Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 978

Xufeng said coldly: "If you want my formula, just say it straight. I promised Arsson to give it to you, but...I have changed my mind now. I would rather give this formula to you. The townspeople of Bray Town who don’t know anything will not give you this kind of person. At least, the townspeople of Blay Town can use it to save people, but if you give it to you, you will only use it for fame or fortune."

"You!" the royal pharmacist roared angrily: "I am a serious pharmacist. I have passed more than 30 pharmacist examinations. You are a mercenary civilian, dare to question me? Humph! Before, His Royal Highness Prince Arsson has entrusted the treatment here to me! So here I have the final say! Even Grand Mage Gandalf, you can’t bother! I now declare that your medicinal soup is a dangerous formula, I You have to research first before you can continue to use it!"

All the people present shouted angrily.

This is undoubtedly tantamount to killing!

This kind of bastard relies on his own power to do whatever he wants!

Xu Feng's heart moved to kill.

Although this is a royal pharmacist, but Xufeng killed him, Arsson should not feel distressed.

Just when Xu Feng was about to do it, a quick horse rushed over.

It was no one else riding on the horse, but the captain of the white robe knight who had never met Xu Feng before.

He came back alone, with the sword of Borromir, which symbolizes kingship, on his back.

When the royal pharmacist saw that Captain Knight was coming, he immediately wanted to catch a savior, "Aha! Captain Garden! You are finally here, these unruly people do not obey my management, they want to rebel!"

Captain Gaden ignored the royal pharmacist at all. After turning over and dismounting, he gave a military salute to Xufeng, "Master Diego, I am on the order of the prince to come back and report to you. From now on, I will be with you. By my side, to help you solve some of the official obstacles. If anyone who doesn't have eyes dares to stop you, I will use this Boromir sword to chop off his head."

The royal pharmacist was dumbfounded.

He thought Captain Garden was here to help him, but he was here to help the other party.

Something must be wrong, right?

"Sir, Captain, you came back just right," Xu Feng smiled coldly, pointing to the dumbfounded royal pharmacist and said: "This guy said that my medicine is not up to standard, and he wants to take the formula away. I have made the antidote soup." The lazy man nodded listening to the book Jiaden, "I see."

After speaking, he walked in front of the royal pharmacist, and then slowly drew out the sword of Boromir, "This sword, just before the quartermaster Samson's head, Samson is the Duke of Milan Relatives, although the Duke of Milan may not remember that he has a relative like Samson, they are indeed related by blood. And you, do you want to try the sword of Boromir?"

The royal pharmacist threw a plop on his knees and said, "Master Garden! I was wrong! I shouldn’t or shouldn’t do this. I was actually out of good intentions. I wanted to use my professional knowledge to do better. Served by the townspeople."

Gaden raised Boromir’s sword high and said, “You are just trying to catch your fame, and you don’t think others are better than you. For people like you, I usually don’t take you too seriously, but now it’s a very time. If you dare to obstruct saving people, there is only one dead end."

"No, I'm not like that, I have seen the king, and the king cannot do without me..."

Before the royal pharmacist had finished speaking, the sword of Boromir in Garden's hand suddenly fell.


Blood Arrow Jet, the most and best pharmacist in the whole kingdom, just like this, his head fell to the ground.

The other pharmacists present were all silent.

Just now, some of them had accompanied the royal apothecary, and now their intestines were about to regret.

Garden said coldly: "Who else?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "There are no more for the time being, he is the only one."

Garden nodded, "Master Diego, I'm right next to you, lest there be any trouble—you guys, take the pharmacist's body away and listen to Master Diego's arrangement."

"Yes..." The other pharmacists were all scared to pee, and bit their heads and carried the body away.

Xufeng ordered them to set up a few more cauldrons, and then brewed the antidote medicine according to the formula.

With these pharmacists with professional skills, the efficiency of healing has been greatly improved, and Xufeng can finally rest for a while.

"How about Arsson? Have you found the clue to the source of the plague?" Xufeng asked Captain Garden at the same time while sitting resting and drinking Xingyue tea.

