavy steps, moving away the heavy objects one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the warehouse door opened a gap first, and an unpleasant decay smell came out of it.

Fortunately, Xufeng and the others were standing ten meters away, so when the rotten odor passed over, they automatically disappeared into the air.

After a while, a slender soldier with brown hair and sallow complexion appeared in front of Xufeng and Gandalf.

This soldier looked very young, in his twenties, with a few green pheasants hanging on his face.

But his eyes were extremely firm, completely looking like death at home.

The warriors of the human race are really respectable.

Xu Feng was in awe of the human warriors of Middle-earth.

The soldier was leaning on a simple crutches in his hand, his chain mail was untied, his forehead was full of sweat, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and he looked extremely weak and tired.

However, he still tried to straighten his waist, not wanting to lose his glory as a human warrior.

"Lyden," Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "I am the person who spoke to you just now. My name is Diedi, but you can call me a pharmacist."

He didn't want to take advantage of an unsung hero like Leiden.

Leiden grinned hard, "Hello Mr. Pharmacist, I strongly recommend that you and your friends step back a little bit. I'm afraid my gasping germs will splash to you."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, you have seen it, we have done a lot of protection-this one next to me is the gray-robed great mage of the Holy White Council, Gandalf."

Leiden's eyes widened in surprise, "Grey-robed Mage!? This is really great, there are pharmacists, and the archmage, it seems Bray Town is saved! Cough!"

Speaking of the excitement, Leiden coughed a few times again. When he coughed, his back could not be straightened at all, but he still covered his mouth with his hand to prevent droplets from splashing to Xufeng and the others.

When he opened his palms, his sallow face became pale.

"It's late..." Leiden said painfully, "I have started coughing up black blood, which is earlier than I expected."

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "I think your body is weak, but your consciousness is still sober. Are other people who are sick like you?"

Leiden thought for a while, "No, it may be that my physical fitness is better than them. Most people who are infected have fever and talk nonsense, then shortness of breath, chest tightness, and constant coughing of black blood. I think I have a fever later than them ."

This plague germ should have destroyed the lungs of the infected person. Since good physical fitness has stronger resistance than poor physical fitness, theoretically speaking, as long as the body's strength is increased, it can pass through the body's immune system. Destroy the poison of the plague in the body.

Of course, this theory is not clear to the people in Middle-earth, but at least one thing Xu Feng can be sure of is that the lethality of this plague is not too strong, but the contagious power is relatively strong, and its lethality The power has not reached the level of the necrotic plague.

In this case, Xu Feng also had a bottom in his heart.

After all, he is a wild alchemist, and he has been following the master alchemist Mixiu for more than a month, and he still knows a lot about basic pharmacology.

In addition, he also has some basic modern medical knowledge, and these comprehensive factors add up, he can completely make an antidote to cure this black blood plague.

His overall idea is also very simple, which is to combine the antidote pill formula made by Mi Xiu with the recovery potion formula, remove unnecessary materials, and then formulate the anti-blast medicine soup.

Of course, Xufeng has to experiment first before preparing it.

Xufeng said: "Leiden, I have two pills here. If you take them together, this pill may heal you, or it may not change anything, or it may kill you immediately, if you wish. , I'll take it out for you to eat."

Leiden grinned, "Mr. Pharmacist, I am willing to try. Anyway, I don't have much time to live, so you can treat me as a doctor!"

"Okay." Xu Feng immediately condensed his mind and took out a detoxification pill and a powerful recovery pill...

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