Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 113: The Power of Black Sun Lotus

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Chapter 113 The Power of Black Lotus

Seeing Yang Xu teasing, he tickled his fingers towards himself.

Chu Tiange's anger started from his heart.

After his brother's death, he directly became the key training object of the family.

He didn't even attend the funeral of his brother, so he came to kill Yang Xu.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu took the lead to drink, and played directly!


"Yangxu, you have become my demon. I will not be able to kill you if I don't kill you!"

Chu Tiange has never been so determined to kill someone.

Yang Xu smiled:

"Come on, I happen to learn a new Sorcery, practice your hands."

He ran out without even looking at the result of the draw, but he did not play with Chu Tiange.

"Big Day Black Lotus!"

Not waiting for Chu Tianao's actions, Yang Xu has begun to show his power.

His big day black lotus is different from the pale young man.

The pale young man must first condense the nether lotus flower, and then condense the nether day.

As soon as Yang Xu shot, he immediately condensed the ghost day.

Look carefully, there is a layer of golden light around the black sun.

The outline is larger than that of pale young people, and the temperature is higher.

This is thanks to the fusion of Yang Xugang's sun fruits!

Move your heart at will, walk wherever you want.

Yang Xu hands lotus seal, hum.

On the **** day, the black mang turned into a black lotus.

In the void, a faint wave of soul power carries a trace of oppression and spreads around.

"Good pure soul power fluctuations!"

Everyone stared at Yang Xu in surprise.

Yang Rourou, they looked at Yang Xu head blankly:

"Horrible Soul Art!"


The black lotus bloomed.

The first petal of the lotus, accompanied by the black mans, slowly blossomed above Yang Xu's head.

Jian Nantian stared closely at the black lotus, frowning:

"Am I wrong? Yang Xu's control of this soul technique is more accurate than the pale young man?"

At that time, the pale young man used "Day Sun Black Lotus". When the lotus petals bloomed, even the void collapsed.

That is a manifestation of energy leakage.

Ke Yangxu's practice of stripping thousands of eggs is not in vain.

His control of soul power is more skillful and precise.

No trace of power leaked, so the void was not damaged.

What surprises Jian Nantian more is:

The pale young man's big day black lotus has only seven lotus petals.

Yang Xu's seems to have... eight ways?


The black lotus petals fluttered towards Chu Tiange.

Seemingly slow and fast, he blinked and came to Chu Tiange.

"not good!"

Chu Tiange whispered and yelled!

His body swelled abruptly, and a dragon roared.

There was a shock in the whole body, and layers of golden light shot out of him.

Form a golden bell-like shield around the body.

The black lotus petals hit the golden bell, and the golden light rippled.


The golden bell rang loudly.


The black lotus petals shattered silently.

The first attack was fruitless.

There are seven petals left in the day.

"Long Yin Golden Bell Guard! The Chu's defense is awesome!"

Teacher Yan exclaimed:

"Yang Xu is in trouble! The Chu family has two great skills of attack and defense, Longyin Golden Bell and Yin-Yang Shizhong Peak, which is extremely powerful!"

Jiannantian nodded:

"Chu Tiange may have practiced all two great schools, Yang Xu he..."

Judging intellectually, he felt that Yang Xu could not block the two great schools.

But deep down, he had some inexplicable expectation for Yang Xu.

Yang Rourou's huge giant blade is already in his hand, ready to help at any time.

"Hahaha! Yang Xu, your soul technique can't break my defense!"

Chu Tiange stood in the golden bell jar, with nothing to break.


Suddenly his hands were together, and he made a series of handprints.

Mysterious pressure appeared in the void.

The energy of black and white is gathered in front of Chu Tiange.

"Yin and Yang Shizhong Peak! The first peak, Chi!"

Chu Tiange burst into tears, poof!

The energy of black and white is transformed into a picture of Tai Chi Pisces.


The light of black and white is rising into the sky.

In the light, a mountain 30 meters high and 10 meters in diameter, mixed with black and white, condenses in the air.


Chaoyang Xu cracked down on it.

Kaka Kaka!

Passing the mountain, the void collapsed directly, turning into a black void.

Yang Xu didn't get sick, and even his face didn't change a little.

He is like a dark god, and the black sun above his head moves the black soul.

The second lotus petal bloomed.


Its speed is faster and more powerful than the first one.

It can be clearly seen that Yang Xu is more skillful in controlling the "Day Sun Black Lotus"!

"Yinyang and Ten Peaks, the power is quite good, but it is a far cry from wanting to suppress me!"


The second lotus petal, suddenly blooming dazzling black mans.

Like sunspots, black flames sweep through the void and the temperature rises instantly.

Where the black lotus petals pass, the space seems to be melted, folded and deformed.


The first heavy mountain of Yin and Yang, like chocolate ice cream, melts instantly.

The energy of yin and yang drops onto the ground.

"The progress is so obvious! Only the second attack, the power surged!"

Teacher Yan's eyes widened in horror.

Jian Nantian's always calm face also showed a trace of surprise.

Yang Xu's talent for Soul Technique is beyond his expectations.


Yang Xu did not move like a mountain.

A black lotus blooms above the head, blooming like a sacred sky.


The third lotus petal blooms.

This time, the power is stronger.

And there is a taste that crushes everything.

The void trembled and seemed to be unable to bear this little black lotus petal.


The golden bell rang loudly.

When the black lotus petals broke again.

The golden bell suddenly rippled.

The horrible sound was transformed into sound waves through a special structure in the bell body, and it suddenly attacked Yang Xu.


Big day black lotus and black mansions swept.

Yang Xu disappeared.

The next second, he appeared ten meters away.

Chu Tiange inside the golden bell hood, panting.

The beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down, on the one hand, he was heated by the high temperature of the sun.

On the other hand, it was scared by Yang Xu.

"Can't go on like this, solve Yang Xu as soon as possible!"

"Yin and Yang's tenth peak, the second peak and the third peak!"

Chu Tiange desperately urges true energy.

Even the "magic medicine" that the family broke into him was stimulated by a trace of medicine.


There was a yin and yang twirling in front of him, swoosh!

Two yin and yang tai chi pictures are formed, blinking into the air.


The wind and thunder suddenly rose, and a Tai Chi figure turned into a shape of a thunder dragon around the peak.

As if energized, this peak shone with dazzling light, bursting the void.

In another Tai Chi picture, yin and yang combine into one, turning into the color of chaos.

As if the steel were pouring down, the weight of the third peak skyrocketed tenfold.


The Thunder Dragon on the second peak rose in the wind, holding the huge Yinyang peaks and slamming into Yangxu.


The chaotic gas on the third peak hit the sky with a sonorous sound and hit Yang Xu from another angle.

One left and one right, the double peaks hit and came quickly.

For other fellow practitioners of the same rank, there is absolutely no way to escape.

But Yang Xu smiled:

"everything is over."

The first move of "Daily Black Lotus", he just got started.

The second move, he is completely familiar.

The third move, he has mastered it!

When the fourth lotus petal hit, Chu Tiange could not stop!

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