Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 979

Xufeng smiled and said, "It turns out that this horse is a BMW of blood, and Arsson is really generous."

Garden rode his horse and flicked the reins, "Master Diego, please follow me."

"it is good."

Xufeng nodded at Gandalf, and Gandalf nodded immediately, which was regarded as farewell.

Then, Xu Feng rode to chase the shadow, and followed Garden.

The road to the valley is not easy to walk, but riding on the back of the chasing shadow, it is as stable as walking on the ground.

By the time he traversed the valley and reached the weird cave, Garden's horse was already out of breath, but Chase Shadow hadn't even beaten his nose.

It is indeed a good horse.

Garden rolled over and got off his horse. "Master Diego, there is a cave inside. The horses can't go in. We have to tie the horse here."

"Good." Lazy man listens to the book

Xu Feng also got off his horse, patted and chased the image with his hands, and then tied the rein to an old cedar tree.

The war horses of Arsson and the other white-robed knights are also tied here, which shows that they have been there for a long time, but they have never returned.

Xufeng walked to the entrance of the cave and carefully observed the black dust scattered on the rock wall of the cave entrance.

These dusts have a dizzying power and cannot be exposed for a long time.

It seems that Arsson's judgment is probably correct, and the source of the plague is in the cave.

"Go, go in and take a look."


Xufeng stepped into the cave first, and Garden lit a pine torch and followed closely behind.

The cave is extremely depressed, the air is very thin, the walls of the cave are moist, and there is a lot of water at the bottom of the cave.

But the stagnant water is not clean, but black and muddy.

The more you go inside, the stronger the smell of decay.

When they reached the end of the cave, they saw a tiny exit.

Garden sighed, "This cave really leads to the ancient tomb. It seems that His Royal Highness and other white-robed knights have passed here."

With that said, Garden wanted to go out-walking in such a claustrophobic environment was really uncomfortable.

Xufeng reached out his hand to stop Garden, and pointed to the knife mark on the rock wall of the cave.

Garden was taken aback, only to realize that he was a bit reckless just now.

As an experienced Cavaliers captain, he didn't notice the details around him!

The knife mark on the rock wall was obviously left just now, and it was quite messy. It seemed that it had been accidentally attacked and chopped up in a panic.

However, what is it that can make the experienced and powerful Knight Guards panic?

Garden's mood suddenly became anxious.

Xufeng pointed at the sky above the cave, and Garden raised the torch, and almost didn't scream.

Staring at the cave, a large group of vampire bats hung upside down densely!

Every bat is the size of an eagle, and the bat's claw wings are spread out, even two meters long!

Garden roughly estimated that there are at least two or three hundred of these vampire bats!

No wonder even experienced white-robed knights are panicked!

Even if the teeth of these bats are not enough to bite through the armor of the white-robed knight, the green venom flowing from the corners of the mouth is enough to corrode the steel in half a minute!

Garden whispered, "Master Diego, what should I do?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "The strength of these vampire bats may not be too strong, but if we attack in groups, we two will have no chance of winning together. Moreover, our goal is to find Arson first, so we don't I need to entangle these vampire bats here. I will draw these bats away first. You take the opportunity to rush out of the cave."

Garden asked in astonishment: "What about you?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I am fast, no problem."

Chapter 88 Vampire Bat

Garden hesitated, "No, His Royal Highness ordered me to help you and protect you. How can I leave you at this time and run to a safe place by myself?"

Xufeng frowned and said, "Captain Garden, you are too rigid. I am not letting you leave me to run, but I have to find a way to minimize the loss of the two of us. Besides, your prince also ordered you to obey me. Command and dispatch, I will let you pass first, do you want to violate my order?"

Garden said helplessly: "Then...well, Lord Diego, you must be careful."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I see, you are ready, once the vampire bat rushes towards me, you will press against the root of the wall and rush towards the exit in secret."

"Yes." Garden was ready.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Prepare..."

"Wait!" Garden seemed to think of something.

Xu Feng frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Garden held the Boromir Sword in his hand in front of Xu Feng with both hands, "This sword is the sword passed down to his second son Boromir by Esiduo. The blade is made of the best steel of the dwarf. And it was forged with the magic of the elves. Later, the Boromir clan left Arno and established the Arno dynasty, and this sword became a symbol of royal heritage."

Xufeng said in surprise: "You want to give it to me?"

Garden quickly said: "No, I don't have this right. In fact, Prince Arsson doesn't like force, so he gave me this sword of inheritance temporarily. The situation is critical now, and you are a trustworthy person. I can lend this sword to you temporarily. Please be sure to cherish this sword. After you use it up, please return it to me."

Xu Feng couldn't help but nodded, "Captain Garden, this is really hard for you. You are such a law-abiding and staid person, you dare to take the risk and give me such an important sword to use."

Garden laughed and said: "His Royal Highness did not stipulate that I cannot lend this sword to outsiders. Of course, as a sword guard, I will not lend the sword to unrelated or distrustful people at will."

Xu Feng said sternly: "Okay, Captain Garden, I promise you that I will borrow the Sword of Borromir for the time being. After passing through the cave, I will return it to you."

Garden nodded heavily, "I believe you."

Along the way, Garden's attitude towards Xufeng was a bit resentful and unconvinced, and then quickly turned into awe and admiration.

Captain Gaden has never admired anyone in his entire life, only Prince Arsson had been admired before, and now there is another Xufeng.

Xufeng solemnly took over the sword of Borromir. When he held the hilt of Borromir's well-maintained buffalo leather sword, the attributes of the sword of Borromir immediately appeared before his eyes. .

Extraordinary item: Sword of Boromir.

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