Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 966

After leaving several houses in a row, I finally saw people alive.

Leiden shouted loudly: "Hanks, this is Leiden! How is your situation?"

"Leiden?" A trembling voice came from the crack of the door, "You, haven't you been infected? Why are you still alive?"

Leiden immediately said loudly: "Yes, I was indeed infected, but the pharmacist behind me gave me two kinds of medicine, and I was alive again!"

"What? This is a lie?" Hank said through the door panel, "How can there be such a magical medicine? And, how can there be such a young pharmacist?"

Leiden said helplessly: "What I said is true! In addition to the pharmacist, the other, but the famous gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council, Gandalf!"

"Huh, you said he is Gandalf, is he Gandalf?" Hank said coldly, "I think you are trying to trick me to open the door and take away my few rations? Stop dreaming, I am I will never open the door to you."

Leiden frowned in annoyance. Just as he was about to reprimand, Xu Feng waved his hand, "Leiden, needless to say, he is safe now - Hank, just stay in the room and don't come out. How soon will food aid and medicine aid come."

Hank asked suspiciously, "Can you really treat the plague?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, didn't you see it? Leiden is fine now. If he had not been cured, he would have vomited black blood and died. Don't worry, this plague is not a big deal, soon It can pass."

Hank breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God, if that's the case, that would be great! Oh, yes, I heard that someone is organizing an attack on the Arrow Tower, Leiden, go to the town center to stop them.".

Leiden said immediately: "Okay Hank, stay home by yourself, don't run around! My pharmacist, it seems we must get to the center of the town as soon as possible."

"Yeah!" Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Lead the way ahead!"

Chapter 74 Bray Town Square

At this time, the most feared thing was that the townspeople gathered and stormed the arrow tower.

There are not many soldiers guarding the town of Bray, and now only about 40 can fight.

And the townspeople gathered together as many as thousands!

If the townspeople scattered and attacked the arrow towers on all sides, the soldiers would be unable to defend themselves!

The final result will be that the arrow tower is broken, and the townspeople with the plague toxins fled out of Bray Town and infected all the surrounding towns!

Once the scale of the plague expands, it will be devastating. Even if Xufeng has a cure for the plague, it will not be able to prevent everyone from being infected with the plague.

Once the plague continues to spread on a large scale, the entire plot of "Unexpected Journey" will collapse, and their reward mission will not be completed!

This is much harder than in the movie!

"Leiden, hurry up!" Xu Feng couldn't help but urged.

Leiden said as he trot, "I will be here soon, Master Pharmacist! Turn the corner in front, and it is the square in the center of the town!"

Xufeng walked a few steps tightly, and vaguely heard the noisy shouts of the townspeople.

The rally is going on. On the platform of the square, there are a few leading young townspeople, and under the platform, a large group of townspeople gather in Wuyang and Wuyang.

Every townsman wears a simple mask, just covering his mouth and nose, and there are many people who have a slight cough.

Such a gathering will double the spread of the plague toxin!

A young townsman standing on the stage raised his arm and shouted: "Brothers, sisters! We can't just wait to die like this! The Jarno dynasty has left us alone, they only want us to die quietly! Don’t spread the plague to them! They don’t care about our life or death. If we don’t want to do anything, we will starve to death by ourselves before the plague kills us!"

"Davin, it's easy for you to say! Why don't we want to rush out? But the guards have bows and arrows! We were almost shot to death by them last time!" The townspeople objected loudly below.

Many townspeople nodded one after another, echoing this statement.

The leader named Davin said: "Last time we were not ready! We did not expect that the group of guards would really dare to shoot arrows at us! Since they really want to deal with us, then we don't have to be polite to them! This time, everyone listens to me, we disperse the assault!"

"Scatter the assault?" Some townspeople said worriedly below: "The last time so many of us attacked together, we couldn't rush through the arrow tower. Isn't it even more impossible for us to rush out this time?"

Davin laughed, "Those guards are only 40 people, how can they be able to guard the four entrances? Every 200 of us hit one entrance and they will certainly not be able to stop them! Once a hole is opened, they will never stop. I want to stop us!"

"Davin makes sense!"

"It's just that if they really shoot arrows, wouldn't someone die?" Some townspeople were still scared.

Davin said grimly: "Stay here is to wait for death! Either be infected by the plague, or starve to death! If you rush out, there is a glimmer of hope!"

"that's right!"

"Let's rush out!"

"Go! Get out!"

The townspeople underneath became restless and shouted.

Davin was about to divide the townspeople on the square into four teams. Suddenly, three figures were seen flying over the townspeople's heads, and they flew onto the high platform of the square.

The townspeople present all exclaimed.

"That's... Leiden?"

"Damn it! It's really Leiden! This guy dared to appear here! Kill him! Kill him!"

The townspeople were angry and shouted to kill Leiden, but no one dared to step forward.

The reason why they hate Leiden so much is mainly because Leiden was the soldier who was responsible for blocking them in the impact yesterday.

The soldiers blocked the shock at the cost of infecting eight people.

The townspeople naturally knew that Leiden was also infected with the plague virus.

Now, this living plague virus stood among them, and they only had fear and anger in their hearts, but no one dared to step forward.

Davin gritted his teeth and said, "Leiden, how dare you come here?"

Leiden settled a little.

Just now, he was caught by the back collar of the armor by Xufeng and flew directly to the stage.

They were 100 meters away from the platform, and there was a wall of more than 30 meters between them, and the "pharmacist" was able to leap over the crowd directly while dragging him and Gandalf, and then steadily Falling on the stage, this really made Leiden feel indescribable shock.

Of course, he doesn't have time to be shocked now, he wants to quickly suppress this brewing disaster.

Leiden cleared his throat and said loudly: "You townspeople, please calm down and listen to me carefully! I am Leiden! The guard soldier of Bray Town! When you stormed the arrow tower yesterday, I was unfortunately caught by the plague. Infected! And the reason I was infected, it means that in your team, many people have actually been infected with the plague, but they are selfish and unwilling to face this reality. I want to go out and infect more innocent people!"

Davin laughed coldly: "We are all people who have not been infected! The reason why you are infected is because of your bad luck!"

The townspeople below shouted:

"Yes! We are all uninfected people!"

"We are leaving here!"

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