Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 102: Swallowed directly!

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Chapter 102 Swallowed Directly!

Yang Xu was anxious in his heart, but he didn't show anything on the surface.

"I won't say it, I... pooh!"

The man flew with one arm.

The blood shot, and the man screamed more than ever.

Yang Xu's gloomy eyes:

"It seems that you want to devote yourself to Zong Men? Don't you say?"

"I... pooh!"

Another arm flew up.

"I don't want to listen to nonsense, you have one last chance."

The men cried:

Nima, I'm wrong!

I'm going to say it soon, can't you be patient?

Having endured the severe pain, the man simply neatly said:

"The Taixu Beast is the embodiment of my Taixue Realm, condensing the essence of the entire array. Two days ago, the Taixue Realm and the Phantom Spirit Realm opened at the same time. The Lord let us explore the secrets of the upgrade of the Phantom Spirit Array. Suddenly ran out and fought against a weird little black beast..."

"Is the little black beast injured?"

Yang Xu asked.

Mention it, the expression on the man's face is weird:

"That little black beast is too weird! The Taixu beast is so powerful, even if the ten soul masters are not its opponents, they are helpless against the little black beast..."

Throwing this person into a corner, Yang Xu rushed forward without saying anything.


Behind a hill.

Standing a strange beast, the howling of "hungry and hungry" came from its mouth.

It is eighty meters long, and its shape is like a crocodile, and its whole body is covered with metallic luster, like steel pouring.

Each scale is about the size of a water tank, and there are strange runes on it.

I do not know why, when I saw it, Yang Xu actually had a feeling of inner emptiness.

His eyes even flickered for a moment.


The little black dog howled.

Yang Xu woke up suddenly:

"Good guy, I almost said the way of the beast."

"I'm hungry!"

A crocodile-like ill-beast, with a metallic luster all over his body, his huge mouth slammed towards the little black dog.

Kaka Kaka!

Sharp teeth, crushing a space.

Shenyan Spear!


The spear of flames roared, and the Taixu Beast hurriedly dodge.

The ground burst into flame pits ten meters deep.

Taixu Beast's attack on the little black dog disintegrated.

"Ao! Ao!"

The little black dog Chaoyang Xu called twice.

Nine Nether Nine Dragons immediately glared wide and turned his head:

"Boss, this little thing prevents you from disturbing it to fight..."


Yang Xu was speechless for a while:

"Then watch it."

"I'm hungry!!"

The Taixu Beast suddenly made a wailing noise.

The little black dog was too fierce and jumped, biting the throat of Taixu Beast.

The sturdy giant tail of the Taixu Beast is more than ten meters long.


The little black dog leapt.


Under the four paws, a ripple of space appeared, standing in the air.


The little black dog shook his body, and a strange rune suddenly flew out.


The Taixu Beast froze there.

"Hungry! Hungry!!!"

The pair of huge pupils of Taixu Beast suddenly became hollow, as if the soul had disappeared.

The surrounding world is discolored, boom!

A thick bucket of lightning threw it hard.

The little black dog was too lazy to dodge and let the thunder strike.


It smoked black smoke all over it, but was not injured.


A little black dog mouth:


Yang Xu suddenly felt a tremor in the void.

An unpredictable force permeated, wow!

The majestic Taixu Beast becomes smaller at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In less than three seconds, it became as big as a jujube and flew towards the little black dog.


The little black dog swallowed!


Swallowed the spirit beast of the emptiness...

Yang Xu looked at the little black dog:

"You are hanging like that, do your family know?"


The little black dog barked.

"What do you mean?"

"Boss, it says it's time to go."

The Nine Nether Nether Dragon vomited:

"It's weird that such a cow's strength can't speak."

The little black dog glanced at it.

The Nine Nether Nether Dragon stiffened all over, only to feel the trembling from the soul, making it unable to move.

a long time.


The Nine Nether Nether Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, and the huge dragon eyes flashed:

"Boss, wait for me!"

Burial month holy place.

The magnificent palace suddenly exclaimed:

"How is this possible! How could the virtual realm collapse?"

"What about Taixu Beast? Quickly notify it and take over the control of Taixu Secret Realm!"

"Not good! Phoenix real blood is dangerous! Quick! Be sure to take back Phoenix real blood!"

"It's late! The Phoenix's blood has disappeared bizarrely, and the virtual realm can't be kept..."

"Look! There are only a few stones out there, and those who dare to count my holy land will never reincarnate forever!"


Too virtual secrets collapsed.

Large blocks of space, shattered and torn into black nothingness.

Mountains, hills and other terrains all collapsed and disappeared.

There was chaos everywhere.


Yang Xu and the little black dog drilled back into the phantom spirit realm from that hole.


The phantom spirit realm buzzed and trembled.

The rolling aura was born from the void.

The terrifying spatial fluctuations quickly spread throughout the spiritual realm.

Yang Xu took a punch and knocked!

The sound of gold and iron came from the space.

"The ruggedness of the space is at least ten times stronger!"

The bright flash in Yang Xu's eyes:

"Phantom Spirit Realm has upgraded again! What the **** are you, Black Dog?"


The little black dog howled anxiously.

Nine Nether Dragon eyes glared:

"Bad boss! It said that a man in black had stolen the real blood of the phoenix that was too virtual and secret, and said that he would start against the Yang family! Boss, your family is probably in danger!"

"Little black dog, send me away!"

Song family.

There was no one at the moment.

In order to annex the Yang family in one fell swoop, the Song family has already moved out.

"Come here, how about the offensive? Did the Yang family surrender?"

In the back garden pavilion, Song Haishan is like a general who sits in the middle of the palace, and plans to do so.

"Master Qi Yun, the Yang family is too stubborn. After we have been strengthened by you, our strength has increased sharply, but we haven't been able to defeat them even day and night... Poof!"

Before he finished talking, he fried into a pile of meat sauce.

"A bunch of waste!"

Song Haishan’s image of Zhizhu shattered, two angry pupils, and two black magic swords flashing.

Two black air rushed from his devil's eyes to his forehead.

In the center of his eyebrows, a crimson flame burned wildly, like a flaming phoenix, fighting against the black gas.

"Haishan, I can't think of Yang family being so difficult to deal with! If you can't win, you..."

"Father worryed! I personally shot, before the sun goes down, I will destroy the Yang family!"


Song Haishan turned into a magic sword rune, blinking and disappearing into the air.

In the eyes of his father, there was a flash of worry:

"Song Qingshu, Song Qingshu, what the **** is the magic sword you gave to Haishan?"

Yang family.

At this moment, the war was furious, and the Yang family's children tried their best to repel the Song family.

Yang Qingtian in a purple dress, his eyes shining brightly, surprised and exclaimed:

"These people cultivated by Xu'er are really talents! Without them, the Yang family would have long been..."

He remembered his son with relief.

At this moment, a servant came up, with a look on his face:

"Homeowner, someone wants to see you..."

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