Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 991

He had never seen this situation!

The magic shadow arrow is to lock the soul!How could something go wrong!

Before he could figure out what was going on, the magical shadow bolt blasted directly on his magic shield.


The huge magical destructive power has shaken the entire palace underneath!

The black-robed sorcerer, who was still invincible just now, was directly blown up and crashed into the wall behind the throne in embarrassment!

The rotten flesh and blood on his body also fell out piece by piece, looking extremely disgusting.

At this time, Xu Feng also ended the soul shielding, and the Arcane Crystal automatically released his soul, and his soul immediately returned to his body.

This process is very uncomfortable, and is accompanied by a strong sense of dizziness, but it is better than being directly bombarded by a magical shadow arrow.

Xu Feng quickly got rid of this dizziness, stood up quickly, and rushed directly to the embarrassed black robe wizard!

"Return the spittoon to Lao Tzu!" Xu Feng showed the sword of Boromir and Triton, and slashed at the black-robed wizard fiercely.

"No! This is impossible!"

While roaring, the black-robed wizard quickly gathered a second magic shield.

But before he was injured by his own magical shadow arrow, and he couldn't support the second shield in a short time.

Without hesitation, Xu Feng raised the knife and dropped it, and directly chopped off the black robe wizard's head!

Suddenly, a black-purple air stream gushes from the neck of the black-robed wizard, the whole scene is weird and disgusting.

Arsson said excitedly: "Finally solved! Diedi, you..."

Before he finished his words, Arsson's face suddenly changed, "Diedi, come back soon! That guy is not dead!"

Before Xu Feng could think about it, he immediately activated the crane-shaped body technique and quickly withdrew.

A powerful magical power descended from the sky, slamming heavily on the position where Xu Feng stood just now.

It is conceivable that if he takes a step slower, the consequences will be very tragic.

Xufeng dodged backwards three times in a row, until he retreated to the coffin of the Ring Spirit King before he stopped.

In mid-air, a black-purple transparent ghost is holding his hands high, brewing dark magic continuously.

Xu Feng took a deep breath, "Damn, this guy actually has a second form!"

Arsson shouted: "Be careful, Diedi! Hey! Black-robed wizard, I am the one you have to deal with, and I am Prince Arsson! If you have anything to do with me, please come to me!"

"Don't worry! My prince!" The ghost body said with a sullen voice full of white noise: "Let me take care of this nasty little thing first, and then I will take care of you!"

After speaking, the ghost body blasted the magic shadow arrow in his hand towards Xufeng.

The Shadow Bolt this time is obviously much more powerful than the last time. When using the Shadow Bolt last time, the black-robed wizard did not use his full strength, and this time, his physical form has been killed by Xufeng, he changed Become a pure ghost body, naturally there is nothing to consider.

Moreover, he didn't believe that an ordinary human mercenary could escape the shadow bolt locked by his soul!

Xufeng has experienced it once, and this time naturally there is no pressure.

He quietly held the Arcane Crystal in his palm, and then walked around with the Shadow Bolt.

As he walked around, Xu Feng roared: "Hey, spittoon! Are you capable of this? Are you just shooting a shadow arrow? Hahaha! You still want to resurrect the Ring Spirit King and Sauron, you even I can’t handle a small person like me, you can eat phlegm-ah!"

Where did the ghost body have received such contempt and insult, he suddenly screamed, then condensed dark magic again, and then blasted a second magical shadow arrow at Xufeng!

The speed of this magical shadow arrow is slightly weaker than that of the first one. After all, the first one is the most all-out attack of the ghost body. It is the so-called blast, then fades, and exhausts. When the second one, there is no more So tough.

However, the situation was still very dangerous when two shadow arrows were chasing Xufeng.

The white-robed knights in the distance hung their hearts in their throats. They have seen the damage of the shadow bolt. A single shadow bolt can break the indestructible magic shield and beat the black-robed wizard himself. If you can't get up, if you have two shadow arrows... it will blast people directly into blood foam!

Xu Feng was not worried at all. While trying his best to go around, he laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Spittoon, I think that's all for you! You can't send a third shadow arrow!"

The ghost body roared in annoyance, and its entire black and purple body was trembling, and the dark magic power of the whole body instantly concentrated, forming a third shadow arrow!

Of course, this third shadow arrow is a bit worse than the first two.

This also shows that the ghost body has indeed reached its limit.

Xufeng was afraid that a shadow arrow could not solve the ghost body, so he deliberately angered the ghost body and asked him to send three shadow arrows in a row.

Now, since the ghost body has reached its limit, it is time for Xufeng to fight back.

The same method was used—Xu Feng ran towards the ghost body at high speed, while receiving his soul into the arcane crystal.

His body plummeted, and three shadow arrows slid past him, directly blasting towards the ghost body!

The speed is so fast that the ghost body has no time to react at all!

"It's impossible!" The ghost roared in horror.


All three shadow arrows blasted on the ghost body, and the entire palace underneath shook crazily and almost collapsed!

The black and purple ghost body instantly turned into a burst of gas and dust, like a blooming firework!

Chapter 101 Shadow Energy Orb

The shock of the palace below gradually subsided.

The dust of the ghost body lightly fell on the ground, and the dust settled.

The rotten smell in the tomb gradually dissipated, and the uneasy feeling suppressed in everyone's heart also disappeared.

Arsson asked in a low voice, "Is it dead?"

Xufeng scanned it with Ling Vision—nothing happened.

This shows that the source of this plague, the black-robed wizard, is indeed dead and clean this time, thoroughly.

The three strokes of dark magic and shadow arrows all hit him. It's strange that he is not clean.

But at this time, Xu Feng was not in the mood to celebrate. He simply nodded to Arsson, and then quickly went to the coffin in the center of the underground palace.

Lying in the coffin, but Sauron's most powerful assistant, the king of the nine ring spirits, the ring spirit king Kamel!

If this guy wakes up, the Lord of the Rings War will have to start 50 years in advance!

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