"That's right." Garden said in a deep voice, standing beside Xufeng, "We checked from the house of the first infected boy and found that the boy's puppet toy was stained with some strange dust, and we immediately Expanded the scope of the search, and finally found a cave in the direction of Bray Valley. At the entrance of the cave, there were broken cloth strips of puppets and the same dust. His Royal Highness judged that the source of the plague was probably hidden in that cave. ."

Xu Feng frowned and said, "Blay Valley..."

That's where they came, Thorin and the others are camping there.

Garden nodded and said, "Yes, that cave is very long, it seems to be the ancient tomb that leads to the valley. His Royal Highness felt that it would take a long time to go, so he sent me back to assist Master Diego."

"Cave, dust, ancient graves..." Xu Feng sighed quietly, "This sounds dangerous."

Garden pursed his mouth, and said with a worried expression: "Yes, it is true. I wanted to stay to protect His Royal Highness, but I cannot disobey His Royal Highness's orders."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's okay, you don't disobey Arsson's orders-Gandalf, Leiden, the things here are left to you, Garden, let's go and find your prince!"

Chapter 87

Garden was taken aback, and said quickly: "No, Lord Diego, His Royal Highness ordered me to stay by your side and do everything possible to help you. I am the captain of the knight. It is my honor and creed to obey orders, so I will never Against the orders of the prince."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will not violate Arsson's orders. Arsson orders you to follow me and help me, and I am going to help Arsson, so you are not against Arsson's orders. ."

"And... this kind of operation?" A smile appeared on Garden's staid face, "Master Diego, I really took you. However, the plague here is really okay. ?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The relief supplies here are already in place. The medical doctors and pharmacists have also learned my formula for curing the plague, and there is still Gandalf sitting here, there will be no problem. However, This does not mean that the plague has been resolved. The most important thing now is to find the source of the plague and cut off the spread of the plague."

Gaden nodded heavily, "It is not unreasonable for His Royal Highness to see you. Okay, I will take you to the valley cave."


Xufeng ate a bit of bread indiscriminately, and then turned over and rode on a black war horse brought by Garden.

This horse is very strong, with black oil all over it.

Xu Feng couldn't help saying: "Good horse."

Garden laughed: "This is the horse that Princess Gondor gave to our prince. The name is Chasing Shadow. The prince is usually reluctant to ride, and always feels that he is not worthy of such a good horse. Including him running for thousands of miles here, riding all Ordinary war horses just let the shadow chasing follow the big army. His Royal Highness sees that you don't have a good mount, so let me borrow the shadow chasing first.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, time is running out, then I won't be polite."

With that, Xu Feng turned on his horse.

The shadow chasing violently roared, and the front hoofs were raised high, almost overturning Xu Feng.

What a fierce horse!

Xufeng gripped the reins tightly, and his legs clamped the horse's belly like iron hoops.

Chaiying jumped up and kicked around for a while, but he could not leave Xufeng down.

In the end, Chasing Shadow could only stop panting, but his expression was still angry and dissatisfied.

Xufeng smiled and patted the mane of Chasing Shadow, "Brother, don't be so angry, I just ride you temporarily, your master is looking for the source of the plague, if you want to help, then take me over."

Chai Ying seemed to be able to understand Xu Feng's words, it immediately hissed, and no longer objected to Xu Feng riding on his back.

Seeing that Xufeng had tamed Chai Ying, Gaden was amazed, "Master Diedi, you are really a god, I forgot to tell you just now, Chai Ying is a descendant of Jun Yuan, and Jun Yuan was a descendant of Jun Yuan. The mount of the hero Esiduo who lost the finger of Demon Lord Sauron! Jun Yuan is a fierce horse that even Demon Lord Sauron dared to face, and its descendants are naturally fierce horses, except for their recognized master Besides, they almost never obey outsiders. His Royal Highness confessed specifically that if Chasing Shadow does not obey you, then let me give you my mount-unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, Just tame Chase Shadow."

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