Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 103: The catastrophe of the Yang family!

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Chapter 103 The Disaster of the Yang Family!

"Yang Fei? You still have a face back!"

In the backyard of Yang's house, Yang Qingtian's eyes are indifferent:

"You and your mother were expelled from the Song family and became beggars on the street. I will take you back to the Yang family, give you food and clothing, and do things for you, but you want to infuse the interests of the Yang family..."

Opposite, Yang Fei knelt on the ground and wept bitterly:

"I'm wrong and I won't dare! Father, godfather! Please give me another chance! I..."

Halfway through, Yang Fei's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light.


A dark dagger stabbed Xiangyang Qingtian fiercely.

"court death!"

Yang Qingtian has been prepared for a long time, boom!

A purple thunder cracked Xiang Yangfei.

Yang Fei was chopped up and sang!

The dagger fell to the ground.

Yang Qingtian stared at Yang Fei angrily.


A black sword pierced his stomach from behind.

"Yin Susu, good job!"

Yang Feiyin looked at Xiangyang Qingtian with a smile:

"Do you think I want to kill you? The real trick is to lie to you. Susu, thanks to your family ring."

Yang Fei wears a silver ring on his finger.

Seeing vaguely, purple thunder flashed on the ring.

Yang Qingtian's blow was actually absorbed by the ring.


Yang Qingtian fell to the ground in pain.

"Let's go, Song Haishan's task we have completed, let's go and appreciate it."

Yang Fei took Yin Susu's hand.

Yin Susu has a sweet face.


She suffered a severe blow to her heart and broke her heart.

The body fell to the ground, and she stared at Yang Fei with her eyes wide open.

"Hey, your family's ring is my chance of Yang Fei's rise! Yang family, Song family, sooner or later are all in my pocket! Zhen Lao, what do you say?"

The silver ring on Yang Fei's hand flickered.

An old man with white beard and white beard, fairy bones, emerged from the ring:

"Xiao Fei, this is your chance. Song Jiayang and the two tigers are fighting each other. The hunter benefits. I think Song Haishan's brow flame is good. You can find a way to get it."

Yang Fei's complexion changed:

"Zhen Lao, Song Haishan is powerful, I am not his opponent..."

"Waste! Without it, I can't own the entity. How can you dominate the Dragon City?"

When the old man was angry, the appearance of the fairy bones was swept away.

"Okay, I'm also anxious. Rest assured, Xiaofei, with me here, I will help you with array technique at the critical moment!"

"Thank you Zhenlao! I listen to you all!"

Yang Qingtian was stabbed and unconscious.

The Yang family suddenly lost its core, and the original orderly battle became chaotic.

"It won't work like this!"

Yang Ming's face dignified:

"You can't contact the young master at all now. There is no way but to rely on ourselves. Yang Hong, you are responsible for holding the gate and taking over the garrison at the gate!"

"Yang Xiao! You are responsible for guarding the back door, you can't let any juniors come in!"

"Yang Hui, you are responsible for air and ground security. No one in the sky or underground can let anyone in! My hands will be transferred to you!"

"I will contact Missy now, so that she must return to Yang's home as soon as possible!"

Yang Ming arranged in an orderly and orderly manner.

The fact once again proved that Yang Xu did not misread people.

"No need to find me, I'm here!"


A huge red giant knife came from behind.


Yang Rourou jumped from the giant sword, his eyes fixed:

"Yang Hui, you go to protect the patriarch! Yang Ming, you take over the responsibility of Yang Hui from the compound! Tell me, what happened to the Yang family, how many days will it be able to resist this situation?

Yang Rourou's words did not fall.



With an explosion, the Yang family army howled.

"No need to ask, your Yang family can't hold it for a long time!"


A black magic sword rushed into the Yang family.

All the children of the Yang family were struck by the black devil qi.


The black magic sword transformed into Song Haishan, a pair of dark eyes flashing desire, staring at Yang Rourou:

"Beauty, you don't have to struggle anymore. The Yang family will die today. The dying struggle will only make the Yang family lose more."

"Song Haishan, how dare you dare to start against the Yang family!"

Yang Rourou's eyes flashed murderously.

"Yang Rourou, no nonsense, family annexation is normal, I'm just a little violent."

"Song Haishan, you are dead!"

Yang Rourou suddenly broke out, Hulong!

The huge crimson giant blade cut hard to Song Haishan.

Song Haishan didn't move, and his finger flicked:


A black magic energy hit.


Yang Rourou was hit and flew out, hey!

The giant blade hit the ground heavily.


Yang Rourou was seriously injured and his face was pale.

"Call all Yang family to the square! Violators, kill!"

Song Haishan is extremely powerful and kills Ling Ran.

on the square.

Facing the Yang family, Song Haishan made no secret of the murderous opportunity:

"Give you 30 seconds, the surrender will live, the stubborn will kill without pardon!"

"I vote for you, Gole Gobi! Song Haishan, you beast, the young master will definitely kill you when he comes... Poof!"

The cursed young Yang family burst directly.

"Thirty seconds, count down now! Thirty, twenty-nine..."

"I surrender! Master Song Shao's life!"

"I surrender too, don't kill me..."

Yang Ming and others were so popular that their eyes were bursting:

"Yang Luren, Yang Longtao, you cartilage, Yang's face is lost to you!"

Yang Qingtian looked at this scene and was frustrated:

"Who else wants to survive, surrender."

Hula la.

Many Yang family members raised their hands and surrendered.

However, there are still many children who stand firmly with the head of the family and refuse to surrender.

Yang Rourou, who was seriously wounded, looked pale at this scene, his eyes flashing slightly.

She discovered one thing, none of the Yang family bred by Yang Xu surrendered!

The other Yang families who have made good friends with them have no fear.

Their faces were determined, and they were ready to coexist with the family.

"Yangxu, Yangxu, because of your tossing, the Yang family has doubled in size. But..."

Yang Rourou's mouth twitched, looking at the surrendering Yang family, his eyes flashed:

"How can the Yang family develop rapidly without cutting off the rotten meat?"

"Okay, if you don't surrender, just die!"

Song Haishan's murderous opportunity broke out.

But at this time.


A figure appeared.

Yang Rourou's eyes flashed with surprise:

"What are you doing here?"

Huolilong smiled leisurely:

"Of course I came to save your Yang family. Your young master Yang Xu, I am very interested in him."

"Hum, nothing is attentive."

Yang Rourou snorted coldly.

She was already unhappy with Huini Niang, and Huini Niang's brother was even more disappointed.

Huolilong's face changed and he snorted:

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you! Your Yang family is about to perish. I think I will help you once for Nishang's sake, but I have a request that Nishang is not the same as she was today, and the difference between Yang Xuyun mud! I save After Yang family, Yang Xu would have to stay away from Niang, and never be entangled with her..."

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