Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 110: Against the sky puppet technique!

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Chapter 110: Against the sky puppet technique!

[Soul Technique: Little Puppet Technique

Grade: S grade

Cost: 50 points of true energy

Description: Everything that exists can be restrained and turned into a puppet.

Description 2: Practicing the metamorphosis, you have a 1% chance to comprehend the puppet technique of "Three Thousand Techniques" 】

Yang Xu was completely shocked.

It was even more shocking than seeing "Day Sun Black Lotus".

Everything can be manipulated into a puppet not to say.

S-level soul spell rank is not mentioned.

The key is!

"There is a chance to comprehend the puppet technique!"

What is puppetry?

One of the three thousand great skills!

What is Three Thousand Great Skills?

The so-called "Heaven follows the Tao, and the law is three thousand."

Third, it is an infinite number of changes, representing uncertainty and unknown.

The so-called "three thousand great techniques" means that everyone has every technique.

The ultimate of the Three Thousand Great Techniques is the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, chaos of creation!

"Little puppet technique, practice immediately!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, learn the S-level Soul Technique "Little Puppet Technique"! Reward experience value +10000! True Qi +1000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the full value of 99 root bones, "Puppet Art" level upgrade! Current level: lv1! 】

Not only learned, but also upgraded!

The full value of the root bone, perception, luck, it is too powerful!

Yang Xu's heart moved, hum!

There were black runes at the fingertips, flashing out.

Flawless, black runes branded in the void.

Yang Xu suddenly felt that this inch of void seemed to become his extension.

Cohesion, dispersion, splitting, merging...

In an instant, it can make endless changes.

Yang Xu gathered little puppet runes on the soles of his feet, and could even restrain the space and walk in the air.

"No wonder Chu Tianao can't fly, but can do nothing."

Yang Xu understood.

It hasn't been time to further test the power of "Little Puppet Technique".

【Ding! ! 】

[System Tip: The usage time of the trumpet is about to be exhausted! During the countdown: 10, 9, 8...]

"I'm going! The things on my trumpet haven't been sorted yet..."


Yang Xu looked black.

Consciousness appears to be short-lived.

Next second.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the success of the return to the main number, reward experience value +10000! True Qi +1000! 】

Yang Xu tried to open his eyes.


【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the "Unlimited Upgrade System" version is updated! During the system upgrade, the progress is 1%, 2%...】

During the system update, Yang Xu could not wake up.

But his consciousness is sober.

For half a day, Yang Xu heard many people's voices:

Teacher Yan, Jian Nantian, Yang Rourou, Yao Xueyi.

Lian Yi also visited once, but did not enter the door.

At other times, Tie Ao and Xiong Feng took turns protecting here.

Yang Xu was very moved.

The system is finally updated.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the infinite upgrade system version is successfully updated! Reward experience value + 10000, true gas value plus 1000! Points +10! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the SS level "Ten Yang God Skills" has been upgraded, the current level: lv1! 】

[Congratulations to the players, awaken the ten-yang body! Reward XP +10000, True Qi +1000! 】

[Talent: Ten Sun Eucharist

Grade: Treasure body (Talent qualifications are divided into mortal body, treasure body, spirit body, treasure body, and **** body)

Cost: 10 points per second

Description: The treasure body of pure Yang firepower.

Description 2: +200% training speed for fire system exercises! Attack power +200%! Defense +200%! 】

Yang Xu was somewhat dissatisfied:

Nima, SS-level exercises, only awakened the treasure?

His trumpets are all eight gods.

It's too far behind.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, did you find the trumpet system merged? 】

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Can I merge the trumpets? What are the benefits?"

[System Tip: After the merger, the small items can be used together with the large size. The small skills and talents need to consume a certain amount of experience before they can be used! In addition, points can be used to redeem the time for trumpet use! 】

"Use time for redemption of trumpet? That is to say, my trumpet has a chance to use it!"

Yang Xu was very happy:


Then the lucky and perceptive full value of the trumpet will come in handy!

"By the way, the system also rewards 10 points, what's the use?"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, discover the points mall system! 】

[System Tip: The source of points is system rewards, and can also be exchanged through useless skills and items.

Points use: can be used to redeem the use time of the trumpet. In addition, points can be used to redeem related items in the points mall! 】

Yang Xu was shocked when he looked at the points mall:

"I'm going! So many amazing things!"

【Weapon class:

Qi Tian Da Sheng's wishful gold hoop;

Purple and green swords from the treasure of Shushan Township;

The ancestral slaughter of Tongtian trapped the four immortal swords;

"Fengyun" the first magical sword excellent peerless...]

[Magic class:

King Kong Zhuo of Taishang Laojun;

Jiang Ziya's God List;

The ancient jade dish of Hongjun ancestor;

Land Pressure Daoist's Flying Sword...】


Super Saiyan lineage;

Honghuang Zu Wu lineage;

Pangu lineage;

Titan lineage;

Demon angel lineage;

Mutant lineage...]


Nine turn immortals; soaring chemical immortals; thirty-three days immortals...]

[Special category:

Demon Fruit; Soul Cleaver; Blood Succession Limit; Fu Lu; Inscription; Formation...

In addition, there are various types of exercises, skills, etc., all kinds of everything.

Even more frightening is that even the number of readings and archives can be exchanged.

Yang Xu was very pleasantly surprised and took a closer look: Nima, he couldn't afford it!

The lowest grades inside are as low as tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of points.

The number of reads and archives is even more than one million points of horror!

"System, let me merge the trumpets!"

[Congratulations to the player, the trumpet merger is successful! 】

The next second, Yang Xu was suddenly overwhelmed by the dense system prompts:

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, did you find the power of reincarnation (perfect), is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, found the golden bloodline (inferior) x1, is it fused? 】

[Congratulations to the player, if they find Phoenix True Blood (King) x1, is it fused? 】

[Congratulations to the player, found the hot fruit x1, is it fused? 】

[Congratulations to the player, did you find the Goblin Yan Fireweed x1? 】

[Congratulations to the player, did you find the Huolin Sword x1 worn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, did you get the Wraith suit x3? 】

[Congratulations to the player, did you learn the Soul Technique "Hei Lian"? 】

[Congratulations to the players, did you learn the book "Liumu Danshu"? 】

[Congratulations to the player, the remaining S-level draw opportunity is once, is it a draw? 】

"Nima, with so many things, I've learned so much during this time!"

Yang Xu also discovered "Liu Mu Dan Shen Shu". At first, he used a trumpet to comprehend Liu Mu Dan Shen Bei, but Mao didn't realize it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the main number was on, I immediately realized it.

If everything is digested, I am afraid that the main power of the master will be a step forward!

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