Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 104: Swallow it out!

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Chapter 104: Swallow and Spit It Out!

"No need!"

Yang Rourou interrupted the fire from the dragon:

"We don't need you to intervene in our affairs. You are not qualified to manage Yang Xu's private affairs! Get out!"

Fire from the dragon is blue and purple, ugly and unusual.

"Hahaha! You stupid people don't appreciate it at all."

Song Haishan burst into laughter.

"you wanna die!"

The Fire Lilong was furious and rushed towards Song Haishan.


A magic sword phantom flashed.

The fire is far away from the dragon and comes back faster, and a twisted face is full of horror.


He spurted blood:

"You are practicing magic skills..."


Huolilong fainted to death.

"Huh, a waste dare to speak up in front of me."

Song Haishan sneered.

Everyone was shocked:

Ninth-level Soul Warrior, he can't even catch a trick!

so horrible!

"Don't surrender yet? Then die."

Song Haishan's eyes blinked and swish!

A black magic sword flew out of his pupil and blinked to Yang Ming.

Before his death, Yang Ming chose to be his family and went to death calmly.

He closed his eyes to die.

However, death did not come.


A flaming golden spear smashed the black magic sword, blocking it in front of Yang Ming.


Yang Xu caught in the black yarn appeared.

"Senior, you are finally here."

Yang Rourou's face was delighted.


The paleness on her face was gone, and there was no sign of injury.

Song Haishan froze:

"How do you..."

Yang Rourou smiled contemptuously:

"You want to ask me why I was not seriously injured? Do you really think your broken sword can hurt me? I lied to you."


Everyone in the Yang family boiled.

Yang Qingtian also looked at her daughter in amazement.

Yang Rourou blinked at him, pointing to a mysterious man in black.

"Who are you? Why are you doing something good for me?"

Song Haishan pressed.

"Bad you good thing? Do you have this qualification? The Yang family is my disciple's home, how can you be disturbed by this scum."

Yang Xu's tone was full of contempt.

"He is the mysterious master Xu'er?"

Yang Qingtian suddenly realized.

"Yang Qingtian! Stop struggling! You can see the strength of Song Haishan. This hidden trash is definitely not Song Song's opponent!"

The Yang family who surrendered began to persuade.

"Yes! Yang Qingtian, if you don't surrender, you are watching the Yang family die! You will become the sinner of the Yang family!"

"A person who knows the current affairs is Junjie! If we turn to Master Song, the Yang family will be sheltered, and our strength will only be stronger!"

The group of traitors from the Yang family persuaded persuasively.

Yangming all ridiculed:

"A group of cartilage betrayers with a face on their face. If I were you, I would plunge into the dung pit and kill myself."

The Yang family immediately laughed.

Yang Xu stared faintly at the group of betrayers of the Yang family:

"There is really no remorse. Fortunately, there is such a thing that can pull out all the moths!"

Those Yang family betrayers were ridiculed by Yang Ming's sarcasm and became angry and angry:

"Master Song, these people are stubborn and stubborn, kill them all! They are yours!"

"Wow, then kill!"

Song Haishan suddenly shot.


In his pupils, two magic swords flew towards Yang Xu.

Yang Xu smiled indifferently:

"Just waiting for your shot."

Eight pole punch!

Bang Bang!

Two magic swords were knocked out.

Coincidentally, it happened to fly to the group of surrendered Yang families.

The two magic swords collided heavily, bang!

Terror energy burst.

All Yang family betrayers, die directly!

"Uh, I'm sorry, I missed it."

Yang Xu shrugged.


The children of the Yang family all laughed:

"Something went wrong, you clearly did it on purpose."

"Good kill! The group of betrayer should have been eliminated long ago!"

"Most of the surrenders are old guys with corpse meals, occupying the pits and not shit..."

Yang Rourou stared at the mysterious man with admiration:

"Senior's trick is great, and the hidden dangers of the Yang family are eliminated at once."

Yang Qingtian also lamented repeatedly:

"The children Yang Cultivated have no one to surrender. They have huge potential and tenacious will. This is the future of the Yang family."

Yang Qingtian was relieved.

"I will give you one last chance! Yang Qingtian, kneel down and kowtow for me! Yang Rourou, surrender to me, be my pet and please me, I can spare your Yang family! Otherwise, all will die!"

Song Haishan drank furiously.

No one ignored him.

Everyone looked at him like a fool.

"Then die!"

Swish swish!

The overwhelming magic sword runes flew to Yangxu and Yang's children.

"Five Elements World!"

Behind Yang Xu, the five mysterious world portals are flashing.


The overwhelming yellow sand flew out into a huge shield.

Puff puff!

All magic swords were stopped.

Everyone exclaimed:

"What a powerful trick!"

"I really deserve to be Master Master!"


Song Haishan burst into tears, and his whole person became as thin as paper, woo!

Actually turned into a magic sword and cut Xiang Yangxu.

Brush brush!

The dense shadows of swords are everywhere.

For ordinary cultivators, it has long been cut into pieces of meat.

Even Yang Qingtian, in his heyday, was not sure of confrontation.

But Yang Xu's eyes flashed brilliantly:

"Nissei Wheel."


The golden sun rose from behind and turned into a golden mask, dangdangdangdang!

All sword shadows were blocked.

Everyone was relieved and their eyes stared at the mask obsessively:

"What kind of treasure is this? What a strong protection!"

Yang Rou looked at the mysterious man in surprise:

"Yang Xu's master is really not easy, just use this kind of baby..."

At this time, Huolilong also quietly woke up.

He stared blankly at Nissei Wheel, speechless.

"Damn! I refined the real blood of the Phoenix, and I will soon get the inheritance of the **** bird, how can I not win you! Phoenix nirvana, the magic sword annihilation, give me out!"


Song Haishan's eyebrows, a flame mark suddenly burned up.

The phoenix-shaped energy rises from behind Song Haishan.

In front of him, a dark magic sword, lingering around the magic energy, killing.



Flame Phoenix roaring out!

Dark magic sword, burst out!

"World of Fire, Long Yan is singing!"

Yang Xu waved his hand and screamed!

The flaming red flame turned into a dragon head, and rushed towards the flame phoenix.

"Shen Yan's Spear!"


A flaming spear slammed into the dark magic sword.


Void concussion, flame burst, energy swept.

Endless dust rises, covering the entire Yang family, covering the void.

Instantaneous step.

Yang Xu flashed and appeared beside Song Haishan.

The gloomy eyes chilled Song Haishan.

"Have you swallowed the real blood of Phoenix? Do you feel that you have the confidence to start the Yang family? Is the woman who wants to move me?"

"Then I will spit out what you swallowed!"

Yang Xu smiled coldly, boom!

With a heavy punch, Song Haishan was beaten.


Song Haishan flew out, with eight strange powers inside his body, madly destroying his body.

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