Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 112: Chu Tiange cried!

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Chapter 112 Chu Tiange cried!

The Huolin sword is cast with the scales of Huo Qilin as the core.

After a long time, the sword master is easy to infect animal spirits and get into trouble.

Therefore, the Fire Lin Sword is a residual sword.

But even the remnant sword, its rank is still a treasure.

Only one level worse than the artifact.

If it can be combined with the real blood of Phoenix, can it evolve into an artifact?

[System, merge the two! 】

80% success rate is worth a bet!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the fusion is successful! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the artifact: Linhuang sword (perfect) x1! Is it bound and worn? 】

Yang Xu took a look at the attributes:

[Weapon: Linhuang sword (perfect)

Grade: Artifact

Weight: unknown

Destructive power: unknown

Description: The perfect existence of the fusion of Phoenix True Blood and Kirin Bloodline. Its sword emerged like a phoenix hovering, and its sword appeared like a unicorn roar.

Description 2: Attack power + 500%! Fire Attack +800%!

Description 3: 20% chance to trigger a kill!

Description 4: The Emperor of Swords draws his sword and sings.

Description 5: Do not drop or damage after binding! 】

This attribute is simply explosive!

The 20% chance of killing is also not good for cattle.

Fortunately, after experiencing so many surprises, Yang Xu has adapted.

Normally, he may jump with excitement!

Yang Xu didn't bother to watch the remaining three-piece suit of the **** of darkness.

The garbage attribute is far worse than the artifact.

That's why it's useful to practice "Day Sun Black Lotus".

There is still an S-level lucky draw.

Before changing to the previous one, Yang Xu might be very excited.

but now.

He is like a **** after a continuous high chao.

Even if the curve is hot, the chicken with the best job will probably not stand up.

Almost numb opened the lottery page.

"Start the draw."


The colorful lottery roulette began to spin.

Yang Xu looked lazily.

But at this time.

A shout came from outside the door:

"Yangxu you dog mongrel, I'm here to kill you!"

Han Xu's eyes flashed coldly:

"He dare to come?"

"Chu Tiange, you stop! Do you have Zongmen rules in your eyes? This is not your place to spread wild!"

Tieao stared at Chu Tiange.

Chu Tiange at this time has completely changed compared to last time.

Both in strength and momentum are more powerful.

"Haha, Zongmen rules? I'm the inner disciple immediately, Zongmen rules are an egg!"

Chu Tiange looked rampant.

He looked into the building with a smile:

"Doesn't Yang Xu's dog mongrel not wake up yet?"

Xiong Feng shouted:

"Are you afraid of being beaten and disabled again?"

"Hahaha, crippled? Speaking of this, I would also like to thank the mysterious person last time!"

Chu Tiange laughed:

"The mysterious man killed my brother, and I didn't expect that I would get the family's attention immediately! Not only did all my injuries healed, but also the family's superb knowledge was passed on to me!"

"No matter who blocks me today, Yang Xu will die!"

Xiong Feng, Xiong Ruolan, Hao Wu and Hao Jian, their faces suddenly changed.

They are far from Chu Tiange's opponents.


Tieao drew his sword in his hand, knowingly lost, but still wanting to go.

"You don't have to do it, I'll come."

Yang Rourou smiled faintly.

"Yo, there is a little beauty here, Yang Xu is really blessed, and the beautiful women are drilling into his arms one by one, but it does not matter, you will be my crotch plaything sooner or later!"

Chu Tiange smiled yin.


A loud slap made him stunned.

"Which dog mongrel attacked me...pa!"

Another slap.

Chu Tiange was dumbfounded:

"My grass, you get me out! What's the trick of hiding your head and showing your tail?"


The dazzling light flashed.

In the dazzling crowd, Yang Xu's figure stood proudly.

Playful eyes staring at Chu Tiange:

"If you want to kill me, you have to see if you are heavy enough."

Yang Rourou, Tie Ao, and Xiong Feng were all ecstatic at once.

Yang Rourou cried with joy, almost emotionally collapsed.

These days she has been afraid that she will lose Yang Xu forever...

"Yangxu! How dare you come out?"

Chu Tiange stared at Yang Xu, his bitter eyes flashing wildly:

"Since I met you, I have been out of luck again and again, the woman I like is gone, and I have been beaten by the mysterious person! But now, my Chu Tiange has come very well, and Hongyun is heading!"

He saw Yang Xu from his head to his feet, the contempt in his eyes made no secret:

"Depending on the level 1 **** of your soul warrior, also deserves to talk to me about strength? I pack you like pinching an ant!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's face suddenly changed greatly:

"Yang Xu's current cultivation is the first level of talented soul warrior!"

"Chu Tiange actually broke through the first-level Soul Master! A whole realm above Yang Xu!"

Tieao and they all stared at Yang Xu worriedly.

Only Yang Rourou and Teacher Yan looked at Yang Xu expectantly.

They all have inexplicable trust in Yang Xu.

Jian Nantian, with her hair tied down and her waist down, always has a faint look and can't see any expression.

"Ah... Am I a first-level soul warrior? Impossible."

Yang Xu was also surprised.

I clearly remember that the system rewarded a lot of experience points.

Open the panel and take a look:

Beside his rank, there is a long experience bar.

At the end of the experience bar, there is a "Upgrade" button.

"Oh, the system version has become more advanced after updating."

As soon as Yang Xu thought about it, the "Upgrade" button lit up:

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level 2 soul warrior! 】


Yang Xu's vitality changed suddenly.

"I depend! Break through so easily?"

Xiong Feng's eyes widened.

Everyone was also surprised.

Chu Tiange's proud face froze in his face.

He smiled strongly:

"What's so great about breaking through, can you continue to break through?"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players... Soul level 3 at present! 】

Yang Xu's momentum has once again improved.

Another level up.

"How is it possible that you can break through two consecutive levels?"

Chu Tiange's eyes widened.

He stared at Yang Xu with a certain amount of pride:

"I don't believe it, can you be promoted to the third level in a row? You have the ability to..."

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players... Soul level 4 at the current level! 】


This time not only Chu Tianao, but almost everyone else was shocked:

"How is this possible? Break through four realms in a row?"

"Yang Xu, have you taken the elixir?"

Yang Rourou looked at Yang Xu with surprise and joy.

Only Teacher Yan and Jian Nantian looked calm.

They all thought that Yang Xu concealed his true cultivation behavior by special techniques.

Where do you want to go, Yang Xu is really a real breakthrough in public!

Before Chu Tiange became more and more ugly, and finally even cried with a sad expression on his face.

Unattended upgrades next to Yang Xu.

【Ding! ! ]...

【Ding! ! ]...

[Congratulations to the players... Soul Level 1 at the current level! 】

There is still a part of the experience bar, and the Yangxu level is probably enough to upgrade one level.

But he never rose.

With a smile on his face, Yang Xu looked at Chu Tiange playfully:

"Hey, now we are in the same state, come and kill me."

Chu Tiange was crying.

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