Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 114: Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile!

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Chapter 114 Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Piles!

Chu Tiange's defeat did not surprise Yang Xu.

With his current strength, he can be easily killed without using the bottom card.

The reason to keep it is to take him to practice exercises!


The Longyin Golden Bell, known as "Nothing Can Be Broken", faced the fourth petal of black lotus and was annihilated and broken.


The huge impact of the soul made Chu Tiange flew a silver light.

Only an inch away, Dari Helian can penetrate Chu Tiange's head.


Chu Tiange shouted in panic.

Before death, he could no longer maintain his mentality.

a long time.

Death and coming.

When I opened my eyes, the scary lotus petals had dissipated.

Yang Xu is like a god, standing high above, overlooking Chu Tiange.

"Why don't you kill me?"

"Don't kill you because you have a good background."

The Chu family is a long-standing family.

Chu Tianao has already been killed. If the only descendant of the Chu family is killed, the Chu family may be mad.

It is not necessary to do anything by then.

Yang Xu is not afraid of himself. What he is worried about is that it involves the family and friends, which is not worth the loss.

Think about it.

Yang Xu looked at Chu Tiange faintly:

"I can spare you not to die, but what price would you pay for your life?"


Chu Tianao is struggling...

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the level of "Daily Black Lotus" has been upgraded. The current level is lv1! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the practice "Dragon Yin Golden Bell" x1, are you practicing? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the "Yin and Yang Shizhong Peak" x1, is it practice? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the magic medicine Guishui Youlian x1, use it? 】

The battle is over.

Yang Xu explored this harvest.

The magic medicine was made by Yang Xu from the body of Chu Tiange with the big day black lotus.

The guy got vengeful before he got the magic medicine before refining it.

As a result, Yang Xu was cheap.

The two exercises were also handed over by Chu Tiange for his life.

[Item: Guishui Youlian

Grade: Spirit

Description: In a thousand kilometers deep underground water, the peculiar Qilian species bred contains the energy of the strange ice system.

Description 2: The best material for refining the body, if the energy of the ice attribute can be refined, there is endless use.

Description 3: Serve with fire materials, it has amazing effects! 】

"The properties of Guishui Youlian and Goblin Yan Fireweed are actually very similar, just one ice and one fire, which can just cooperate!"

Yang Xu's eyes lit up suddenly.

Look at those two exercises again:

[Martial Arts: Longyin Golden Bell

Grade: Grade A

Consumption: 40 true gas/second

Description: It can condense a golden bell shield, with a golden dragon on it, powerful!

Description 2: Practice to the environment, call the Jiulong around the body, there is no strength to destroy, no skill can be broken! 】

[Martial Arts: Yin and Yang Tenfold

Grade: Grade A

Consumption: 40 true gas/second

Description: It can gather the power of Yin and Yang and condense the Qi and Yin Qishan to suppress the enemy!

Description 2: Practice to the environment, can gather ten strange peaks instantly, press mountains to fill the sea, omnipotent! 】

"Good rubbish. Is Chu Tiange fake?"

However, even if it is genuine, Yang Xu will not look down upon.

Not to mention their grade.

The effect of the single saying, "Dragon Yin Golden Bell", condenses a shield to defend itself, and its movement speed is greatly reduced.

It's an exercise that can only resist beating.

Passive beating is never Yang Xu's style.

"Yinyang Shizhong Peak" is even more funny.

Condensing mountains and flying out to hit people, who is so stupid waiting for you to hit?

The only subtlety is that it can condense the power of Yin and Yang.

"Both are tasteless, so I won't learn."

Yang Xu intends to replace the two exercises with points.

But at this time.

[S-level draw has been completed, do players check the results? 】

"Look at it."

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the S-level advanced card! 】

[Item: Advanced Card

Grade: S grade

Description: You can advance any item to get stronger items!

Description 2: Advanced materials with the same attributes are required! 】

"How do you use this thing?"

Yang Xu asked the system and finally understood.

The role of the advanced card is to advance an item.

For example, you can let the fruit burn into the sun fruit.

But it requires hot fruits to make advanced materials.

The essential role is to let the two merge.

"Yes! It can be used like this!"

"Long Yin Golden Bell", "Yin and Yang Ten Chongfeng", and Yang Xu also practiced "Eagle Iron Shirt".

If you merge them, what will be advanced?

"System, use advanced card, advanced "Dragon Yin Golden Bell"!"

Yang Xu still felt that it was mainly defense.

He has many offensive skills, but he lacks defense.

【Ding! 】

[Successful use of advanced card! 】

Yang Xu's three exercises disappeared in a flash.

[Congratulations to the player, did you practice the Yinyin Twenty Dragon Pillars?" 】

A brand new exercise appeared in front of him.

[Practice: Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pile

Grade: S grade

Consumption: True Qi 50 points/second

Description: Quenching the power of Yin and Yang Qi can converge Yin and Yang Qi and turn it into a dragon body of Yin and Yang, which can be attacked and retreated.

Description 2: Twenty, twenty, this skill reaches the realm, and can gather twenty real dragons!

Description 3: Unknown.

Description 4: Unknown. 】

Yang Xu was speechless about the "unknown" of the system.

But the "attackable and defensive" attribute made him delighted.

"The Guishui Youlian and Goblin Yan Fireweed have a wonderful effect on strengthening the body, and leave it to the elder sister."

Yang Xu wanted to find a secluded place to practice.

He immediately thought of Shuiliandong.

But there always reminds Yang Xu of Yao Xueyi.

"Still don't go to Shuiliandong, find a place nearby."

Yang Xu entered a cave.

It was day outside, but the cave was dark.


Yang Xu put the Linhuang sword in front of him.

Suddenly, the golden firelight of the sword body illuminated the whole cave brightly.

Use an artifact to illuminate!

Only Yang Xu is such a luxury.

Sitting cross-legged, Yang Xu calmed down and calmed his breath.

Suddenly, there was silence around.

The most recent experience flashed through my mind.

Recalling, reflecting, and summarizing, Yang Xu's combat experience has been greatly improved.

The hidden dangers left by the fusion of many abilities were also eliminated.

Even "Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" unexpectedly felt.

at this time.

Yang Xu's ear moved.

Two rapid footsteps quickly approached here.

"Don't take it, Brother... It's daytime... It's not easy to see..."

"What are you afraid of, Sister and sister, there is no one here...Go to the cave, your brother can't help but enter your ecstasy..."

Two figures appeared at the entrance of the cave.

The man is pretty, but his long and narrow eyes flow from time to time.

The woman's figure was hot, but her clothing was exposed, her sly eyes could not hide her charm.

"Hey, there is someone..."

"Someone is afraid of Mao, and I let him get away!"

The man came over, condescending, and looked down on Yang Xu sitting cross-legged:

"Hey, you have heard it. Without saying more, get out immediately and give Goteng a place!"

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