Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 105: Identity exposed?

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Chapter 105 Identity Exposed?

Without the real blood of Phoenix, Song Haishan would be torn apart.


His eyebrows, flame runes in the shape of a phoenix, flashed wildly.


Yang Xu flashed beside Song Haishan.

Eight pole punch!


Song Haishan was smashed into the ground.

Yang Xu stepped heavily on the ground, bang.

Song Haishan flew out like a ball.

Eight pole punch!

Song Haishan flew out again.

"Five Elements and Eight Extremes!"


Yang Xu's fist is covered with the golden energy of fire, water, fire and earth.

Eight energies, five colors of energy, blending together.

Browing toward Song Haishan, he shot out:


The sound of striking metal.


In Song Haishan's brow, a bleak Fengming sounded.


A flame in the shape of a phoenix flew out of his head, spreading his wings.

"Where to escape!"

Yang Xu, who was already prepared, grabbed a big hand:


The flame collapsed and turned into a drop of golden blood.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Phoenix Real Blood x1! Reward experience value + 100000! True Qi +1000! 】

The system's crisp prompt sound.

"Fuck me!"

Yang Xu smiled coldly:

Moon Wheel!

A meniscus-shaped knife wheel, with silver sparkle blooming, cut the space into a black void, killing Song Haishan.

"Magic sword quickly save me!"

Song Haishan insanely stimulated his physical potential.



The magic sword, which has always been responsive, has swallowed all his potential.


The magic sword flicked away from Song Haishan and fled into the sky.


Silver light flashed.

In the middle of Song Haishan's eyebrows, a vertical blood stain burst.


The body fell to the ground and smashed in half.

Yang Xu looked at the magic sword flying towards the sky:

"In that direction, it seems that the real master of the magic sword is Ling Yunzong."

What he thought of, smiled faintly.

"What are you waiting for, Yang's children? The Song family's strength is empty. Now is the time to counterattack! Attack the Song family and avenge the genocide!"

Yang Xu waved his arm.

The Yang family army responded to the promise, led by Yang Ming and others, and rushed towards the Song family in an orderly manner.

【Ding! ! 】

The system prompts again in the ear:

[Congratulations to the player, kill Song Haishan, a Level 3 Soul Warrior! Reward experience value +10000! True Qi +1000! 】

[Congratulations to the player for completing the main task: the strong family!

Reward mysterious treasure chest x1! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, "Eight Extremes" combines the power of the five elements, and the A-level exercises have evolved! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the AA-level exercises "Five Elements and Eight Extremes"! Reward experience value +10000! True Qi +1000! 】

[Practice: Five elements and eight poles

Grade: AA level

Cost: 50 points of true energy

Description: The power of the eight poles and the power of the five elements are combined into one, and the world is invincible!

Description 2: Explosive power +20%, rage +5%!

Description 3: The chance of dropping the five-element spar is +50%! 】


Yang Xu tried to punch.

Suddenly the void cracked into a web-like crack.

Yang Xu was very surprised:

"The power of Ba Ji Chong is even stronger!"

Also, to complete the main task of the strong family, the system rewards a mysterious box.

Last time, Yang Xu's S-level exercises were obtained by opening the box.

I wonder what I can drive this time?

in the room.

Yang Xu couldn't wait to open the treasure chest.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger 99 full-value lucky attributes, double the reward! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Firelin Sword x1! 】

Is a weapon!

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

[Weapon: Fire Lin Sword (Remnant)

Grade: Treasure

Weight: 1000 kg

Destructive power: 1—1000

Description: Molten unicorn scale armor is cast and contains supreme flame power.

Description 2: Fire Kirin Armor contains magical properties, and it is easy to get out of fire when used for a long time.

Description 3: Absorb the power of flames and upgrade and evolve! 】

Seeing the first half, Yang Xu was disappointed:

"Nima, a mysterious treasure chest has a broken sword?"

"The destructive power of the pit father. Is it still possible to hack a 1 point attack?"

"It's easy to get rid of it after a long time? Then I'm still playing a fart."

When Yang Xu was disappointed with his stomach full.

When you see the last item:

"Upgradable evolution?"

Yang Xu's eyes suddenly brightened:

"Almost forgot! Even if the Fire Lin Sword is incomplete, the rank is a treasure! If it evolves into a perfect state, can it not be an artifact?"

Yang Xu carefully observed the Fire Lin Sword:

The Fire Lin Sword is about one meter long, with a slender body and a red body.

Near the hilt, a blue scale was inlaid.

It is the legendary fire unicorn scales.

The handle of the Fire Lin Sword is emerald green, crystal clear, as if carved from jasper.

There is a red line of fire in the center of the hilt.

Grab your hand, and there is a hint of warmth in the coolness of Jasper.

It's really uncomfortable.

"It's worthy of the Fire Lin Sword. The main title is "Ten Sun Divine Achievements", which can just play the power of the Fire Lin Sword."

Yang Xu praised again and again.


Yang Xu was shocked and pulled over the mysterious treasure box:

"There is still something!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get hot fruit x1! 】

[Item: Hot Fruit (Perfect)

Grade: Treasure

Consumption: None

Description: The fruit of the demon from the outside world.

Description 2: The temperature control ability can be obtained after taking it. The range is 1 to 10000 degrees. Even if the magma falls, it will not be injured.

Description 3: Do you feel my heat? Accept my enthusiasm! 】



Lucky 99 full value attribute, double the reward!

Not only get the treasure fire sword, but also a perfect demon fruit!

Free control of body temperature, 10,000 to 10,000 degrees?

Will you be injured if you drop the magma?

so horrible!

With it, won't Yang Xu's "Ten Yang Divine Skills" be more powerful!

You know, Yang Xu has already integrated a burning fruit.

The ability to burn fruit is to make him a flame.

The hot fruit can enhance the flame temperature!

Plus the Fire Lin Sword——

Together, the three are seamless!

Distant space-time plane.

A large number of broken space crystal wall systems and space-time crystals float in the void universe.

In the sharp and messy plane wind, a few figures are like gods and spirits, Youyou said:

"Almost able to wipe out the core of this group of Yang families! Unfortunately, the most **** one escaped!"

"Huh, there's a miscellaneous fish that can't afford the big storms. Someone will solve it. Let's go back to Zhuge Patriarch!"

A figure pulls around, scorn!

The crystal wall of the void space collapsed, and a black hole exploded.

Several people stepped into the black hole and disappeared.


A space-time crystal twisted and flashed, revealing a pale-looking young man, his lips shaking with fright:

"It's all dead, all the companions are dead! Everything is blamed on that miscellaneous bloodline! I must capture him, recapture the blood of the gods, frustrate!


His figure flashed, and the surroundings of the pale young man changed.

He stood in the air and looked around:

"Weak plane, where the power of space is so fragile, how can it withstand the power of God's blood?"


As his breath changes, he will be repaired to suppress the soul emperor realm:

"The target is in that position!"


He rushed towards the direction of the Heavenly Wind Kingdom, a few flashes disappeared.

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