Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 989

Arsson nodded.

Xufeng asked again: "You have opened the fourth corner, there should be one corner left behind, right?"

Arsson shook his head, "No, these archers are the guardians of the fifth corner. To be ashamed, we retreated all the way from the fifth corner, because our white-robed knights It's all close combat, and there is really no good way for those long-range shooters-but fortunately, you arrived in time. If three or five minutes later, we might really collapse."

Xufeng smiled and said: "You can hit the last corner of the second floor in one breath. This combat power is really strong. Let's rest for a while. When we are all resting, we will go to the main tomb."

Arsson nodded and said, "Okay."

Xufeng himself didn't need to rest, but he saw that the white-robed knights were already exhausted. If they didn't rest, it would be difficult for them to exert their fighting power.

They have been resting for ten minutes. Seeing that everyone's physical fitness has recovered by more than half, Xufeng got up and said, "How is everyone resting?"

Garden said immediately: "We have all rested, and can't wait."

Xu Feng nodded and said, "Well, let's rush into the main tomb to see what monsters and ghosts are inside!"

"Good!" Garden said loudly, "White-robed knights! Attack!"

All the white-robed knights on the scene stood up full of energy, and lined up towards the door of the main tomb.

Xufeng and Arsong immediately followed.

Arsson followed because he was really not good at fighting, and Xufeng followed Arsong, not to protect him, but to be able to fight back.

Moreover, if in the main tomb is really the real deity of the Ring Spirit King Kamel, he can also grab Arsson and evacuate immediately.

Although it was a bit of a bad thing to leave the white robe knight alone, the white robe knight is after all just a plot NPC, not a real teammate.

Xufeng's real teammates are only Xuedi Hammer.

If Xuedi team encounters this situation, Xufeng will never leave his true teammates alone, but if it is the plot NPC encounters this situation, Xufeng will naturally still save his life.

The steel door of the main tomb was pushed open by the white-robed knights, and inside it turned out to be a magnificent palace.

In the center of the palace, there is a stone-carved coffin with an image of a king lying flat on the coffin, with a cross sword in his hand.

Obviously, this must be the coffin of the Ring Spirit King Kamel!

Fortunately, the coffin is still intact, and there is no sign of being opened.

At the end of this underground palace, there is a magnificent throne. Next to the throne, there is a golden crown with wings, as if waiting for its king to stand up from the coffin and be crowned again.

On the other side of the throne, a black human-shaped statue stands.

The white-robed knights walked over cautiously and carefully inspected the surroundings.

Arsson frowned and said, "It's that simple? There are no enemies here? Where is the source of the plague?"

Xufeng also felt a little puzzled.

The Ring Spirit King Kamel didn't wake up, that was naturally a good thing, but this thing was really weird.

He switched to using his spiritual vision to scan his surroundings, and he did not find any signs of an enemy—if there was an enemy, his spiritual vision would mark the enemy's level.

Just when he thought there were no enemies in this palace, the corner of his eyes swept over the black-robed humanoid statue next to the throne.

On the top of the statue, a line of red font immediately appeared: Level, Level 55.

Xu Feng's heart shrank suddenly!

How can a statue have a level!

And it's still level 55?!

This is an enemy disguised as a statue!

Xu Feng calmly approached in the direction of the throne.

He didn't tell Arsson and the white-robed knights about this situation, because that would only miss the chance.

When he walked close to 20 meters from the throne, he suddenly activated the crane-shaped body technique and rushed directly towards the statue. At the same time, he drew out the sword of Triton and the sword of Boromir, concentrated all his strength, cruelly Cut it down fiercely!

The statue immediately became active, and with a wave of his hand, a golden barrier was condensed in front of him.

Xufeng's whirlwind slashed heavily on the golden barrier, and all his power was blocked by the golden barrier!

This is magic!

Xu Feng took a breath. Knowing that he had no chance of winning this way, he immediately withdrew.

The white-robed knights on the scene reacted and prepared to rush forward.

The black robe wizard raised his hand, and a cloud of poisonous green mist immediately appeared on the ground in front of him.

Xu Feng quickly raised his hand to stop the white-robed knights, "Don't come!"

The white-robed knights naturally believed in Xufeng, so they immediately stopped and protected in front of Arsson.

The black-robed wizard Jie Jie said with a smile: "I thought, at least until the people in the town of Bray and the surrounding towns are all dead, will anyone from the royal family of Arno come here to explore. I didn't expect it to be short. In just a few days, you are here. Tsk tsk, this is really amazing."

Xu Feng asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

The black-robed wizard grinned and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. I'm just an insignificant little figure under the name of Emperor Sauron. I believe in the power of darkness. At the beginning I was seriously ill. No one in this world has mercy on me. , Help me, and Emperor Sauron talked to me in my ears, let me believe in him, and then he gave me this eternal life."

As he said, the black-robed wizard raised his hand, revealing his rotten arm.

Xufeng said disgustedly: "Sauron transformed you into a necromancer, and the necromancer will naturally not be affected by the disease of the body. After all, the necromancer does not even need the body.

The black-robed wizard laughed and said: "Boy, you are very smart! You even know this kind of thing! That's right, Emperor Sauron is omnipotent. He is just sleeping now, but it won’t take long before he can do it again. It's back."

Arsson shouted: "Stop talking nonsense here! Sauron is dead, he cannot be resurrected!".

The black-robed wizard sneered, "It's just an idiot."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "This guy is right. Necromancers don't need a physical body. When Sauron was blackened, he actually transformed himself into a necromancer. Xiduo was wiped out, but his necromantic form has always existed, but his necromantic form is still very weak, he has not found his supreme lord of the ring yet, so his soul has been sleeping. Status."

Chapter 99 The King's Blood

The black robe wizard looked at Xu Feng in surprise, "Boy, you know so much! I think you have the potential to become my apprentice! Since you know a lot about Sauron the Great, you might as well join us. I can let you enjoy immortality!"

Arsson couldn't help getting nervous. Of course he knew that Xu Feng would not join the black-robed wizard, but if the black-robed wizard was too powerful, it would be hard to say.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Immortality? Of course I like it, but immortality is not happy. If a person is immortal, but there is no money, no house, no woman, nothing, oneself. His face is also rotten flesh, and it will fall down with the touch of it—what's the point of being immortal like this? Isn’t this suffering?"

The black-robed wizard grinned and said, "What you said makes sense, then, what do you want?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "What I want is very simple."

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