Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 976

The streets of Bray Town were empty, and every townsman was waiting anxiously in the house.

Some townspeople were already suspicious, they felt that they were deceived by Gandalf and Diego.

At this time, neat steps were heard from the street. This kind of stride was sonorous and powerful, accompanied by the sound of friction between metal armor pieces.

Everyone can tell that this is the army coming.

The townspeople are more worried. The people they want to wait for are Gandalf and Didi, and now the army is coming—is the army here to slaughter them?

All doors were closed, and some cautious townspeople blew out the lighted candles.

Captain Lucius was also very nervous and anxious. When he arrived inside the town, he found that the townspeople were more afraid than them, and his heart was a little more settled.

He cleared his throat and yelled loudly: "Towners, I am the captain of the Bray Town guard, Lucius! I know you can all hear me, so I will continue to tell you-Arsson The prince, Gandalf, and Diedi have already brought a batch of emergency relief supplies to our town of Bray. My task is to distribute these supplies for you. However, because the plague has not been resolved, we cannot directly meet face to face, so I ask everyone to stay in the house for the time being. We will put the supplies ten meters away from your door. After we are gone, you will come out to get them. Don’t worry, everyone. Everyone has supplies, and Lord Diego We have already begun to make the antidote soup, and we will be able to survive this plague soon!"

The townspeople in the house heard what Lucius said, and they burst into tears of joy.

Finally, after so long of suffering and worry, they finally saw hope.

After Lucius shouted, he arranged for his subordinates to distribute the materials to the door of each household.

After this street was finished, the soldiers evacuated, and then went on to another street to shout and distribute supplies.

After working for more than three hours, all the supplies were finally distributed, and Lucius and the others were also tired and almost collapsed.

A soldier reminded in a low voice: "Captain, the supplies are all allocated, but we have nothing left."

Lucius smiled, "His Royal Highness Prince Arsson is here, can we still have a stutter? This batch of supplies must be emergency supplies, and a large amount of relief supplies will be delivered soon. You don’t have to eat tonight, just eat the original amount!"

The soldier was relieved and grinned: "Yes!"

After the soldiers had gone, the townspeople carefully opened the doors of their respective houses and carried in the materials placed in front of them.

They were almost starving. After they got the supplies, they ate a lot, and the mood of the whole town returned to a relatively stable state.

At the same time, in the abandoned warehouse, Leiden is guarding the warehouse's door, preventing any infected persons from entering or leaving.

An infected person was already very sick, and they all began to cough up black blood, and their consciousness fell into a blur.

The other patients are hiding far away. They have been infected a long time ago, but they are still afraid.

Not only is he afraid of the seriously ill patient, but also afraid that he will be like that person in the future.

At this time, the white-robed knights arrived at the door of the warehouse, put down the medical supplies, and set up another cauldron.

Leiden looked at the busy white-robed knights in surprise. Of course, he knew that the emblem printed on the white robe was the emblem of the Arnor royal family.

Xufeng brought Gandalf and Arsson over.

"Leiden, how's the situation inside?" Lazy listening to the book

"My pharmacist! You are finally back!" Leiden said in surprise: "The situation inside is okay. No one has died yet, but one of them might not work."

Xu Feng said: "Go and take him out, and be careful not to have direct contact with him. Although you are cured and have plague antibodies in your body, you still need to be careful."

"Understood!" Leiden immediately rushed into the warehouse, using a piece of felt cloth, carefully carrying out the infected person who had lost consciousness.

The other infected people were shocked. They thought that Leiden was going to "dispose" the dying infected. When they leaned over to the window to take a look, they knew that it was the pharmacist who had returned!Also brought so many supplies!

All the infected cheered excitedly.

Xufeng looked at the situation inside and smiled at those infected, so that the infected people felt more at ease.

Xufeng pointed at Arsong and said, "Do you know who he is?"

The infected looked at Arsson through the glass, then shook their heads.

Arsson was handsome, but his clothes were too ordinary, just like ordinary people.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "You don't know him, but you should know the busy white-robed knights behind him, right?"

Leiden then reacted, "The white robe... the royal emblem... could it be said... this is... His Royal Highness Prince Arsson?!"

The infected people in the warehouse were all exclaimed.

Arsson stepped forward and said to the infected people in the window: "You townspeople, I am Arsson, your prince. I have already arrived with relief supplies, and soon there will be more supplies. I will help you with your hands. Please rest assured that the Kingdom of Yarnuo has never abandoned you! You will definitely be cured!"

"Thank you! Your Royal Highness!"

The infected person inside was moved sobbing, and everyone felt extremely warm in their hearts.

Xu Feng waved his hand, "Okay, don't get excited, so as not to cause unnecessary coughs. Arsson, stand back a bit, and let me and Leiden here."

Arsson said quickly, "Okay, Diego."

After Arsson retreated, Xufeng asked Leiden to place the infected person who had lost consciousness on the simple table that had just been built.

Xufeng took out a powerful recovery pill, broke half of it with his hand, and handed the half to Leiden, "Feed him down."

Leiden has immune antibodies, so he can come into close contact with the infected person, so Xufeng is also relieved to let Leiden do this.

Leiden immediately took the half of the powerful recovery pill, cushioned it with his gloves, opened the mouth of the infected person, and stuffed the pill in.

All eyes were on the infected person who was about to die.

Xufeng turned to add various herbs to the boiling hot water.

When the bitterness of the herbal medicine began to permeate, the infected person still did not respond.

Leiden couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "My pharmacist, half a pill doesn't seem to work, should we give him another half?"

Xu Feng looked up and observed, and said calmly, "No. This is not a question of the amount of medicine, but a question of the degree of his infection."

Chapter 85: Where Are You From The Onion?

Leiden said suspiciously: "But...I don't understand. When you saved me, you gave me a whole one."

Xu Feng said faintly: "You are you, he is him. Give you a whole one, not because you are a soldier, and half one for him, nor because he is a civilian, but because you are different in strength. With your strength, your body can withstand the dose of a powerful recovery pill, and with his physical condition, half of the pill is considered a strong medicine to him."

Leiden suddenly realized, "It turns out that's the case! But why is he still not awake now?"

Xufeng said: "His physical fitness is not as good as yours, and his infection is more severe than you were at the time. Although you started coughing and black blood at the time, your consciousness was still sober at the time, and the conversation with me was fluent. , And his current state is obviously much worse than yours."

Leiden asked, "What should I do next? Is he still saved?"

Xufeng said: "I will do my best-after the medicinal soup is cooked, you feed him to drink it."


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