Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 986

Xu Feng took a quick look, and then his eyes fell on the dead corpse insect on the ground.

Speaking of which, the strength of this digging corpse insect is very strong, but when fighting alone, the digging corpse insect is definitely not Xufeng’s opponent, so it was immediately dropped by Xufeng when it came up. .

But the power of its venom should not be underestimated. A single sip of the venom can dissolve the thousand-year-old tomb into a big pit.

Can you use its venom?

Xufeng found that half of the head of the corpse worm had a venom gland bulging high, and a large amount of highly corrosive venom must be stored inside!

As soon as Xufeng's inspiration appeared, he immediately jumped to the corpse of the digging corpse insect and grabbed half of the corpse insect's head.

Thirty undead bones gathered together and rushed towards him screaming. Xu Feng pointed the steel teeth mouth of the earth corpse worm at the undead bones, and squeezed the venomous acinus of the earth corpse insect.


A green venom shot at the front few undead bones like an arrow from the string. Before the undead bones screamed, their skeletons were completely dissolved.

"Haha, awesome!"

Xufeng held the head of the digging corpse insect, and constantly shot at the undead bones, where the venom splashed, the undead bones were corroded and dissolved.

In the end, the venom glands of the corpse worms were squashed, and thirty undead bones were left.

Xufeng threw away the head of the Digging Corpse Insect, and showed the Sword of Triton and the Sword of Boromir. He went up and down to kill all the remaining undead bones.

Based on his personal strength data, it is absolutely impossible for him to kill 30 undead bones by himself. These undead bones are about level 50 strength. Even if Xufeng is strong, he cannot kill 30 by himself. .

However, compared with these 30 undead bones, Xufeng has a brain and thinking in addition to basic strength.

Although the undead bones are powerful, they are nothing more than a pile of dead bones. They can only fight according to the established pattern, but Xufeng can completely play cards without a routine and do whatever it is advantageous.

Cleverness is where Xufeng is truly awesome.

Although cleverness cannot be counted in the combat effectiveness data, cleverness can be transformed into real combat effectiveness, or even miraculous combat effectiveness.

Xu Feng rested for a while before continuing to walk deep into the tomb.

At the corner, he met two digging corpses again. After slashing them swiftly, he took the venom glands of the two digging corpses for use at a critical time.

After two more corners, he used one venom gland to kill a wave of awakened undead bones, and then obtained two more venom glands.

In this way, he has three venom glands available for use.

Continue to walk inside, but the smell of decay did not increase.

Walking all the way to the end of the tomb, Xu Feng saw a rather spectacular mural.On the mural on Qiankun Tingshu.com, a man in a black robe is spreading his hands, seeming to be preaching, while nine human nobles are kneeling around him, and each noble has a magic ring in his hand.

Obviously, the person wearing the black robe should be the real body of Demon Lord Sauron before. At that time, he was still the black robe mage of the Holy White Council, and the nine nobles who knelt before Sauron and swore allegiance were Later ring spirits.

Xu Feng searched carefully and found that there was indeed nothing here. This was a fake tomb, and the corpse of the Ring Spirit King was not here.

Xufeng then exited the same way.

When he left the tomb on the left, he used the sword of Boromir to draw a large fork mark at the door of the tomb.

In this way, when Arsson and the others came out, they would know that the tomb on the left was fake.

Xu Feng looked at the central tomb, where it was quiet and quiet.

Xu Feng was slightly worried, but thinking that the white-robed knights are still very powerful, he didn't worry too much.

His top priority is to quickly explore the tomb on the right. If the tomb on the right is also empty, then he must go to the central tomb immediately to help Arsson and the others.

Xufeng immediately walked into the tomb on the right.

The structure of the tomb on the right is almost the same as the one on the left, but the position is slightly different.

The smell of decay in the bottom of the tomb was also strong. After passing through the long underground passage, the morgue in the main tomb was also the same as the one in the left tomb.

However, the difference is that there are no digging corpses here.

When Xufeng walked through the morgue in the first corridor, a swollen dead body staggered out from the corner.

The corpse's eyes were white, and his body was swollen like a balloon.

After seeing Xu Feng, he immediately screamed and rushed forward, running extremely uncoordinated, but the speed was unexpectedly fast.

Xu Feng was not polite to him either, with the sword of Boromir in his left hand and the sword of Triton in his right hand, and he greeted him with an impenetrable whirlwind.

As soon as it touched, the dead body lost the ability to attack, and the whole body continued to swell and grow.

Xu Feng was shocked, and quickly gave up the attack, and directly dodged ten meters away with a crane-shaped figure.


The whole cemetery shook!

The undead bones on the morgue was awakened, and they took up their weapons and struggled to stand up.

And the exploding zombie exuded a foul smell, and a large group of mud-like corpses sprouted out of the pieces of his rotting corpse!

It was these corpse bugs that controlled the blew zombie!

Xufeng should have thought that the self-detonation zombie itself has no offensive power. It uses the self-detonation to injure people and at the same time awaken the dead bones on the wall.

In this way, even the toughest opponent will be in desperation because of this.

Those loach-like worms rushed towards Xufeng frantically, looking for a new host of flesh and blood. Once they were parasitized by these worms, then Xufeng’s brain would be completely gnawed by them, becoming unconscious, only The bloated fat man blew himself up.

Xu Feng took out the venom glands of the corpse worms in disgust, and sprayed the corpses of the mud loach and the undead bones that were gathering.

Chapter 96 The Real Tomb

In less than half a minute, those loach corpses and undead bones were dissolved by the high-concentration corrosive venom, turning into a puddle of stinking black water.

The poison glands in Xufeng's hand were also used up, and there were only two poison glands left in his body.

This thing is so easy to use, he must use it at critical times.

After taking a short break, Xu Feng stepped over the pool of poisonous water and continued to walk inside the tomb.

At the next corner, he saw a zombie who exploded standing in the corner.

On the wall of the passage, there are still undead bones sleeping on the morgue.

Xu Feng pondered for a moment, and then stood beside the morgue, then took out a poisonous scorpion crossbow, aimed at the foot of the self-explosive zombie, swished an arrow and shot it out.

The sound of the hand crossbow was very soft, so it did not wake up the zombies on the morgue.

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