Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 968

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "My time is limited, Leiden, you can manage the order here. You will gather all the infected people in the abandoned warehouse first, isolate them, tell them, wait. After I come back, I will give priority to the patients in the warehouse. If they are not in the warehouse, they may not get my first treatment."

Leiden said: "Yes! Your pharmacist! Let this matter go to the next!"

As he said, Leiden shouted loudly: "Towners, there are people infected with the plague in your home. Please send them to the warehouse in Zhenkou for isolation. The pharmacist will give priority to treating patients in the warehouse!"

As soon as the townspeople heard this, they no longer entangled Xufeng, and rushed back to their homes and took the sick family members to the warehouse for isolation.

Xufeng and Gandalf took the opportunity to leave Bray Square.

Gandalf heaved a sigh of relief, "The impact incident has finally been eliminated, but, Diedi, you said you can get supplies in half a day. I'm afraid..."

Xufeng asked: "Lao Gan, you are a gray-robed archmage, can you use teleportation magic?"

Gandalf was startled, then nodded and said: "Yes, but I have only teleported myself, and did not try to teleport anyone else."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Now, it is a good practice opportunity."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Well, let me try it-where do you want me to teleport us to?"

Xu Feng said without hesitation: "Nernhahn Military Fortress."

Chapter 76-After the Nobility

"Understood." Gandalf immediately condensed magical energy, and a magical blue light lingered around him, and then, a clear magical rune array appeared on the ground.

"Stand by my side," Gandalf took a deep breath, "I hope I can successfully teleport."

Xufeng calmly walked to Gandalf's side and said with a smile: "I believe you, old Gan."

Gandalf concentrated his mind, thinking about the approximate location of Neenhahn in his mind. Then, the magic flashed around him, and Xu Feng and his figure disappeared under control at the same time.

On the ground, only a trace of a burning magic rune was left.

On the other side, in the fortress of Neenhahn.

A blue light fell from the sky, and two figures faintly appeared in the blue light.

"All alert!"

A man with the appearance of a captain shouted loudly, and the surrounding soldiers stared at blue light vigilantly.

The blue light gradually faded, and the two figures gradually became clear.

The young is naturally Xufeng, and the old is naturally Gandalf.

Xufeng took off the healing mask on his face and said to Gandalf with a smile: "Old Gan, you succeeded."

Gandalf smiled tiredly, "It's okay."

This time, the distance was not too far, but it actually consumed a lot of his magic energy.

But having said that, if he can use mass teleportation to spread people to far away, then there is no need to organize any dwarf expedition team, just teleport Thorin and the others.

"Who are you! You dare to break into the military fortress!" the captain roared loudly.

It is a very important thing now. The heartstrings of every soldier are tense, not only because of the plague that is happening in the distant town of Bray, but also because Prince Arsson will arrive here soon, so the security work must be done well.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are not enemies. My name is Didi. This is the gray-robed archmage of the Holy White Council, Gandalf! You should have seen it just now. That is the teleportation magic used by Gandalf. We teleported directly from the town of Bray to your Neinhan Fortress by teleporting magic."

The captain looked at Xufeng and Gandalf in astonishment. He felt that Xufeng was joking, but he did see clearly the magic teleportation scene just now.

How could it be possible if it weren't for a real archmage?

The captain hesitated for a moment, then bowed and said, "Sorry, Archmage, I didn't recognize you. I'll go and notify your commander."

Gandalf took off his mask and waved his hand. "No need."

He took out Shire tobacco, lit it with fire magic, and then took a few sips and exhaled a series of smoke rings.

Shire Tobacco is also very effective for him to restore magical energy.

The captain could only stare at Gandalf "coolly".

After taking a few more puffs, Gandalf said contentedly: "I'm not here to see your commander, I want to see your quartermaster."

"Huh?" The captain was taken aback.

"What?" Gandalf frowned. "My words don't work well?"

The captain said quickly: "No, no, it's just that the subordinates are a little strange."

To be honest, as the gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council of Gandalf, even Prince Arsson came to visit him, but Gandalf now does not see the commander, but wants to see the military supplies. Officer, this is of course very unconventional.

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "Don't ask so much, just get the quartermaster for me."

"Yes, I'm going now." The captain saluted, and then hurried out.

The other soldiers stood solemnly, afraid to show any disrespect.

After a while, the captain ran over with a chubby man.

The captain's armor clinked, but the atmosphere was not coming out and he was full of energy, while the fat guy was sweating profusely and panting like a cow.

"Archmage! Welcome to the military fortress of Neenhan!" Although the fat quartermaster could not catch his breath, he still greeted Gandalf very fluently.

Gandalf glanced at him coldly, "Are you the quartermaster here?"

"Yes!" The fat quartermaster took out a well-made handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his neck, and said with a big smile: "Yes, my name is Samson Hall, it’s Jarno Of the Hall family."

"Hall?" Gandalf frowned. "Who is Duke Milan Hall?"

Samson grinned and said, "It's my uncle."

Gandalf said: "I have met the Duke of Milan once, and he is a nice man."

Samson said triumphantly: "I am proud of my uncle."

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "Since you are a nobleman, I'll just tell you something - the materials in Bray Town belong to you, right?"

Samson smiled and said: "Yes, not only the town of Bray, but the military supplies of the entire five towns in the south of the Kingdom of Arno are under my jurisdiction."

Gandalf asked: "Then why is the military material warehouse in Bray town empty? There should have been enough food and drink for the soldiers for several years!"

Samson was startled, "Archmage, you, why do you say that? Could it be you?"

Gandalf said coldly: "Yes, we were from Bray town just now!"

Samson's face changed drastically, and the whole person stepped back subconsciously.

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