Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 109: You are not discussed!

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Chapter 109

To completely kill the pale young people, Yang Xu consumes a lot.

The boiling power in the body is fading like ebb.

Blond hair and blond eyes slowly degenerate into black.

Yang Xu was sweating and panting.

Everyone froze.

Watching this scene blankly, I don't know what to say.

Even the knowledgeable Jian Nantian was speechless at the moment.

Yang Xu's toughness made him wonder how to evaluate.

And at this time.


A crack appeared in the ground.

A dark shadow, lingering with anger and resentment, appeared like a ghost.

"Chu Tianao!"

"Don't he die in Phantom Spirit Realm?"

"Are there any adventures?"

Ling Yunzong exclaimed.

At this time, Chu Tianao, holding a black scythe of death, wearing a black armor of the necromancer, and a black boots of the undead god.

A pair of dark eyes stared at Yang Xu violently and resentfully:

"Hey, hey, you can't think of it, God favored me Chu Tianao, and made me have a chance when I was dying! I was recognized by the **** of death!"

He stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"You are fighting desperately with the mysterious strongman, is it not a small consumption? You may even be seriously injured!"

"Now is your most vulnerable time, you are dead!"

Chu Tianao waved a black scythe of death, and his whole body was filled with death, as if death came.

Yang Xu's eyes looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a clown who jumped on the beam.

The ignoring eyes made Chu Tianao angry and growled wildly.

"Stupid is always stupid, do you think it's your chance? In fact, your real mission is just to give me the last treasure."

"Farewell boy, farewell."

With that said, Yang Xu took it so easily.


Seems to kill a fly.

Chu Tianao was squashed in the void, his blood splashed, and he died completely.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill Chu Tianao, the 9th-level Soul Master! Reward experience value + 100000! True Qi +10000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the scythe x1, is it worn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the armor x1, is it worn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the boots of the **** of darkness x1, do you wear them? 】

[Congratulations to the player, did you get the soul puppet "Little Puppet Technique"? 】

Yang Xu felt a strong necrotic spirit from the three sets of equipment.

"Exactly you can use them to practise Day Sun Black Lotus."

Looking back, the masters of Ling Yunzong were staring at him.

"Chu Tianao master, Ling Yunzong's genius, was slapped to death by his slap?"

"What should we do? Do we want to avenge Chu Tianao?"

"Huh, Chu Tianao proud of his genius, no one in his eyes, help him revenge? Are you crazy!"

The masters of Ling Yunzong kept the silence very tacitly.

Yang Xu glanced around and brushed.

He disappeared instantly.

Jian Nantian stared at the direction of Yang Xu's departure, sighing very much:

"This person will definitely be famous all over the world!"

Teacher Yan quickly sobered up:

"Don't waste time, go and see Yang Xu!"

Twenty miles away.

In a cave.

Yang Xu sat cross-legged while restoring strength.

While taking stock of this harvest.

Killing the pale young man and Chu Tianao is like killing two bosses.

Equipment, exercises, materials, everything.

First look at what the pale young man broke out.

[Soulcraft: Black Sun Lotus (Perfect)

Grade: S grade

Consumption: True Qi 50 points/second

Description: Draw the power of the nether world and conceive the day lotus.

Description 2: Exercising this trick can increase the soul attack power by 200%!

Description 3: With the help of the Spirit of the Underworld, the cultivation effect can be enhanced.

Description 4: The power of Pluto cannot be used lightly, and greed must be countered. 】

"It's actually an S-level Sorcery, so amazing!"

Yang Xu was pleasantly surprised.

Sorcery is rarer than rare exercises.

And the soul technique must be more powerful for the use of power.

It is also ten points of qi, and it can only exert ten points of power to support death with the practice of miscellaneous cards.

But if you use pure soul technique, you can exert the power of 20 or even 30 points!

Keep watching.

[Item: Golden Bloodline (rare)

Grade: Middle grade (the blood is divided into lower grade, middle grade, upper grade, king grade, and emperor grade. The higher the grade, the greater the potential!)

Description: The blood of the core disciples of the Yang Family Sect contains the power of pure Yang.

Description 2: After fusion, it can improve the purity of blood veins and increase the strength, and it is infinitely close to the ancestor of the Yang family, Lieyang God! 】

Description 3: Children of non-Yang family cannot be integrated! The offender was burned to death by the blazing sun! 】

Look at another one:

[Item: Energy Crystal Core (Elixir)

Grade: Wang Pin

Effectiveness: True Air +10000 per second for 10 seconds

Description: Made from energy extraction, it contains powerful energy.

Description 2: Can be stacked. 】

"Add 10,000 True Energy per second, which is a good thing! Wang Pin's elixir is higher than the Goblin Yan Firegrass rank!"

You can get 10 pieces of this kind of baby at once, and you can even use it to save lives at critical moments!

Yang Xu surprisedly received the gifts from the pale young man.

Turned to see Chu Tianao.

This kid's stuff is much simpler:

[Weapon: Hades Scythe (Magic)

Grade: Spirit Tool

Weight: 1000 kg

Destructive power: 200-200

Description: The sword from the underworld can emit the death spirit.

Description 2: One of the Hades suits. Collecting two pieces can trigger the power of Hades, attack power +200! Collecting three pieces can trigger the guardian of the **** of darkness, defense +200%! 】

[Cloth: Armor of the Underworld

Grade: Spirit Tool

Weight: 2000 kg

Defense: 100-100

Description: The armor from the underworld can emit the death spirit.

Description 2: One of the Hades suits. Collecting two pieces can trigger the power of Hades, attack power +200! Collecting three pieces can trigger the guardian of the **** of darkness, defense +200%! 】

[Shoes: Hades Boots

Grade: Spirit Tool

Weight: 200 kg

Defense: 50-50, speed +100

Description: The boots from the underworld can emit the death spirit.

Description 2: One of the Hades suits. Collecting two pieces can trigger the power of Hades, attack power +200! Collecting three pieces can trigger the guardian of the **** of darkness, defense +200%! 】

How to say, each of these three pieces of equipment is rubbish, it is just a magic weapon.

Yangxu even has artifacts, and there is also a treasure. Natural spirits are not taken into consideration.

Even if it is a suit, the effect of the attached suit is not very good.

It can be seen that this guy Chu Tianao, even if he didn't die, is still a bad luck.

It is estimated that the so-called "Ming God" casually stuffed him with a set of rotten streets.

Poor, he was like a treasure, to provoke Yang Xu.

Who will die if you don’t die?

"The only thing useful for these three suits is that they can give out the spirit of death, which can help you practice "Hei Lian Da Ri"!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed, and he looked at the last baby with his eyes bright:

"Little puppet technique! This is the best soul technique!"

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