Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 981

After a rational analysis, Xufeng felt that the problem should not be that serious.

He nodded, "Anyway, we have to be more cautious." The lazy man listened to the book Jiaden said: "Yes, I think so too. In addition, I found the trail of His Royal Highness and their white robe. The knight brothers were injured in the battle with the vampire bats. We just need to follow the trail they left behind to find the past."

"Well, in terms of tracking, you are an expert, you can lead the way." Xu Feng said.

Garden immediately led Xufeng towards the ancient cemetery.

It was obviously in the wild here, but the sky was very gloomy, as if it was about to crack and collapse, and the air was full of rotten aura, far stronger than the rotten aura in the cave.

Garden said as he walked: "Your judgment with the prince is correct. This should be the source of the plague. The kid in Bray town discovered this cave a few days ago and then went in to play, but eventually got infected. The rotten plague in the ancient cemetery has infected the entire town of Bray. Only if we can find the source and destroy it, we can guarantee that the plague will not reproduce."

Xu Feng nodded slightly.

Garden is right, but there is still one thing worth thinking about-why no one entered the ancient cemetery before, but now a child broke in?

This ancient cemetery seems to have been opened recently.

When Xufeng was thinking about it, there was a strange sound in front of him.

Garden frowned and said, "What is that?"

Xufeng followed Garden's gaze, and saw that the black soil on the ground turned over, and skeletons and skeletons emerged from the decaying ground.

These skeletal skeletons have only skeletons, no flesh and blood, and they still have rust weapons in their hands.

Even if Garden was knowledgeable, he couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning again and again.


Xufeng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Garden, I will deal with the four on the left, and the three on the right will be handed over to you. Remember, you have to cut off their heads."

"...Yes!" Garden quickly stabilized his mind.

Xufeng was not nervous, so he naturally calmed down.

Although he didn't know what the undead was, but with Xufeng, he was not afraid.

Xu Feng didn't wait for the bones to rush towards them, so he took the initiative and rushed directly.

One of the undead bones screamed in a low voice, raised a knife and slashed at Xufeng's head, while the other three copied Xufeng from the side bread.

Their movements are unpleasant, but their strength is surprisingly fierce. If you go head-to-head, you will definitely suffer.

Xu Feng turned flexibly, avoiding the heavy blow of the first skeleton, and leaning towards the second skeleton. Before they could react, the sword of Triton in Xufeng's hand repelled the second. A skeleton skull, while it was leaning back, slashed horizontally with a sword, and directly chopped off its skull.

Skeleton No. 2 shook, and the body fell to the ground, and the bones were scattered all over the floor.

The other three skeletons continued to besiege Xufeng with a low roar, while Xufeng calmly and dexterously dodged them, using the same method to break them one by one!

When he solved the four skeletons, Garden was still fighting hard with the other three skeletons.

Chapter 90

Garden's combat strength is actually much stronger than these non-thinking skeletons, but these skeletons are not afraid of death or pain at all, and their attack power is amazing. Garden can't use his full strength for a while.

Although the Boromir Sword in his hand is a divine weapon, there is no way to deal with undead creatures.

These skeletons have no armor. The Sword of Boromir cannot shatter the armor, and cannot shatter the armor, and therefore cannot obtain additional armor value by breaking the armor.

Seeing that Garden was in a bitter battle, Xu Feng immediately rushed up, kicked one of the skeletons away, and then attacked from behind, with each sword slashing at the necks of the other two skeletons.

The skeleton skeleton had no thoughts, did not know how to dodge, was attacked from behind, and was unable to parry or block. Therefore, the skeleton was cut off by Xufeng within five swords.

The last remaining skeleton still rushed over unconsciously, and Garden greeted him bravely, using Boromir's sword to block the long knife of the skeleton.

Xu Feng followed closely, turning around and slashing, and directly chopped off the head of the last skeleton.

Garden breathed a sigh of relief, his brows tightened again as he looked at the scattered bones.

"Damn it! What are these things?"

"The bones of the dead, they must have been affected by some kind of evil force to become like this." Xu Feng said in a deep voice.

Garden said in astonishment: "Isn't the prince very dangerous? No, we have to find them quickly."

"Keep walking." Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Be careful to stay vigilant."


Garden continued to follow the trail left by the white-robed knights, Xufeng holding the sword of Triton, followed closely behind.

The ancient tomb is very large, almost as big as the town of Bray. The ancient tomb is surrounded by high mountains, and it is almost a vertical cliff with no slope. It is almost impossible to enter from the outside.

Similarly, it is impossible to get out of here.

Garden followed the trail to the depths of the ancient cemetery, and encountered two batches of undead bones drilled out of the ground on the way.

With Xufeng's help, they easily killed these two batches of undead bones.

After walking for another ten minutes, the smell of decay became more and more severe, and there was a miasma in the air, so that Garden's eyes could not help crying, and he could barely see what was in front of him.

"Master Diego, we seem to be lost."

After three turns, Garden had to admit that they were in a deadlock.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, felt it with her heart, and pointed her finger in one direction and said, "Go over there."

Garden said in surprise, "Master Diego, can you see clearly?"

Xufeng shook his head, "No, like you, I can't see the miasma clearly, but I found that the smell of decay in that place is stronger than that in other places, which shows that the source of the plague should be nearby— —Your Prince Arsson is so clever, naturally you don’t know."

Garden said in surprise: "Master Diego, your analysis is too correct, let's go over there-ahem!"

Garden couldn't help coughing a few times.

Xufeng also felt itchy throat.

"Fortunately, we have already drunk the antidote in advance, otherwise, we will definitely be completely infected by the plague." Xu Feng said in a deep voice.

Garden was also afraid of repeating, reducing the frequency of breathing as much as possible and continuing to walk to the place specified by Xufeng.

The two walked for another ten minutes, and the surrounding air became purple and black.

This is very similar to the purple blood vomited by the infected person when the plague was relieved.From this point of view, Xu Feng's analysis was very correct, and it was very close to the source of the plague.

After groping forward for a while, Garden stopped suddenly.

"There is movement ahead." Garden said in a low voice, and at the same time showed the sword of Borromir.

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