Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 115: Terrible practice method

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Chapter 115 Terrifying Practice Methods

Yang Xu didn't even open his eyes, said coldly:

"Go away now and spare you!"


Zhao Yue blushed with anger.

No one has ever spoken to him like this.

He is one of Lingyun's top twelve, and his strength is there.


He also has an elder brother inside.

Zhao Yue can be described as having both strength and power.

Not many people in Ling Yunzong dare to provoke him.

Unexpectedly, today, I met someone who didn't know what to do...


Zhao Yue's eyes suddenly lit up and stared at the sword in front of Yang Xu.

"Good baby! My sword happened to be in Phantom Spirit Realm. If I get this sword..."

The woman next to him actually actually took a fancy to this sword.

But she thought carefully:

How can anyone who owns this sword be an ordinary person?

In particular, they haven't felt the slightest breath of others until now!

The woman took Zhao Yue a hand and wanted to remind her.

Helpless Zhao Yue has been stunned by greed:

"Boy! Obediently put your sword on both hands, I can forgive you for your disrespect for me!"


Yang Xu's eyes opened.

"Do you want my sword?"

Zhao Yue sneered:

"Do you disagree? If you don't agree, I will abolish your cultivation and make you unable to mix in Lingyun!"

"You still want to abolish my cultivation?"

Yang Xu raised a brow.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen death made so fresh and refined.

"Hahaha, do you know who I am, Zhao Yue of Lingyun's top twelve! Want to keep your cultivation behavior, and exchange your sword for it! Otherwise I... Ka!"

Zhao Yue's throat was stuck in one hand.

That hand was unbreakable like an iron tong, and he was lifted in the air.

Regardless of how you struggle, it won't help.


Yang Xu released a breath.


When the woman's legs were soft, she was almost scared and fainted.

Zhao Yue was also scared:

"First-level spirit master! You you you..."

He was about to cry.

What kind of low-key are you playing in this broken cave?


Zhao Yue's face turned red.

Yang Xu's eyes are cold:

"Forgiveness? If you were pinched by me, would you spare me? Say, what are you going to do with your life?"

Yang Xu did not intend to let him go easily.

If he is not strong enough, he may not be bullied.

It can be seen from the arrogance of this person that he usually bullies others.

"Rao Ming...My brother...My brother is a disciple of Neimen..."

"Inner disciple?"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.


He throws Zhao Yue out of the cave.

"get out."

He sneered.

Zhao Yue fart crawled away from the cave.

The gloomy eyes looked back, full of resentment:

"He is dead! This time he is dead!"

He immediately pulled out a thousand cranes.

The woman was thoughtful and grabbed him:

"He let you go so easily, there must be something wrong. Let's go."


Zhao Yue slapped over:

"Fuck! Lao Tzu has never been so angry! He easily let me go, indicating that he is afraid of my brother!"

He brushed a few lines and sent out Qianji Crane:

"I asked my brother to avenge me!"

The woman was restless, her brows closed:

Are you afraid of your brother when you let go?

Maybe someone else deliberately brought your brother over.


A figure approached quickly.

Wearing a black suit and holding a long sword, the whole body was murderous.

His sharp eyes fixed on Zhao Yue:

"What about the spirit sword?"

Zhao Yue pointed to the cave:


Zhao Feng looked at the cave, his eyes flashing:


A cold sword light flew into the cave.


No more...

There was no sound in the cave.

As if nothing happened.


Zhao Feng felt something wrong, woo.

He appeared at the hole.

When he saw the figure of Yang Xu sitting, he blinked.

Like his younger brother, his eyes were fixed on Linhuangjian first.

"Come here."

Yang Xu looked up and down Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng's face is obviously more scheming than Zhao Yue.

He Chaoyangxu tentatively said:

"Your cultivation is extraordinary, but you bully my waste brother, some victory is not right?"


Yang Xu's eyes flashed, and the delicate awns in his eyes made Zhao Feng's heart stagnate.

"I didn't bully your brother."

Yang Xu shook his head:

"I just want to kill him."


Zhao Feng's face sank:

"Your Excellency is too brutal!"

Among the disciples of the inner disciples, Zhao Feng could not be the best, nor was he good at it.

"You said I was arrogant? Ha ha, your brother would **** my weapon and abandon my cultivation behavior, just like a robber. Do you think I am arrogant?"

Yang Xu choked so that Zhao Feng was speechless.

"Brother, what nonsense did you talk to him, kill him directly, grab his sword..."

"You know how fart, get out!"


Zhao Yue was pumped out by Zhao Feng.

"Look, there is a stupid brother who will cause you trouble sooner or later. If you can survive this time, discipline your younger brother."

"Can you survive?"

Zhao Feng's pupil shrank sharply, staring at Yang Xu:

"What do you mean!"

"Meaning, if you don't make a sword, I will kill you."

Yang Xu stood up and shot.


A **** sword light came from beheading.

Zhao Feng deserved to be a disciple of the inner door, and he shot as soon as he spoke.

His eyes flashed with strong confidence:

Can be among the disciples of the inner door, Zhao Feng is relying on this powerful sword technique.


In the next scene, Zhao Feng's eyes widened immediately:

"This is impossible!"

Just as the **** sword light was about to tear Yang Xu's body.


Yang Xu was suddenly surrounded by black and white gas.

The power of Yin and Yang circulates, turning into a dragon shape, rotating around Yang Xu.

Just listen to bang--

There was a muffled noise.

The **** sword light was smashed by the Chaos Dragon.

"What kind of exercise is this! So weird!"

Zhao Feng took a breath.

His sword is enough to tear apart the defense of the first-level spirit master easily.

But unexpectedly, even Yang Xu's defense could not be broken.

Feeling the progress of the exercises, Yang Xu looked at Zhao Feng with satisfaction:

"The performance is very good, it's you."

The purpose of Yang Xu letting Zhao Yue is to attract Zhao Feng to see him.

Now he decided to let Zhao Feng do sparring.

Tieao was the best candidate.

But one is that his cultivation is not enough.

The second is that in the face of Yang Xu, his sword is not strong enough.

And Yang Xu needs a fierce and fierce sword gas attack to increase the level of Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pile.

"Your younger brother is called Zhao Yue? Don't want him to die, you obediently practice sword with me..."

"Ah! What the **** are you doing in front of my brother! Brother quickly killed him and robbed him..."

Zhao Yue didn't finish.


A golden sword light swept across.


Zhao Yue's right arm flew into the air.

Before it hit the ground, there was a clatter and it burned into fly ash.

What a fast sword!

Zhao Feng shuddered, and stared at Yang Xu:

He just didn't see how Yang Xu drew his sword.

If Yang Xu wants to kill him, he can't stop him!

"This time I just cut him, and next time, I'm going to die."

Yang Xu smiled and looked at Zhao Feng:

"Have you decided how to choose?"

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