Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 990

"What?" the black robe wizard asked with interest.

"I can say no," Xu Feng said lightly.

The black robe wizard was startled, "Is this too simple?"

Xufeng sneered: "It's not a skill to do what you want, and you can't do nothing if you don't want to. This is the skill."

The black robe wizard frowned slightly, "...Speaking of which, you don't want to worship me as a teacher."

Xu Feng sneered: "You don't even look at your own ghostly appearance, just because you want to be my master?"

The black-robed wizard couldn't help being a little annoyed, "In that case, I don't need to be polite to you. Originally, I only need to take a little blood from you to activate the coffin of the Ring Spirit King, so that it can wake up early , But now, I don’t have that kindness anymore. I’m going to kill you and use your king’s blood to completely water the coffin of the Ring Spirit King!"

"The blood of the king?" Xu Feng's brows moved slightly.

The black-robed wizard grinned and said, "Yes, the blood on your body is the blood of the king and the blood of Esidor! Don't even think about quibbling, you have the Borro made by Esidor for his younger son Borromir. Sword of Mir, this sword can only be carried by the prince of Arno! You are! Prince Arsson! If I am wrong, I will twist my own head off and use it as a spittoon for you!"

Xufeng laughed suddenly, "Okay, although I despise your head, since you have set up the flag, then I have to let you die clearly-this sword is indeed Boromir The sword, but I am not Arsson."

The black-robed wizard said grinningly: "I knew you would quibble, but it's useless, Arsson! Who doesn't know, you are the youngest and most promising prince of the human race? In order to bring you here, I specially caused After an undead plague, I knew that you would come to find the source of the plague yourself! When you find here, I will kill you again, and use your king's blood to wake up the ordination king Kamel ahead of time! As long as the Ring Spirit King wakes up in advance, he can call and awaken the other eight ring spirits. When the nine ring spirits are all gathered, I can let them summon the soul of Sauron the Great with the power of the ring! Ha! Haha, all these plans are absolutely seamless!"

Xufeng smiled coldly and said: "Spitting pot, don't be smug, you can quickly unscrew your head! I'm really not Arsson, I'm just an ordinary mercenary, of course you are right, you The plan really succeeded. After the town of Bray was infected with the plague, Prince Arsson really came, and he was traced all the way to here—"

After that, Xu Feng pointed to Arsson behind the white-robed knight and said, "Hey, that is the prince you are looking for. It's like a fake replacement."

Arsson smiled and said, "Yes, I am Prince Arsson."

The black-robed wizard was startled, "What? This...the sword of Borromir..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "A person like you would probably not believe that Arsson would give such an important royal sword to an ordinary mercenary, right?"

The black-robed wizard frowned and said, "Yeah, this is really unexpected, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, Arsson is also here. I just have to kill him and use his blood to water the coffin of the Ring Spirit King... …"

Xu Feng unceremoniously interrupted the black-robed wizard, "You just said, if I'm not Arsson, you would twist your head off and give me a spittoon, right?"

The black-robed wizard sneered and said, "Yes, I said, but what about that?"

Xufeng sneered and said, "It's nothing, it's just me. I always do what you say. If you can't do what you say, I will force you to do what you say."

Arsson smiled and said, "Diedi, you really have a sense of justice."

The black-robed wizard sneered: "You can kill me with a few three-legged cats? Don't forget, I am an immortal who is blessed by the power of Lord Sauron.

Xufeng sneered: "If you cut off your head, you will die."

The black robe wizard sneered: "Then you can try it!"

As he said, he condensed his hands, and the dark purple light soared in his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he blasted a black and purple shadow arrow at Xufeng.

Xufeng quickly dodged, but Shadow Bolt followed.

The black robe wizard grinned and said: "Boy, dark magic directly locks your soul, you can't hide it! Hahaha! Fight with me? You are all too tender!"

Seeing that Xufeng was about to be hit by the Shadow Bolt, Arsson said eagerly, "White-robed knight! Attack!"

Garden immediately led the white-robed knight, bypassing the poisonous mist on the ground, and charged towards the black-robed wizard from the side.

The black-robed wizard condensed a golden magic mask, and easily blocked all the attacks of the white-robed knights.

Garden and the others exhausted all their strength, but they couldn't smash the magic mask.

The black-robed wizard laughed grinningly: "Understood? You are all rubbish in my eyes! All! Rubbish!"

Xu Feng ran wildly around the pillar while thinking quickly.

The magic shadow arrow is obviously different from physical attacks. Physical moves can block and dodge, but the magic that locks the soul can't block and dodge.

Wait, lock the soul...

In other words, how can the soul be temporarily shielded, so will the Shadow Bolt lose its target?

For people in Middle-earth, it is impossible to temporarily shield their souls, but Xufeng is not from Middle-earth!Xufeng is a traverser on the plane of survival!

The soul of the traveler does not belong to Middle-earth itself!

Therefore, in theory, Xufeng can temporarily shield his soul!

In the "Pirates of the Caribbean" plot, the goddess of the sea, Colibso, once caught the soul of Xufeng. For a moment, Xufeng almost came out of her soul!!

This proves that in the plot plane, the soul and the body can indeed be separated!

The key question is, how to separate?

Chapter 100 This is impossible!

Xufeng's inspiration appeared!

He remembered all the knowledge related to the soul in his mind, and the most obvious one was the arcane core theory in the arcane theory.

If the soul of the survivor is the arcane core, then the arcane crystal can temporarily shield the connection between the soul and the body.

Of course, this approach is impossible to achieve on the plane of survival, but in the magical Middle-earth world, it may not be impossible!

it is good!

Try it!

Xufeng rushed towards the black-robed wizard at a high speed, while connecting his thoughts, holding the arcane crystal that Qi Luo gave him in his palm.

He wants to inject all his soul into the arcane crystal temporarily, so that the protective layer of the arcane crystal can separate the soul from the body!

Then, after waiting for three seconds, the soul is automatically released from the arcane crystal and returned to its own body!

This is very dangerous, if there is a slight omission in the middle...

Xufeng has no time to think about it. He must take this risk in the current situation!

The magic shadow arrow is getting more and more!

Xu Feng turned his heart, and directly pulled his soul away from his body, and temporarily poured it into the arcane crystal in his hand.

His body lost its soul, and suddenly became extremely clumsy, staggering and falling to the ground.

The magical shadow arrow grazed Xufeng's body, and finally shot at the black robe wizard's magic shield!

The black robe wizard suddenly exclaimed!

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