Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 969

Gandalf sneered and said, "Look at your timid appearance. It's far from your cousin's uncle. Okay, don't be afraid. Don't worry, we are not infected with the plague. Not only are we not infected, but It can also cure the plague."

Samson’s fat face returned to a trace of blood, and he smiled reluctantly: “It’s really the gray-robed great mage of the Holy White Council. The plague was solved with one shot. This is really great, ours The crisis can finally be resolved."

Xu Feng said coldly: "The crisis is far from being resolved."

Samson raised his brows. "This young man is?"

He saw that Xufeng dressed very ordinary, unlike a nobleman, and had no military rank, so his tone naturally became a little arrogant.

Gandalf said coldly: "This is the pharmacist Didi, who cured the first plague-infected person."

Samson immediately changed his arrogant attitude, and said flatly, "My pharmacist did such a deed at a young age. It is amazing! With such deeds, my pharmacist can become the royal family of Arno. The court doctor!"

How big are you!

Xu Feng couldn't wait to go up and kick it flying.

But thinking that this is an extraordinary period, it is not the most important thing to punish the quartermaster. The most important thing is to get the supplies as soon as possible and send them to the townspeople of Bray Town.

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "Samson, Bray Town is very critical now, you must immediately allocate supplies to support, and there can be no half-minute delay!"

Chapter 77 I'll settle accounts with him again!

"Yes, yes!" Samson nodded and said with a bow: "But... two adults, you are not in the house. I don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. Although I am a quartermaster, every town needs supplies. I have one on hand. There is no extra time."

This yin is against the yang, a set of dog things on the surface!

Xufeng suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice, "I don't need you to allocate extra supplies. I only need a few days of emergency supplies. You already owe a lot of military supplies in Bray Town. You only need to repay the supplies you owe. Just one click."

Samson said embarrassedly: "Well... yes, I admit that I do owe some supplies to the town of Bray, but other towns are also in urgent need of supplies. Besides, Prince Arsson is now calling on the whole kingdom to fundraise supplies. Well, as one of the four fortresses of the Jarno Kingdom, we naturally need to be expressed."

"What do you mean?" Xu Feng frowned and asked.

Samson grinned and said: "My pharmacist, your brain should be brightened. Our materials will naturally be donated to the town of Bray, but it is not now, nor is it directly handed over to you, but When Prince Arsson comes, give it to Prince Arsson, and then Prince Arsson will give it to you."

Gandalf frowned and said, "Why am I confused?"

Xu Feng sneered coldly, "I understand, but to put it another way, he wants to take this opportunity to show his merits to Prince Arsson!"

Samson smiled: "My pharmacist, don’t be so blunt, but it does mean that. Think about it, people all over the kingdom are donating, and we, as the four major fortresses, are in charge of five It’s shameful that the town’s institutions can’t get the supplies! We have to gather the supplies and let Prince Arsson know that we are doing things very seriously.”

Xu Feng sneered: "Yes, you just want Prince Arsson to know, but in fact, you don't intend to care about the lives and lives of the townsfolk of Bray Town. For your ridiculous political achievements, you don't care about the dire waters there.

Samson said quickly: "That's not the case. We are also trying to do things, but everything has to be done according to the regulations? Prince Arsson is the recruiter of this rescue operation. We are all responding to Prince Arsson. All the supplies are distributed by Prince Arsson, and no one else has the right to call the shots-so I can't help it either."

Gandalf roared angrily: "What a fool! Samson, do you know what you are doing? You stupid and despicable villain! The townspeople of Bray are so hungry that they want to hit the arrow tower, and you are here for A little bit of political achievement, holding on to the supplies!"

Samson spread his hands helplessly, "Master Gandalf, your scolding is so terrible, I'm really wronged, but I can't help it."

"You!" Gandalf moved the anger of Thunder, wishing that a fireball would directly burn Samson into black coal.

Xu Feng said coldly: "Forget the old Gan, it's not worth it. Condemnation and curse only work for those who have a conscience, like Samson who has no conscience, they will not care what you say. of."

Gandalf said angrily: "That can't let this kind of people be at ease!"

"Of course." Xu Feng said coldly: "It is meaningless to condemn people who have no conscience, so other methods must be used."

Samson said with trepidation: "I and I were ordered to act! You can't move me! I represent Prince Arsson and the entire Arno army!"


Xufeng slapped Samson on the face with a slap.

Samson's strength is about 45. It stands to reason that this is higher than Xufeng's strength level. However, his real combat power is really too bad. Xufeng's movements are like lightning. Samson even Without seeing how Xufeng made the move, he flew out and hit the wall heavily, unconscious.

Xufeng wanted to go up and do two more times, but Gandalf quickly stopped him, "Diedi, business matters."

If an officer was killed in a military fortress, it would definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, but now Xufeng wants to avoid extraneous branches as much as possible, and first obtain relief supplies to save the people in Bray Town.

As for this Samson, who has passed out, he will come out later, and settle the accounts after the fall.

Seeing Xufeng's action, the surrounding soldiers instinctively showed their weapons and surrounded Xufeng.

Gandalf said coldly: "Who dare to mess around? I forgot to tell you. Apart from curing the plague, this pharmacist is also an excellent swordsman. He can kill two elite half-orcs alone. ! In addition, my gray-robed mage is standing beside him, whoever is not afraid of death, rush forward!"

The guards stepped back quickly.

The captain said helplessly: "Archmage, if you do this, we really can't explain it."

Gandalf said coldly: "If you can't explain it, then you don't need to explain it. Just let your commander find me directly. Otherwise, let your Prince Arsson find me! Diego, let's go to the quarters warehouse."

"it is good."

The two immediately went to the direction of the quarters depot, and the guards voluntarily stepped aside, completely afraid to stop them.

The material warehouse of the Nernhaen military fortress has been overwhelmed by the donation materials sent from all walks of life. Many materials are piled outside the warehouse, so it is extremely easy to find.

Gandalf looked at the piles of supplies and said angrily: "This bastard! I'm going back to kill him!"

Xufeng grabbed Gandalf and said, "Old Gan, calm down, how did you persuade me to come? Let's do business first! The residents of Bray Town are waiting for us. We made an appointment with them. Before dark, Some supplies will arrive!"

Gandalf said bitterly: "Well, I'll settle accounts with him later!"

Just at this time, another batch of supplies arrived, food for ten carts, and the other two were various herbs.

Xufeng stopped these materials, checked the types of herbs, and then said in a deep voice, "These materials are just right, Lao Gan, let's take these!"

"Good!" Gandalf jumped into the lead car immediately.

Xufeng found a war horse and rode it on.

Regardless of the more and more soldiers gathered around, the two rushed to the direction of Bray Town, rushing to the convoy of supplies.

So many materials cannot be transmitted with Gandalf's mana.

At this time, Xufeng missed the hammer very much. If the hammer could prepare early and build a transporter, the problem would be much simpler.

However, if you have a transport vehicle, you may not be able to use it. After all, the vehicle burns oil, and it is still unknown whether Middle-earth has oil. Even if it does, it has to be refined before it can be used in a car.

Chapter 78 Prince Arsson

Xufeng and Gandalf drove towards the south exit of the fortress of Neenhahn.

The report had already been received in the direction of the south gate, so the gate was closed tightly, and hundreds of soldiers were waiting.

Gandalf drove the lead car and continued to wave his whip without any intention of stopping.

When the convoy was only thirty meters away from the gate, Gandalf suddenly stood together from the driving position, condensed a red ball of fire, and threw it heavily towards the gate wrapped in fine steel.

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