Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 994

After a while, Philip came over with Thorin and Hammer.

When Iron Hammer saw Xu Feng, he breathed a sigh of relief, "You finally came back."

Xufeng grinned and said, "Why, you worry about me."

Hammer's face flushed, "I just treat you as a brother!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm talking about brother-level worry, what do you think?"

The hammer said quickly: "I think so too!"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Swordsman, have you really solved the plague? Where is Gandalf?"

Xu Feng said: "Gandalf is still in Bray Town, supervising the preparation of the plague antidote soup. A few of us have just gone to the ancient cemetery and killed the source of the plague. Now, the plague in Bray Town has been completely resolved. , We can save time and go straight through the town of Bray."

Thorin nodded majesticly, "Well, I was discussing with them in Bahrain just now. If you come ten minutes later, we may leave camp and detour."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Fortunately, we arrived in time."

At this time, Kili and other dwarves brought a bowl of soaked instant noodles.

The white-robed knights worked hard for three whole days and spent every day eating hard bread. When they suddenly smelled such a fragrant scent, they all stood up immediately, their saliva flowed uncontrollably.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Everyone has worked so hard. Try the instant noodles I made. Those who know how to use chopsticks can use chopsticks. Those who don't use it can use chopsticks.

After that, Xu Feng took a bowl of himself and took the chopsticks that Bilbo had handed him. He said thank you, and started to eat.

Arson looked at the squiggly instant noodles in the bowl in astonishment, and couldn't help taking a sip with a fork.

good to eat!

It's so delicious!

Arsson felt that his tears were about to well in an instant.

Garden on the side swallowed, "His Royal Highness, isn't it awful?"

Arsson sighed, "No, on the contrary, it's so delicious. I'm really afraid that I won't live long enough to eat instant noodles every day."

"...Cough cough!" Xu Feng, who was eating noodles, almost didn't spray out.

The most common fast food in his world, when he arrived here, it was praised as delicious among adults-these unseen guys, haha!

When Garden heard Prince Arsson say this, he immediately ate with a fork.

Just after taking the first bite, Garden burst into tears.

The other white-robed knights also all gobbled up. First, they were indeed hungry, and second, the instant noodles were so delicious.

You know, these instant noodles are made by Xufeng using the best flour, the best meat, and the best condiments in Middle-earth.

If it is converted into instant noodles in the real world, such a package of instant noodles will cost hundreds of yuan for the price of the ingredients alone!Huaxiu Chinese has hundreds of instant noodles, but it's not delicious, that's the ghost!

"You are...Prince Arsson?" Bilbo couldn't help exclaiming when he saw Arsson, who was devouring him and had no nobility.

Arsson quickly covered his face with a bowl, and said while eating noodles: "For now, not for the time being!"

This is embarrassing.

The most embarrassing thing in life is that the always-maintained personal image suddenly relaxes at a certain point, and it happens to be seen by someone you know.

Bilbo said in surprise: "Aha! It's really Prince Arsson! Everyone is watching! This is the heir of the Arno dynasty that I told you about! Prince Arsson!"

The dwarves saluted Arsson in surprise.

After all, the human race, the dwarves, and the elves are all alliances. In the alliance, the status of the nobles are mutually recognized and communicated.

Arsson blushed and faced the dwarves in return.

Etiquette is important, but he really can't bear to let go of his instant noodles.

Bilbo said excitedly: "Prince Arsson, I didn't expect to see you here. Do you remember me?"

Arsson said quickly: "Remember, remember, you are Bilbo Baggins, the heir of the Baggins family, the prince of the Hobbits-if the Hobbits have a kingdom."

Bilbo said happily: "It is indeed Prince Arsson. You have not seen each other for so many years. You can still remember me, hahaha! By the way, you must be here for the plague. You are really a good one. Prince!"

Ar Song nodded with a wry smile, and continued to eat noodles.

At this time, he couldn't listen to any compliments, because it would delay his eating instant noodles.

In a short while, the white-robed knights ate all the instant noodles in the bowl, and Garden stood up, blushing and said, "Uh... dwarf friends, thank you for your hospitality, if you can... ahem, Can I have another bowl?"

Kili was surprised and said: "Goodbye! It is said that our dwarves have as big an appetite as a cow, and your human race is not bad!"

The other dwarves laughed suddenly.

This is certainly not an insulting joke. The white-robed knights only blushed slightly-no way, instant noodles are really delicious, not only the noodles are delicious, the soup is also delicious, the salty is suitable, and the meat is full of flavor. , Every white-robed knight drank all the soup in his bowl.

Kili smiled and said: "Instant noodles are not our dwarf's, it belongs to Lord Diego. We can eat instant noodles, and we are also in his light. As long as he agrees, we naturally have no objection."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You can eat as much as you want, just manage it!"

The white-robed knights were all born and died with him. What counts as a few packs of instant noodles?

Garden said excitedly: "Master Diego! Thank you so much! I didn't expect that besides preparing the plague detoxification soup, you can also slash the black-robed wizard, and even make instant noodles such a delicious world! You are simply a genius! ! No, the word genius is too superficial. I can't think of any words that can describe your greatness! Please tell me, what else can you not do?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I really have... have a baby."

When everyone heard it, they all laughed, and the atmosphere between the dwarves and the human race became very harmonious.

After a while, the second round of instant noodles was served, and everyone ate their heads.

Prince Arsson also ate happily, just like a poor boy who hadn't eaten for several days, not even letting go of the soup at the corner of his mouth, and licked it clean with the tip of his tongue.

Thorin approached Bilbo and asked in a low voice, "That guy... is really a prince?"

Bilbo nodded vigorously, "Yes, it really is!"

Chapter 104-Arson's Request

After eating the second round of instant noodles, the white-robed knights patted their stomachs contentedly and sat on the ground to rest.

Arsson blushed and wiped his mouth, stood up and walked in front of Thorin, leaning slightly and said, "Hello Prince Thorin, I was so sloppy just now, I have not had time to greet you, I am the prince of the Kingdom of Arno. Arsson, it is a pleasure to see you here."

Thorin hurriedly nodded in salute and leaned slightly, "His Royal Highness Prince Arsson is too polite. This is originally your territory. We are only passing by temporarily. I hope Prince Arsson will not mind you."

Arsson said quickly: "How would you mind? In fact, thanks to your passing here, if you hadn't asked Gandalf and Diego to rescue the town of Bray, the town of Bray would have been waiting for me to support the plague. I rushed out of the town of Bray and infected most of the country."

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