Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 111: The more terrifying prince wake up!

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Chapter 111 The more terrifying prince revival!

"Golden bloodline, fusion!"

Yang Xu first merged the blood of the body.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the golden bloodline fusion is successful! Perception +5, root +5! 】

Yang Xu felt warm all over his body and his eyes were clear.

Thoughts became clearer.

The improvement of perception and root bone is very effective.

"The power of reincarnation, fusion!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the power of reincarnation is successfully integrated! Alert: The change of the Shiyang Holy Body...]

[Congratulations to the player, ten yang sacred body advanced! The player awakens the "Ten Sun Reincarnation"!

Reward experience value +10000, true energy value +1000, points +10! 】

"The Eucharist has advanced? The ten-yang reincarnation?"

Yang Xu opened the system panel and took a look:

[Talent: Ten-Sun Reincarnation

Grade: Divine Body (Yiyang Stage)

Cost: 50 points per second

Description: The product of the combination of "Ten Sun Divine Skill" and the power of reincarnation

Description 2: Cultivation speed +300%! Attack power +300%! Defense +300%! Fire department practice speed +500%! Attack power +500%! Defense +500%!

Description 3: 10% chance to comprehend "Small Reincarnation"!

Description 4: 1% chance to comprehend "Reincarnation" of Three Thousand Great Skills! 】

This is the ten-yang reincarnation?

It's so perverted!

Only in the first stage, the power is stronger than the second order of the Eight Gates.

And like the eight-door **** body, the ten-yang reincarnation body can also be upgraded.

Divided into multiple stages from "one yang" to "ten yang"!

more importantly!

There is a chance to comprehend "Small Reincarnation" and "Reincarnation".

"Reincarnation" is the terrifying existence behind "Fate" in Three Thousand Avenues.

It is said that mastering "Reincarnation" is only one step away from Eternal Avenue!

That's amazing!

Yang Xu was so excited that his breath was a little short.

But the surprise is not over.

"Hot fruit, let me fuse!"

【Ding! ! 】

[It is found that the player already has the roasted fruit x1. The system detects that the two fruits can be merged and advanced. Are they fused? 】

"Can the Devil Fruit advance?"

Yang Xu's eyes widened, and you are too awesome.

You know, in that classic blood about the pirates, every devil fruit has its limits.

Like burning fruit, the characteristic is the incarnation of flame, and the burning and attacking range is huge.

But the flame temperature will not be too high.

Development to the limit will be one or two thousand degrees.

The characteristics of the hot fruit are the control of the temperature, which can be 1 to 10000 degrees.

You can even bathe in magma!

In the original book, the most powerful rock fruit in the fire system is recognized, which has the characteristics of these two fruits:

It can burn again and the temperature is high.

Unfortunately, the burning range is no better than burning fruits.

The highest temperature is no hotter than the fruit.

If the roasted fruit is combined with the hot fruit, the heat and attack range are both available.

The title of "the strongest fire system", what is the lava fruit?

To understand this, Yang Xu almost shined.

Without saying a word, "advance immediately!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Succulent fruit and hot fruit merge successfully! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the advanced fruit: unknown fruit x1 (unnamed)! Reward XP +10000, True Qi +1000! Points +10! 】


In the palm of Yang Xu, a strange-looking fruit appeared.

It is strange because it is completely different from the devil fruit known to Yang Xu.

It is about the size of a human head and has a translucent color throughout.

The innermost part is a deep dark black walnut-sized, like a black hole.

The outer layer is glaring white.

And the outermost is the deep red of the flame burning.

The surface of the fruit is covered with patterns, each of which is a cluster of fine flames burning.

Just holding it in hand, Yang Xu can feel the horror heat contained in it.

[Congratulations to the player for getting the unknown fruit x1, is it named? 】

Yang Xu looked at the new fruit and smiled:

"My surname is Yang, and you are so similar to the sun. This is our fate. Let's call you the fruit of the sun."

[Congratulations to the player, the naming is successful! 】

[Item: Sun Fruit (Perfect)

Grade: Treasure

Consumption: None

Description: Demon fruit from the outside world, but the curse is removed, and it will not be rejected by the ocean.

Description 2: The physical fire can be elementalized, and physical attacks are invalid!

Description 3: The flame temperature can be controlled from 1 to 10000 degrees (non-limit), and the melting iron is very easy!

Description 4: Unknown.

Description 5: Unknown. 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Found Sun Fruit x1, do players merge? 】


[Congratulations to the players, the success of Sun Fruit Fusion! 】


Yang Xu suddenly turned into a flame.

The horrible heat instantly turned the wooden bed under him into ashes.

"What happened?"

Yangrou and Tieao rushed in immediately.


The scorching temperatures faced them with difficulty.

If they were not in the room, they would have to suspect that they were facing a sun at close range!


A flash of light flashed through.

Jian Nantian pulled Yang Rourou and Tieao out:

"Yang Xu may have to awaken the treasure and don't disturb him."

"That's right! Seeing this terrifying movement, he might be able to awaken the body of God!"

Teacher Yan always has strong expectations for Yang Xu.


Yang Xu has long been able to control the ability of the devil fruit.

Even with the integration of new fruit abilities, he quickly mastered it.

"The next step is "Liu Mu Dan Shen Shu", learn now!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, learn "Liu Mu Dan Shen Shu"! Reward experience value +10000! True Qi +1000! Points +10! 】

[Spell: Liumu Dan magic

Grade: Unknown

Consumption: unknown

Description: Comprehend the dharma technique comprehended by "Six Eyes Danshen Tablet". Every comprehension of one layer can gather one eye. Six heads come out together, **** Baidan, it's easy.

Description 2: Currently understand the incomplete state of the first layer of Fire Eye Pill.

Description 3: Unknown.

Description 4: Unknown. 】

Yang Xu saw a burst of fire:

"I'm going, I don't know why you wrote it? How many words?"


The words "incomplete state" made Yang Xu look forward to more:

"If I fully comprehend, would it really be possible to condense the first head of the six eyes, "Fire Head"?

Pill learning, you have to continue.

"Soulcraft Hei Lian? Learn now!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, learn the Soul Technique "Hei Lian"! Reward experience value +10000! True Qi +1000! Points +10! 】

I have seen the attributes of "Daihelian" before, so Yang Xu quickly looked at Phoenix True Blood and Fire Lin Sword.

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind:

There are already enough blood lines to fuse together.

And mainly fire.

Can this phoenix real blood merge with the firelin sword?

Yang Xu asked the system.

【Ding! ! 】

[System Tip: Can be integrated! The fusion of Phoenix True Blood and Fire Lin Sword has an 80% chance of successful fusion and a 10% chance of destruction! 10% chance is unknown! 】

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