Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 975

The group speeded up, and the material convoy hurriedly headed towards the town of Bray.

Chapter 83

When it was just getting dark, the arrow tower in Bray Town lit up a loose torch early.

Lucius, the captain who guards the town of Bray, is very nervous. He and his men have not taken off their armor for three whole days and nights.

This armor can't stop the plague, but it can stop the townspeople who hit the arrow tower.

Lucius had been prepared for the impact of the townsfolk a long time ago, but for the whole day, there was no movement inside the town of Bray.

The gray-robed great mage Gandalf and the young man named Didi had never come out since they entered the town.

What happened inside?

Did Gandalf convince the townspeople?Let them stop attacking the arrow tower?

Or maybe, Gandalf and the others have been infected and are planning with the townsfolk to attack the arrow tower when it is dark?

Lucius felt more horrified the more he thought about it.

He told himself that he must protect the arrow tower in Bray Town and not allow any suspected infected person to leave here.

Although such decisions and practices are ruthless to Bray Town, they are the responsibility of the entire Middle-earth world.

"...Give me up!" Lucius shouted loudly: "The more we get to this time, the more we have to stand up! Do you understand it!"


His soldiers responded in unison.

One of the soldiers whispered: "Captain...We don't have much supplies. We can only last until noon tomorrow."

All the soldiers looked at Captain Lucius blankly.

Captain Lucius felt a pain in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Let’s hold on again. Tonight’s food will be reduced by two-thirds. After this calculation, we should be able to last two more days, two days... over there. The materials should be delivered."

"Yes, Captain!" The soldier saluted, turned and ran away.

Lucius looked at the black hole town of Bray, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

They are soldiers on the front line. Although this is different from fighting, it is no easier than a real war.

However, they are now facing a situation of isolation and helplessness, and even food.

Lucius clenched his fists hard and slammed the fence of the arrow tower.

"team leader!"

A guard in charge of sentry hurried over.

Lucius was startled, and asked quickly: "What's wrong? Are the townsfolk going to attack the arrow tower? Where?"

The panting guard hurriedly said: "No, captain, not the townsfolk, but outside. There is a convoy outside, rushing towards the north gate arrow tower."

"Outside? The convoy?" Lucius said in surprise: "Could it be that the rescue came? It won't be so fast? Go, go to the north arrow tower and see!"


Lucius hurried to the north arrow tower, and at this time, Gandalf and others had already arrived under the arrow tower.After listening to the book, Lucius asked loudly, "Who is outside?"

Gandalf laughed, "Captain Lucius, we only met during the day."

Lucius lowered the torch and took a closer look, "...Archmage Gandalf? What, what's going on? You have clearly entered the town of Bray before!"

Gandalf said quickly: "Captain Lucius, don’t be nervous. First of all, neither Didi nor I were infected, and Didi also cured one of your soldiers, the soldier named Leiden. In addition, Didi still Stopped a townsfolk assault that should have erupted at noon, and then we used magic to teleport to the fortress of Nehnhan and get some supplies back. If you still don’t believe it, please look back. You should know those knights wearing white robes and cloaks. They are the knights of the royal family, and what they are protecting is His Royal Highness Prince Arsson."

Arsson drove forward and said loudly: "Captain Lucius, you have performed very well in these plagues. Now I have arrived. Please open the door of the arrow tower and let me take over."

Lucius tearfully gave Arsson a solemn military salute, "His Royal Highness...It is really great that you can come so quickly! I will open the door!"

As he said, he took his men into an emergency action, and the door of the arrow tower was completely opened immediately.

The white-robed knights drove the materials into the arrow tower. After all the materials and vehicles including Xufeng, Prince Arsson, and Gandalf entered, they entered together.

After seeing Prince Arsson, Lucius immediately took off the iron bucket helmet on his head and knelt on one knee respectfully.

Prince Arsson said quickly: "In extraordinary times, don't stick to these etiquettes. Get up. It's not time to rest. You have to help us distribute the supplies as soon as possible."

Lucius said immediately: "Yes, Your Royal Highness, please do not hesitate to give orders!"

Arsson pointed to Xufeng and said, "You don't need to listen to my instructions, you can just listen to Diedi. In fact, even I need to follow his instructions."

Lucius' eyes widened when he looked at Gandalf in disbelief.

Why does he look at Gandalf instead of Xufeng?

Because he suspected that it was Gandalf who had performed confusing magic on the prince, he made the dignified Jarno the future king willing to listen to a commoner.

Arsson smiled and said: "Okay, don't worry, I am not fooled by any weird magic. Diedi is very experienced, and he has cured a person, and professional things are left to professional people. We all Listening to his command will not cause confusion."

"Yes!" Lucius quickly lowered his head and said.

Xufeng immediately said, "Arsson, since you trust me so much, then I'm not polite-Lucius!"

"Subordinates are here!" Lucius quickly responded respectfully.

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "You arrange for people to unload the truck, unload the food and drinking water, and then deliver it from house to house. Note that the materials must be placed ten meters away from their door and do not have close contact with the townspeople. "

Lucius hesitated, "Master Diego, it seems dangerous to do this, in case the townspeople rush out..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, they know that you will help them again. They will not attack you, and they will not take the opportunity to attack the Wrigley. Stabilize early."

"Yes! I'll go now!" Lucius immediately led someone out of the arrow tower.

Xufeng turned around and said to Arsson again: "Arsson, you send someone to send the medical supplies outside the abandoned warehouse, and then set up an open cauldron for me. I'm about to start making the antidote."

Arsson said immediately: "Well, I will implement this myself."

Xufeng said, "You still don't go there in person. The warehouse is full of infected townspeople. If you get infected, it won't be easy."

Arsson smiled and said: "I am a prince. I should stand with my people. Besides, even if you are infected, don't you have an antidote?"

Xufeng laughed, "Okay, let's go!"

Chapter 84

It got dark soon.

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