Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 970


With a huge shock, the door was blasted open by fireball!

The guards nearby were all dumbfounded.

This is a real mage!The Grey-robed Great Master of the Holy White Council!

Some people have never had a chance to see the mages of the Holy White Council in their entire lives, let alone see the mages using magic.

"Drive!" Gandalf slammed his whip, and the wheels of the twelve carriages rushed out of the fortress like a chariot.

By the time the guards responded, the convoy was gone.

The captain looked at the burning gate like a dream.

"Quick! Go and report to your commander!"


At the same time, in the commander's chamber, a soldier with a beard was hammering the tabletop angrily.

"Damn it! You beat people in our barracks? They also snatched the supplies we prepared for Prince Arsson!" The commander said angrily: "Assemble all of you, take them down for me!"

The guard next to him reminded: "Your commander, the other party has a lot of background!"

The commander said angrily: "No matter how big the background is, can he beat His Royal Highness Prince Arsson?"

The guard said helplessly: "In all calculations, he is really older than Prince Arsson. He is the gray-robed great mage of the Holy White Council, Gandalf."

"What?" The commander's expression instantly solidified, "You, why didn't you say it earlier? The Archmage of the Holy White Council came to our Neinhaen military fortress, that is our glory! Why didn't you inform me?"

"The archmage himself refused to let the notice. He only met the quartermaster and asked the quartermaster for supplies. The quartermaster said that these supplies were prepared for Prince Arsson, and the archmage became angry."

"Oh, this is a trouble!" The commander walked back and forth in the chamber with his hands behind his back. "What can I do? What can I do? How can I explain to His Royal Highness Prince Arsson."

At this time, a guard rushed in hurriedly, "Commander! Your Royal Highness Prince Arsson has arrived!"

"What?!" The commander was taken aback, "Why so fast? It will take at least a whole day to come from the King City of Jarno! By all accounts, Prince Arsson should be here at night!"

The guard said helplessly: "Yes, I heard that His Royal Highness is a person who is not resting on horses. He has changed horses four times along the way, and he rushed over with his guards in one breath!"

The commander said helplessly: "What a desperate prince! At this time, shouldn't princes and nobles like him stay away from the plague? Even if you want to raise relief supplies, you can call for it, why not stop running madly. The front line! Where is he now?"

The guard said: "We have reached the north gate of the fortress just now!"

"What? You said it earlier!" The commander was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, "I have to go out to meet you!"

"no need!"

With a powerful voice, a young knight walked in.

He was dressed in light casual clothes, no armor, or even chain armor or leather armor, but a cloth robe with a brown fur hood.

There was no crown symbolizing the prince on his head, and the young face was full of traces of dust.

If it weren't for ten white-robed knights behind him, and the knight's breastplate was engraved with the emblem of the Arno royal family, no one would think that this was the prince of the Arno royal family, His Royal Highness Arsson.

His Royal Highness Arsson is only seventeen years old now!

But he has shown rare maturity and determination!

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me!" The commander saluted quickly.

Arsson walked towards him and said, "No need to be polite, Commander, give me a glass of water to drink first. If you have bread, please bring me some bread. Oh, yes, my knights are also one day and one night. No food or drink, please take care of them too."

The commander was startled, and said quickly: "Ah! Yes! Your Highness, I will tell the kitchen to do a banquet!"

Originally thought that Prince Arsson would arrive in the evening, so the commander prepared a dinner, but it was noon, and the chefs might not have prepared the dishes.

Prince Arsson frowned and said: "Time is running out. I can't waste it at the banquet. I will save the banquet for later. Just get us some simple bread and tea."

"Yes! Yes!" The commander quickly ordered.

Prince Arsson unfastened his fur cloak and asked the commander: "How is the situation in Bray Town? Have you infected the new town?"

The commander hurriedly said: "Your Royal Highness, please rest assured that there are no residents in Bray Town to flee. In addition, I have sent people to rule the surrounding towns to guard against death and cut all the roads, so that even if there is a town in Bray Town. If the people escape, they will definitely not be able to enter other towns."

Prince Arsson frowned slightly, "Well, your method is correct, but... the townspeople of Bray are innocent. Although we want to prevent the spread of the plague, we should not treat them as us. At least, in terms of tone and attitude, don’t treat them as enemies."

The commander nodded quickly and said: "Yes! Your Royal Highness, what you taught."

Arsson asked again: "How many people are currently dead in Bray Town?"

"This?" The commander opened his mouth, "Probably... a thousand people?"

Arsson said in astonishment: "So many? In just three days, a thousand people died?!"

The commander hurriedly said: "No, no, 1,000 people were infected, and not many died."

Arsson asked: "Are there any exact numbers?"

The commander smiled bitterly and said: "Blay Town is an epidemic area. It is probably not realistic to get the exact number now."

Arsson sighed, "So did you."

At this time, bread and tea were delivered.

Arsson grabbed a piece of bread casually, and gnawed at it, and said, "My lord commander, I won't tell you any etiquette. I rode a horse for a day and I am really hungry."

The commander said with tears: "His Royal Highness Arsson, you are really a great prince! You will surely become a great king in the future!"

Arsson waved his hand, "Let’s deal with the plague first-how about the supplies in Bray Town? Did the uninfected townspeople eat and drink? Is the basic medicine enough? Is there any hope of curing the plague?"

"This one……"

A few questions in a row, just ask the commander dumbfounded.

At this moment, quartermaster Samson with a blue nose and swollen face rushed in and shouted as soon as he entered the door: "Your Excellency Commander! Your Honorable Commander! Those two guys took away the supplies we dedicated to Prince Arsson! Why are you? No one will be sent to catch them back!"

Chapter 79-Boromir's Sword

The commander was suddenly embarrassed.

He winked at Samson, but Samson's entire face was swollen, and his eyes were blurred. He couldn't see the winks the commander gave him, let alone Al who was sitting behind the table gnawing bread. Pine Prince.

Prince Arsson's face sank immediately.

What is the material dedicated to me?

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