Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 971

Those materials are used to rescue the town of Bray. After receiving the materials, they should be delivered as soon as possible!

Arsson suppressed his anger and continued to gnaw the bread.

But Samson said more and more vigorously, "The two guys attacked our fortress and declared war on the entire Kingdom of Jarno. Commander, what are you still hesitating about! Are you afraid of Gandalf? Even if he is a holy The gray-robed mage of the White Council, he can’t rob our supplies either! This is robbing Prince Arsson’s stuff! Good! Even if you dare not touch Gandalf, the guy named Diego next to Gandalf, you You can always kill, right? See if he beat me!"

Prince Arsson threw away half of the bread he had eaten, and said coldly: "Don't say it's someone else, even me, I want to smoke you."

Samson was startled, and then whispered: "Samson, Your Royal Highness."

Samson smiled coldly: "Huh, where did the hairy boy come out, dressed in tattered clothes, and nibbling on rough bread-do you know what I use for this rough bread?"

Prince Arsson pressed his anger and asked, "What is it for?"

Samson grinned and said, "I use it to wipe farts and stocks, hahaha!"

The commander hurriedly stepped forward and covered Samson's mouth, "Samson, you are crazy, this is, this is His Royal Highness!"

Samson laughed and said, "His Royal Highness? What are you kidding? How come your Royal Highness is dressed in such a tattered dress? Stop teasing!"

Two white-robed knights stood up, one twisted Samson's arm, and the other showed his sword.

Samson opened his eyes wide and saw the emblem on the white-robed knight clearly.

"Prince... Your Royal Highness! How could it be you?"

Samson said eagerly: "I was joking with you just now! Don't take it seriously!"

Arsson asked coldly: "I don't blame you for the insult to me just now. I don't know who is not guilty."

Samson said gratefully: "His Royal Highness, you are so magnanimous! You are really--"

Arsson raised his hand to stop Samson’s compliment, and said coldly: "Now, what I ask you, you will answer whatever, if there is a nonsense, I will let my captain of the Cavaliers cut you off, you see him Is this sword in your hand? This is the sword of Borromir, a symbol of the power of the Arno royal family. Although it is not as famous as the Nasir holy sword, it can also be called a good sword forged by the magic of the elves. . Owning this sword is equivalent to having the power to exercise royal power, that is to say, I can chop off your head without going through trial."

Samson was so scared that he nodded his head like smashing garlic, "His Royal Highness, please, I promise you that everything is true, and I will never deceive!"

Arsson asked: "How many supplies did you send out to rescue the town of Bray?"

Samson stunned, "His Royal Highness, this, these materials are all raised by you, I naturally keep them all for you, but what is hateful is that today two guys broke in and robbed twelve carts of materials. !"

Arson suppressed his anger, "You obviously have so many supplies in your hand, just to please me, so you don't care about the life and death of Bray Town?"

Samson said quickly: "Your Highness, the town of Bray is not saved! Instead of filling the hole, it's better to just do it. In short, the whole country will see that you have done your best, and everyone will only praise you. There are any complaints. And you don’t have to be near the town of Bray to avoid the plague.

Arsson said coldly, "Is this what you really mean?"

Samson said quickly: "Yes, Your Highness, I am loyal to Your Highness, and everything I do is for Your Highness!"

Arsson asked, "Who is the one who robbed the supplies? Gandalf?"

Samson hurriedly said: "Yes, Gandalf, the gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council, and a stinky pharmacist! Your Highness, I think it is necessary for you to protest to the Holy White Council, they have so roughly interfered with our Rescue, disrupted our original plan!"

Arsson smiled coldly: "You really dare to say it! Let me go to protest with the White Council? I really don't understand why Gandalf didn't kill you with a fireball. Well, Gandalf knows that this is the most important thing. It’s not to vent their anger, but to rescue the town of Bray. How long have they been away?"

Samson said quickly: "Soon, at most half an hour."

Arsson nodded and said, "Well, they are driving a carriage, so we will catch up."

Samson’s eyes lit up, “Yes! Your Highness! We’re catching up with him! Catch them back and clean them up! Gandalf is not easy to offend, it’s a big deal to let go, but the pharmacist named Diego, must Give it to me, I will cut off his head with my own hands."

Arsson smiled coldly, "You reminded me that I am chasing Gandalf empty-handed. It is indeed a bit inappropriate. I have to get a gift."

Samson asked suspiciously: "What gift?"

Arsson sneered and said, "Your head."

The white-robed knight captain next to him immediately drew the sword of Boromir and put it on Samson's neck.

Samson was so frightened that he hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness! What's going on? Didn't we just talk about it well! Aren't we going to get Gandalf back together? "

Arsson said coldly: "It's wrong, not to catch it, but to catch up and send them more supplies. You bastard, how many lives have been lost to the townspeople of Bray! I killed you not because you said just now. Insult me, but because of your dereliction of duty! Captain Cavaliers! Do it!"

Samson shouted: "No, your Royal Highness, the Duke of Milan is my cousin!"


The sword of Boromir was cut down, and the head of the grand-nephew of the Duke of Milan fell to the ground.

Arsson said coldly: "Wrap his head, bring some emergency supplies, and catch up with Gandalf and them."

"Yes!" The Cavaliers captain picked up Samson's head immediately.

The commander next to him was already frightened, for fear that Arsson would get angry, and even his fortress commander would chop him down.

In fact, Arsson also wanted to ask about the commander's crimes, but if even the fortress commander chopped it down, the entire fortress would be messed up. Now the fortress is a material supply station, so it can't be messed up.

Arsson said coldly: "Your Excellency Commander, do what you should do and use all the power you can to transport the supplies to Bray Town as soon as possible-I will wait for you in Bray Town."

After speaking, Arsson picked up his fur cloak and stepped out.

The white-robed knights also followed out immediately.

"Yes..." The commander trembled with fright, and didn't recover for a long time.

Chapter 80

After rushing out of the south gate of Neenhahn, Xufeng and Gandalf drove the convoy of supplies and quickly passed through the northern Bray wilderness.

This area has no name, it's just an unpopulated wilderness.

I can occasionally see a few mountain lions, but they are not a threat.

When the lions were not waiting for them to approach, Gandalf froze them in place with magical ice arrows, and then Xu Feng added another sword, and instantly killed these mountain lions that did not know the heights of the sky.

Gandalf turned his head and smiled at Xufeng, and then continued to run wildly in the carriage.

The two didn't have time to chat, just a smile was enough to express their feelings.

The road in the Bray Wilderness seems to be flat, but in fact it is not easy to walk.

Because it was a wilderness, no roads were built. The carriage full of supplies was quite bumpy and the horses were very strenuous.

After all, these horses were all pulling supplies to Neenhahn Fortress. They thought they would unload the truck and take a rest, but they were kidnapped by Gandalf and Xufeng.

The coachman in the carriage had escaped long ago, and Gandalf and Xufeng were watching them one after another.

Without the steering of the coachman, the horses are somewhat disobedient to supervision.

Xu Feng was faintly worried. Now that the return journey is only one-third, the horses have already shown a disobedient attitude. If this continues, it is estimated that the horses will not be willing to pull the cart after halfway through the run.

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