Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 993

Garden nodded with enlightenment, "Master Diego, you are more considerate than I am, but if you let the Ring Spirit King Kamel fall asleep here, in case he really wakes up one day in the future, so what should I do now?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, when he wakes up, naturally someone will deal with him."

"You mean, he really will wake up?" Garden asked in horror.

Xu Feng nodded, "Yes, he will really wake up. Not only him, but the other eight ring spirits will wake up. Their master Sauron will also secretly control them in the form of ghosts."

Garden said quickly: "Then we should destroy the Ring Spirit King Kamel in advance!"

Xu Feng said: "No, you still didn't understand what I meant. The black-robed wizard used the blood of the king to forcibly wake up the ring spirit king Kamel, while the conventional method is Sauron's magic eye. Awakening, awaken Kamel with the power of the magic eye. Even if we dig Kamel out and kill him with special methods, Sauron can still resurrect him-because Kamel’s soul has been Engraved on the ring, if the ring is not destroyed, Kamel will not die."

Garden said, "Then we destroy the Lord of the Rings?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The Lord of the Rings was created by Sauron with the power of the entire elves, dwarves, and human races. When the Lord of the Rings was built again, Sauron had not clearly betrayed the White Council, so the entire alliance was supporting the building. Of the Lord of the Rings, the Lord of the Rings is the essence of the essence and cannot be destroyed by ordinary forces. Only the magma of the Doomsday Volcano can completely destroy the Lord of the Rings."

"Where is the Doomsday Volcano?" Garden asked.

"Modo." Xu Feng said.

"Major Sauron's base camp?" Garden immediately took a breath.

To go to Modo, you have to cross the Misty Mountains and pass through the land of orcs and ogres.

Now large areas there are controlled by evil creatures. Unless an expeditionary army of tens of thousands is organized, it is possible to open the road to Modo.

This is too difficult.

However, it is not hopeless.

Xufeng smiled and said: "It doesn’t make any sense to just destroy a lord ring, because these ordinary lord rings are also protected by dark magic. As long as the top supreme lord ring is not destroyed, other Even if the Lord of the Rings is swallowed by the lava of the Doomsday Volcano, it can still be forged by the owner of the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

"My God." Garden's complexion suddenly became ugly.

He seems to have predicted that the future situation will be very difficult. The alliance of human race, dwarves, and elves has been crumbling after nearly 3000 years. Even humans, dwarves, and elves are fighting endlessly. !

In such a situation, if Sauron is resurrected...

The consequences could be disastrous.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's all 50 years from now."

"50 years!" Garden said with a wry smile: "I thought there would be at least 500 years for us to prepare. Unexpectedly, there are only 50 years left!"

Arsson also frowned and said, "Diedi, this is all your own guess, right? Actually, it's not so fast, right?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Arson, believe me, the danger has already begun."

Arsson said in a deep voice, "Diedi, my good brother, please tell me, what can I do for this? Unify the human race and form an army?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Relax, Arsson, the only thing you need to do now is get married."

Arsson shook his head, "No, I don't want to get married. I don't want to put too much energy on my wife and children. Besides, I'm only 17 years old! The princess I was engaged to is only 12 years old!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Ah, it was a bit early, but when it's right, you should get married early and give birth to a big fat boy-that big fat boy is the real savior of the human race." 17

Arsson was startled, "Diedi, I don't understand what you are saying."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "These words involve spoilers, no wonder you can't understand them. But it doesn't matter, just let the flow go."

Arson nodded suspiciously.

At this time, the dark clouds covering their heads completely dissipated, the suppressed air gradually disappeared, and the natural sunlight was restored in the ancient tombs.

Arsson took a greedy breath, "Finally, we can see the sun again here. Garden, find the three white robe brothers before us, and leave here."

"Yes!" Garden immediately sent someone to pick up the three injured before.

In a short while, all the white-robed knights were joined, and everyone's face was filled with joy and joy.

This battle is really tough, but winning in a tough battle will make you happier.

"His Royal Highness," Garden said hurriedly, "We found a new valley exit. We didn't notice it because of the fog. Now we can go directly to the valley outside Bray town through this exit."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's great. It just so happens that my friends are also staying in the old woods outside the valley. I will report to them on the way."

Arsson's eyes lit up, "Your friends? Is there someone who hires you?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes."

Arsson laughed and said: "It just so happens that I really want to meet that person, Garden, we will go out from Taniguchi, and we will not go back to Bray Town, but go to Lao Linzi."


Captain Garden immediately led the way, and the white-robed knights escorted Arsong and Xufeng out of the Tomb Hill Valley.

After walking out of the valley, they walked on the rugged mountain road for another half an hour, and they saw an old forest.

As soon as they reached the intersection of Lao Linzi, a few dwarves rushed out, staring at them with eyes.

"Don't move forward! If you move forward, we will be rude to you!"

"Philip! Chili!"

Xufeng recognized the two youngest of the dwarves.

Philip blinked in surprise, "Diedi? How could it be you? Put down your weapons, it's your own!"

The other dwarves put down their weapons, but their faces remained highly vigilant.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, you go and tell Thorin that the plague has been completely eliminated, and we can go directly through Bray Town."

Philip said in surprise: "What? So fast? How is this possible?"

Arsson smiled and said, "Diedi was right. The plague was indeed relieved. I didn't expect to encounter a group of dwarves around the Shire area. I am curious, what are you doing here? Of course, this kind of curiosity. There is no hostility, just pure curiosity."

Philip ignored Arsson, but said in a deep voice to Xufeng: "Diedi, please wait here first. I will notify Thorin and let him make the decision."

"Okay, you go." Xu Feng said to Qili again: "Kili, we are all hungry. Let us cook a pack of instant noodles for us."

"...Okay." Kili also hurried away.

Chapter 103: Delicious!

Garden asked Arsson in a low voice, "His Royal Highness...what is instant noodles?"

"Well..." Arsson also frowned, thought about it seriously, and then shook his head. "I haven't heard of it. It's probably the food of the dwarves?"

Garden nodded suddenly, "Oh, dwarven food, haha, it's as hard as a rock, so don't eat it."

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