Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 987

And the crossbow arrow shot at the feet of the self-explosive zombie, and the self-explosive zombie naturally saw Xufeng.

The self-explosive zombie roared, shaking its balloon-like body, and rushed towards Xufeng in a very uncoordinated manner.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, leaped back in a crane shape, and retreated ten meters away.

The Explosive Zombie continued to chase him up, and when he chased to the position where Xufeng stood before, Xufeng swished two arrows and shot directly on the swollen belly of the Explosive Zombie!

Blew zombie has stretched to the limit!

A little bit of damage will directly detonate it!


The blew zombie had no time to pounce on Xufeng, and blew himself up near the morgue.

The huge impact made the whole tomb sway, and the sleeping bones on the morgue received a strong frontal impact!

Most of the undead's bones were directly torn apart by the explosion, and only a small part of the undead's bones were lucky, but they also lacked arms and legs.

After the explosive zombies exploded, multiple loach corpses rushed towards Xufeng, wanting to find a new host.

Xu Feng quickly put away the poisonous scorpion crossbow, the sword of Boromir in his left hand, and the sword of Triton in his right hand, using an airtight whirlwind slashing technique, rushing back and forth in the mud loach corpse and the remaining undead bones!

In less than two minutes, these loach corpses and undead bones were all solved.

Xu Feng sighed for a long time, took out a cup of Xingyue Tea from the inventory of the Lingtai, and drank it, regaining some energy.

The smell here is really unpleasant.

Let's explore as soon as possible.

After drinking Xingyue Tea, Xu Feng continued on.

In the next two corners, Xu Feng used the same method to wipe out the self-exploding zombies, loach corpses, and undead bones.

After clearing the last corner, Xufeng saw another mural.

The content of the mural is a picture of Demon Lord Sauron leading the nine ring spirits to fight the China-Earth Alliance. However, this picture depicts Demon Lord Sauron very tragic and righteous, as if they are for the bright future of Middle-Earth. It's like fighting.

Xu Feng sneered and cut down the mural with one sword.

Then, he quickly retreated the same way and returned to the cemetery.

He had already explored the tombs on the left and right, but there was no coffin of the Ring Spirit King, and Arsson and the white-robed knights still did not come out in the central tomb.

Then, there is only one possibility.

The central tomb is the real tomb of the Ring Spirit King Kamel.

When he thought of this, Xu Feng's heart sank suddenly-in the real tomb, the enemies would definitely be more and more dangerous, Arsson and his white-robed knights, don't have anything to do!

Although the current plot can only be regarded as a side plot, even if Arsson and the others are dead, it will not affect this reward mission. However, Arsson is a good prince, and Xu Feng has already regarded Arsson as a It's a friend, and he doesn't want his friend to have trouble.

Xu Feng immediately rushed into the central tomb.

The first floor of the central tomb is twice as large as the left and right tombs. There are also many aristocratic decorations on the walls. The mottled walls are also engraved with the great achievements of Kamel as the king.

Xufeng glanced around. According to the content of the mural, King Kamel was still very wise. When the kingdom was flooded, the king personally went to the disaster relief, and when the ogre attacked, the king personally went to crusade. All people love King Kamel, and all knights admire King Kamel.

Of course, the murals are all painted by his own people. As for whether the real Camel is really so wise, that doesn't necessarily matter.

Xu Feng was not interested in studying the mural, and walked directly into the staircase leading to the lower level.

The decayed aura here is more serious. Although Xufeng has drunk the plague detoxification soup before coming here, but after inhaling these decayed auras for a long time, Xufeng still feels that his mind is a little swollen, and his body strength is not at its best. At best, the combat effectiveness can only be played by 80%.

However, this is nothing. The most important thing is to meet Arsson and the others first.

Xufeng passed through the first morgue hallway. There was obviously a fierce battle here. Xufeng saw scattered armor scales and torn white robes on the ground—all of which belonged to the knight in white robes. One can imagine how thrilling their battle was.

However, Xufeng is gratified that there is no blood on the ground, which shows that no one was injured.

After Xu Feng was sure, he accelerated forward.

The second corner is also the same situation. The undead bones on the morgue are activated and killed, and the ground is scattered with armor scales and broken white robe cloak fragments.

The difference from the first corner is that this battle seems to be longer, and the fallen armor scales and white robe cloak fragments seem to be more.

Xu Feng's mood became even heavier.

This is the second corner, and Arsson and the white-robed knights are already struggling...

He hurriedly moved on.

The third corner and the fourth corner are similar, and the same situation is true.

After the last corner, the end of the tomb is no longer a mural, but a crown with wings.

Under this crown clan emblem, there is also a door leading to the lower level. At this time, the door has been opened, and bursts of foul and decadent wind is blowing out of it.

It turns out that the main tomb has a second basement!

No wonder Arsson and the others haven't come out for so long!

Xu Feng hurriedly walked into the gate and continued to the second underground floor.

The layout of the second underground floor is not much different from that of the first underground floor, but the area is significantly larger and there are more morgues.

When Xufeng passed the first corner, he saw two pools of blood on the ground.

This shows that some of the white-robed knights were injured.

After a series of such high-intensity battles, they were not injured until this time. In fact, they were already very tough.

However, this is not good news for both Xufeng and Arsson.

Xufeng speeds up to catch up...

At the fourth corner, he heard the sound of weapons fighting!

Found them!

Chapter 97 The Knight's Honor

Xu Feng rushed over.

At the fourth corner, Garden was leading the exhausted white-robed knights to form an arc-moon-shaped defensive formation.

The white-robed knights all showed their knight shields and stood in front of them.

In front of them, there was a group of undead archers, the leading one was the most special, holding a longbow burning with flames in his hand.

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