Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 982

Xu Feng was also ready for battle.

At this time, there were extremely rustling footsteps on the other side, as well as the slight sound of metal armor rubbing.

Xu Feng was startled slightly, and quickly said loudly, "Who is in front of you!"

The other side seemed to be stunned, "Prince Arsson has white knights! Who are you?"

Garden quickly put down his weapon and said loudly, "It's me, Captain Garden! And Lord Diego!"

"Captain Garden!"

"It's Captain Garden! Great!"

"Fortunately, we didn't make a move just now. Otherwise, we would just beat our own family."

"This damn ancient tomb, you can't see anything, cough!"

Garden walked in front of the white-robed knights and identified his men one by one, "Why are you the three? What about the Prince? What about the others?"

One of the knights quickly said: "Captain, don't worry, they are all in a col not far away. Three of us were injured. His Royal Highness is in a dilemma, so let us come out and investigate. Unexpectedly, we just got here. , I ran into you."

Garden said quickly: "Injured? Is it serious?"

The knight hurriedly replied: "One of them was bitten by a bat, and now he has a fever and talking nonsense, but he should not be infected with the plague. The other two were injured by a sneak attack by skeletons emerging from the ground. It is not a major problem."

Garden nodded slightly, "Go, take me and Lord Diego to see His Royal Highness."

"it is good!"

The three knights immediately led the way, and Xufeng and Garden followed immediately.

Soon, they came to what the knights called the Col.

This is not actually a mountain col, but only a depression between two rocks.

Arsson was shocked when he saw Xufeng and Jiaden coming.

"Diedi, why are you here?"

"The treatment situation in Bray Town is on the right track. By tomorrow morning, the whole town will be healed," Xu Feng said with a smile: "It's you, who just broke into such a dangerous ancient cemetery, you are not afraid of accidents."

Arsson smiled and said: "If the nobles are greedy for life and fear of death, who will protect the civilians? Do you rely on the civilians? What's the point of asking the aristocracy?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "But you are too reckless. This place is far more dangerous than we thought."

Arsson nodded solemnly, "Yes, before passing through the Bat Cave, I didn't think it was very dangerous. I initially judged that it was a plague caused by bats, but now it seems that it is not the case. Is the source of the plague."

Xufeng glanced at the knight behind Arsson, "How are their injuries?"

Arsson sighed, "Two skin injuries, one bitten by a vampire bat and fever. It's all to blame on me. They were injured just to protect me."

Garden next to him said quickly: "His Royal Highness, you must not blame yourself. It is our duty and glory to protect your safety!"

Chapter 91

"Let me check it." Xufeng walked to the three wounded knights and carefully inspected their wounds.

Prince Arsson and Captain Garden hurriedly stepped aside.

Xufeng first inspected two knights who had suffered skin injuries. One of them was cut through the shoulder armor by a rusty blade, and the other was cut through the leg armor.

The wounds are not deep, but rusty iron can easily cause sepsis, so it should not be underestimated.

Xufeng asked the other knights to find a clean knife, sprayed it with some high-quality wine, and roasted it on the fire for disinfection.

After the thorough disinfection, Xufeng used a knife to re-cut the injured parts of the two knights to remove all the bruises, and then bandaged again.

The two knights are indeed tough guys, they just gritted their teeth without saying a word.

Xufeng also suggested that they drink some alcohol first to act as an anesthetic, but they all shook their heads and said that they must not drink alcohol when performing tasks, even if it is just for anesthesia.

Soon, Xufeng cleaned and bandaged the wounds of the two of them, and the two knights were naturally grateful.

If it weren't for Xufeng to clean them up again, their shoulders and thighs would be necrotic. In the case of amputation, they would cause death.

Middle-earth is still in a relatively backward medieval civilization, and their medical standards and medical concepts are naturally very poor, and people from high-civilized planes like Xufeng can be respected by them with a little medical knowledge. Divine.

After treating the two knights, Xu Feng came to the knight who was bitten by the vampire bat.

The knight's face turned pale, his consciousness had fallen into a daze, and his body was constantly shaking.

Arsson said in a deep voice, "William was only bitten by a bat, but it seems that his injuries are heavier than the other two. If this continues, William will probably...how can I explain to his wife?"

Xufeng said: "Don't look at just getting a bite from a bat. This is more dangerous than letting the dead bones be slashed. Bats are the most heaven-defying creatures in nature. Their body temperature can maintain a fever of forty degrees all year round. For humans, fever is actually not a bad thing. Fever is a danger detected by one's own bodily functions, so all bodily functions are mobilized to automatically raise body temperature, thereby killing harmful bacteria and returning one's body to normal. For normal humans , Even forty degrees is a high fever, but for bats, the forty degrees fever mode is a normal mode. This makes bats’ bodies carry a large number of superbugs. If these germs fall on humans, they will cause It has a high fatality rate, but there is no feeling in the bat. Therefore, if you can't mess with the bat, don't mess with the bat."

Prince Arsson listened to Xufeng's words in horror. He turned around and whispered to Captain Garden: "Do you...understand?"

Captain Garden was taken aback, and then shook his head, "No, I know every word that Lord Diego said, but I can't understand them at all when they are connected together. Probably...that is, the bat is very powerful."

Arsson sighed: "Diedi, where did you learn all this knowledge? It was also given to you by your late master?"

Your master just passed...

Just as Xufeng was about to open his mouth to scold him, he suddenly remembered that he had told Gandalf that he was practicing in the mountains with his master. Later, when his master passed away, he went down the mountain to make a living as a mercenary.

Alas, well, it's just plot logic anyway.

Xu Feng nodded helplessly, "Yes, my master and her old man are gods and men." Wa Arsson said: "Yes, they are indeed gods and men, but unfortunately, if the gods are still there, I will The Erno dynasty must do its best to invite the gods out of the mountain."

Xu Feng smiled secretly in his heart, and then said: "Don't say so much, let me think of a way to see if I can wake up William."

"it is good."

Xufeng took out the last half of the powerful recovery pill from the last treatment of the plague, fed it to William, and took out another antidote pill, ground it into powder, and applied it to the bite mark on William's neck.

William's stamina began to slowly recover, and his face gradually returned to blush. After a while, he opened his eyes slightly.

"Thank God!" Prince Arsson let out a long sigh of relief, "William, how do you feel?"

William opened his mouth with difficulty, "Sorry, Your Royal Highness, you have troubled me. I feel... the whole body is paralyzed."

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "You need to rest, William."

Being able to wake up means that William is no longer a serious problem, but in order to remove the germs in his body, his physical strength has already been overdrawn so much that it is impossible to act again in a short time.

William glanced at Xufeng gratefully, "Thank you for your life-saving grace, Lord Diego, but...I am a white-robed knight, and a white-robed knight should not forget my mission until I die."

Prince Arsson frowned and said: "William, you are like this now, so don't try to do it anymore! You and the other two brothers stay here to rest. I don't want you to sacrifice for my honor. I want you all to be well. Live! Only if you all live well, can you better serve me, the entire Yarnuo Kingdom, and the entire human race and the Middle-earth Alliance! Do you understand?

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