Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 985

In less than three minutes, Xufeng killed fifteen undead bones, while Garden and the white-robed knights worked together to kill the remaining eight undead bones.

The last undead skeleton struggled to get up, and Garden stepped on its ribs, raised the cross-epee, directly chopped off its head, and smashed it with one foot.

The morale of the entire team of white-robed knights rose.

It's been a long time since they fought such a hearty battle, and there was excitement on everyone's face.

Arsson exclaimed: "Diedi, I know you are amazing. I didn't expect you to be so amazing! It's no wonder that you can become a pharmacist, but you want to become a mercenary swordsman, like you. Mercenary swordsman, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find a second one in this world—by the way, since you are a mercenary, then I can hire you too?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Yes, in theory, you can indeed hire me, but...this kind of thing must come first."

Arsson asked, "Could it be that someone has hired you?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes."

Arcun laughed, "This is easy. I can pay double the price, no, three times, no, ten times, no, whatever he wants, in short, I want him to give up hiring you, so that , I can hire you."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Looking back on this matter, let's solve the source of the plague first."

"Okay." Arsson nodded.

"Be careful," Xu Feng said to Jiaden.

Garden also nodded quickly in response.

Xufeng immediately carried the sword of Triton and the sword of Boromir, and walked towards the tomb on the left.

After waiting for his figure to disappear at the entrance of the tomb, Arsson said with a smile, "Great, I still have a chance to hire him."

Garden hesitated, "But I always feel that Lord Diego is not the kind of person who sells his life for gold and silver treasures."

Arsson nodded, "But maybe, he also has something to say."

Garden said: "That's true. Sometimes, a penny can kill a hero."

Arsson looked around, "Has everyone rested?"

The white-robed knights said immediately: "I'm resting."

"Okay! Let's start!" Arsson stepped towards the tomb in the middle.

Garden and the white-robed knights hurriedly walked in front of Arsson to find his way.

On the other side, Xu Feng walked into the tomb on the left.baby

The part on the ground of this tomb is not large. The tomb is extremely dilapidated and full of decay. At the end of the tomb, there is a downward passage. The decay smell in the passage is even better. Normal people must enter. Xun was in shock.

Xufeng didn't dare to rush into it. He stood outside the passage, adapted to it for a while, and then tentatively entered the downward passage.

Fortunately, he had drunk the plague detoxification soup in advance, otherwise, these decayed poisonous gases would definitely make him infected with a severe plague.

The steps of the passage are filled with cemetery moss, which is a black-green moss that creaks when stepped on and is extremely slippery.

In this way, the originally weird tomb became even more gloomy.

Xufeng slowed down as much as possible and made less noise so as not to disturb the sleeping things underground.

After walking more than 20 steps, a tomb gate appeared in front of Xu Feng.

Xufeng pushed the door tentatively, and found that it could be pushed, so he pushed hard.

The heavy door blasted open, and the tomb of the catacomb appeared in front of Xu Feng.

The smell of decay here is more serious. Broken bottles and cans are scattered on the ground, whale oil lanterns are burning on the wall on one side, and a lot of morgues have been carved on the wall on the other side. There are dozens of bones lying on the top.

Xufeng held his breath and moved forward gently.

These bones were obviously not the owner of the tomb, but the corpses of those who followed him.

When he finally passed this morgue platform, a burrowing corpse more than one meter high suddenly emerged from the hard floor under his feet!

This digging corpse has no eyes, and the whole face is a big round mouth, and the mouth is covered with circles of steel teeth.

It felt Xufeng’s arrival, and then opened its mouth wide, brewing a venom, and aimed at Xufeng’s body

Xu Feng was shocked and dodged quickly.

The venom turned into a green poisonous arrow and splashed on the wall behind Xu Feng, instantly burning a big hole in the solid wall.

Xufeng didn't wait for the corpse worm to spit poison on the ground, and then he rushed up with the wind. The sword of Triton in his hand first inflicted a death blow, and then he used the sword of Boromir for a month and a half. cut.

Two weapons, two moves, equivalent to two simultaneous moves, and the speed and power are absolutely at level 50!

The Digging Corpse Worm was only level 50 at best, and couldn't hold Xu Feng's ultimate move so fast.

Before the venom in its mouth was sprayed out, its body was directly cut off by Xufeng.

Its body struggled in the mud and twisted, and finally curled up together, silent.

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Just about to check the digging corpse, he heard the faint sound of bone rubbing on the wall.

Just now, when the earth-digging corpse was spitting venom, a big pit was dissolved in the wall. It must be at that time, it must have disturbed the sleeping skeleton guard!

Xu Feng screamed inwardly, and when he looked back, the entire undead bones on the wall began to move.

This mortuary on the wall, let alone 30 dead souls!

If there is a white-robed knight, there may be a battle, but he alone can't beat so many undead bones!


No way!

Running inside will alarm more undead bones, and if you run outside, you won’t be able to get rid of these undead creatures!

How to do?!

95 Corpse Worm Venom Gland

The situation at this time is extremely urgent.

The undead bones on the morgue awakened one by one, and a few of them awoke early, had already jumped off the morgue, showed their weapons, and let out a low and hollow roar.

The more it came to this time, the more calm Xufeng was.

He quickly weighed the situation at the scene and knew that he could not escape inside because he didn’t know the situation inside. If he fled inside, he would probably lock himself in a dead end. He also knew that he could not run outside. Now The passage is already full of dead souls. If you want to run outside, you can only waste your own physical energy.

Want to fight!

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