Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 977

Leiden hurried to the pot, waited for the potion to boil, filled a bowl, and carefully brought it to the mouth of the infected person and fed him down.

Although the infected person is still completely unconscious, he no longer coughs black blood.

After drinking the detoxification potion, the infected person continued to lie there silently.

The crowd waited for a while, only to see that the infected person suddenly opened his eyes and vomited violently while covering his throat.

All he vomited was purple blood, and purple blood came out of his ears, nose, and eyes!

The infected people in the warehouse were all terrified, and they shouted over.

Prince Arsson also frowned, and he had a slight doubt about Xu Feng's antidote.

But Leiden let out a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Haha! Healed! Healed! Just vomit purple blood!"

Sure enough, after the person vomited a large pool of purple blood, his complexion returned to ruddy.

He opened his mouth with difficulty, and said dryly: "Water...please order some water with me..."

He had a fever for a long time and his body was already in a severely dehydrated state.

Leiden quickly handed him a glass of water, and by the way gave him another piece of cheese bread.

The man first drank the bull drunk, then ate it with big mouthfuls, even forgetting to thank Xufeng for his life-saving grace.

Prince Arsson said excitedly: "Diedi, you are too powerful, you can really cure the plague!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I am also a coincidence. This can only be said that our human race is not exhausted."

The person who was being treated thumped and knelt down in front of Xu Feng, "My pharmacist! Thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "Okay, let's get up, you have to eat something first, and then you need your help to treat other people."

"Yes!" tears filled his eyes with excitement.

Xufeng said to Leiden: "Go to the warehouse and let the infected people rank the number. The heaviest ones will come first, and the lighter ones will come later."

"Yes!" Leiden immediately returned to the warehouse excitedly and arranged the queue.

Arsson said, "Diedi, I'm completely relieved if you leave it here. Since there is nothing more to do here, I will take my Cavaliers Guard to find clues about the source of the plague infection.

Xufeng said: "Arsong, you and your people, drink a bowl of antidote soup before leaving. These soups can protect you from the plague."

Arsson said quickly: "Okay! Knights, each of you come and have a bowl." Baby "Yes!"

The white-robed knights thought that the poison soup was so effective, and immediately filled themselves a bowl and drank it.

Xufeng, Arsson, and Gandalf naturally drank a bowl.

In this way, they don't have to worry about being infected by the plague.

After Arsson finished drinking, he took the Knight Guard to find clues to the source of the plague.

Xufeng stayed outside the warehouse and detoxified those infected step by step.

This process is a bit long, but it is finally on the right track.

Those who are infected are no longer in a hurry. Instead, they should eat, drink and wait in the warehouse to applaud.

All night, Xufeng, Leiden and others were busy here in the warehouse.

More than a dozen severely infected people have been cured one after another. Although this speed is not fast, it at least stabilizes the situation.

"Diedi, take a break and have breakfast." Gandalf was moved and distressed as he watched Xufeng busy all night.

Xufeng smiled, "I'm fine, Leiden, you go to Captain Lucius and ask when the new batch of relief supplies will be in place."


As soon as Leiden turned around, he saw Lucius approaching with a large number of supplies and personnel.

Lucius first gave a military salute to Xufeng, "Master Diego, a new batch of relief supplies have arrived. These are pharmacists and doctors mobilized from all towns in the kingdom. I will give them all to you. Next, I will take people to distribute the townspeople's supplies."

Xufeng nodded and said, "Okay, thanks for your hard work, Captain Lucius."

Lucius said quickly: "No, you are the hardest thing, you are our great benefactor."

At this time, a middle-aged pharmacist walked up to the pot of potion, scooped up some herbal residues with a spoon, and said with a sneer, "What kind of messy herbs are these? These herbs can really solve the plague? Are you kidding? Hello, kid. , Where did you learn the theory of pharmacy? Do you know that if you dispense medicine randomly, you will be held accountable."

Before Xufeng could speak, Leiden rushed forward.

"Which green onion are you? You dare to say that, Lord Diego!"

The pharmacist sneered and said, "I am the royal pharmacist of the Arno royal family and the last pharmacist of the entire king!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Don't get excited, no one here says you are not the best. I am actually not a serious pharmacist. I am just a mercenary swordsman. I just got a prescription by chance. Zhang formula happens to be able to cure this plague..."

The pharmacist rolled his eyes and said, "What a coincidence? There was a plague here suddenly, and then you came, and then you still have a formula that can treat the plague? Maybe you brought this plague?"

"What are you talking about!?" Leiden wanted to step forward and grab the royal pharmacist by the neck, to see if he dared to be arrogant.

Gandalf, who was smoking, knocked his pipe and said coldly: "What Diego said just now is just a modest one. How can someone like you know his magic?"

The pharmacist glanced at Gandalf, "Where did you come out of the onion?"

Gandalf said coldly: "I am not a green onion, if I have to say where I came from, then I came out of the Holy White Council."

The pharmacist was surprised, "Grey Robe? Are you the Gray Robe Mage, Gandalf?"

Gandalf sneered and said: "Yes. Didi is my friend. I can see his every move. When you say bad things about Didi, you are despising me, the gray-robed great mage of the Holy White Council. "

Chapter 86

The royal pharmacist was scared suddenly, and you must know that the status of the Archmage of the Holy White Council is higher than that of the royal family!

Disrespectful to the Great Master of the Holy White Council, that would be unlucky.

The pharmacist hurriedly said with a smile: "Sorry, Master Archmage, I did not recognize you, but... I am a professional pharmacist. From my professional theory, this formula of your friend, I really am Do not understand."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "What you don't understand, doesn't mean it's wrong. I have cured a dozen people with this prescription yesterday, and they can all testify to me.


"We are all cured by Lord Didi!"

"When we were about to die, it was Lord Diedi and Archmage Gandalf who rushed in to help desperately! Now we are all cured, you guys afterwards, actually stood up and talked about it!"

The pharmacist’s face suddenly became a little uncomfortable, "What do you know? You are safe now. What if this medicine has side effects, or it just makes you look back? This prescription, I must take away, and then look for major experts. Do some research to make sure there is no danger, and then use it."

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