Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 967

"No one will come to save us, we can only save ourselves!"

Leiden pressed his palm and shouted loudly: "Everyone! Calm down! Calm down! As you all know, I was infected. So logically speaking, I should cough black blood now! But I have nothing to do now. No! Don’t you find it strange?"

The townspeople underneath suddenly looked at each other.

Indeed, if calculated according to time, Leiden should be coughing black blood, weakened, and unable to walk, but he is clearly living and vigorous now, and he can't see the illness at all.

Leiden said loudly: "You don't have to guess, let me tell you directly! I was indeed infected with the plague. Half an hour ago, I was still hanging by a thread! But now I have been completely cured! And healed My man! This is the pharmacist by my side——Diedi! The old man next to the pharmacist is the gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council, Gandalf!"

As soon as this was said, the entire square was in an uproar.

Everyone knows the name of the Saint White Council.

Even if anyone does not know the name of King Jarno, they will know what the Holy White Council means.

Da Vin, who had a sneer on his face, couldn't help looking at Gandalf in astonishment.

The townspeople below are even more talking.

Gandalf slowly raised a hand, brewing a blue magical halo, and then, the halo soared into the sky, exploding a gorgeous magical firework in the air.

The townspeople below were all excited at once.

"Yes! It's the Archmage!"

"Only the Archmage of the Holy White Council can have such mana!"

"It turns out that the Saint White Council did not abandon us!".

"Since the pharmacist can save Leiden, he can also save us!"

Even Darwin who organized the shock operation couldn't help asking: "Really, can it really cure the black blood plague?"

Chapter 75 No one is silent!

Xu Feng looked around and said calmly, "This black blood plague can be cured. Leiden is a good example. So you don't have to panic at all, just wait at home with peace of mind."

Some town residents shouted: "My pharmacist! We respect you, but... you let us stay at home. Doesn’t it mean that we wait to die? We don’t have anything to eat or drink, and we can’t keep going. That's it!"

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Your Prince Arsson is raising supplies. I will help you find a way. Moreover, so many people have to treat the plague. I have to go to nearby places to get more medicinal materials. ."

When the townspeople underneath heard that Xufeng was about to leave to look for medicinal materials, they suddenly exploded.

They finally had some hope, and they never wanted to let hope pass by.

Xufeng pressed his palm, and finally calmed down the townspeople.

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "I can understand your feelings, but since things are already in this situation, we should face them calmly and act with a problem-solving mentality. You call, you shout, you really can Can the plague disappear? Or can we really get supplies immediately?"

Darwin said unconvincedly: "We can rush out and ask the surrounding towns for food and drink! Ask the surrounding towns for medicine!"


Many townspeople echoed Darwin's words.

Xufeng pressed his palm, but this time, no matter how much he pressed, he couldn't calm the townsfolk.

Gandalf condensed magic and slammed a fireball on the fountain in the square.


The dry fountain stone sculpture was immediately blown to pieces by the fireball!

"Quiet!" Gandalf looked around angrily. "Diedi has something to say. When he speaks, no one is silent!"

The scene really fell silent.

Who dares to offend an archmage of the Holy White Council?

Xufeng nodded to Gandalf, "Thanks, old Gan."

Gandalf said happily, "Diedi, go ahead."

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "Towners, I can understand your feelings, but please think about it, what can you do if you rush out of Bray Town? The plague has been spreading for three days, and other towns have already suffered. Knowing the situation here in Bray Town, all guards are taking strict precautions. Even if you rush out of Bray Town, can you really enter other towns? No, you will be shot to death by random arrows."

Davin opened his mouth, then raised his hand again.

Without the permission of Gandalf or Xufeng, he dared not speak casually.

Xufeng nodded, "If you have something to say, please."

Davin said frankly: "My pharmacist, we are unarmed civilians. If the guards dared to shoot at us, they would be butchers and executioners. They would be cursed by thousands of people! Everyone would be ashamed of them. !"

Xufeng shook his head, "No, on the contrary, the world will not think they are ashamed, but will think you are ashamed. You carry a plague that can infect the entire human race. Although you don’t have weapons in your hands, you yourself It is a highly lethal weapon! No people in any town will welcome you, and they will support the guards to shoot you."

Now it becomes awe-inspiring.

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "I know that when I say this, it will be difficult for everyone to accept, you will feel wronged, you will feel that fate is so unfair, but this is fate. Fate has always been cruel and ruthless, you can What we do is to accept this cruelty and do our best to survive. Escape from here will not make you better survive, but only by trusting me can you survive."

Xu Feng's remarks were very light, but his innate leadership qualities were very convincing.

The townspeople who originally wanted to rush out to survive, all changed their minds at this time.

Even Da Vin, who was on the stage inspiring the townspeople to attack the arrow tower, lowered his head in shame.

Indeed, he only thought of attacking the arrow tower of Bray Town, but forgot that the surrounding towns would not accept them at all.

They now have no other choice but to rely on the hope of a "pharmacist".

Seeing that everyone is gradually returning to reason, Xu Feng said: "Even if you don't believe me, you should believe in your prince Arsson, and even if you don't believe in your prince, you should also believe in the saint white next to me. Gandalf, the Great Grey-robed Master of the Council. As long as you maintain a steady state of mind and go back to your homes, we guarantee that before tonight, we will let each of you eat warm food and have a good medicine to cure the plague!"

The townspeople present all cheered excitedly.

Wait another half day, of course they can do it!

Davin said immediately: "In this case-townspeople, let's all go home, go home separately, don't gather together, wait for the pharmacist to rescue us at night!"


"My pharmacist! You must come!"

"My pharmacist! Someone in my family has the plague, can you please raise your hand and save my family first!"

"My pharmacist, I also have patients!"

"My pharmacist, I, I have also been infected!"

Some townspeople still don't want to just leave the straw.

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