Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 119: Suppression from above

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Chapter 119

Yang Xu convinced Lu Chong with a word.

Look at others, this is called humility.

Obviously winning the championship, he said it was for him.

Compared to that Tsing Yi, it's not much of a skill, and it still dragged 25,800,000 all day.

The two judged against each other.

"You reminded me just now? Thank you."

Yang Xu remembered that when Tsing Yi attacked, someone reminded himself.

Lu Chong smiled like a flower:

"Remind Brother I should do it."

"Brother? You're going to hit the snake with the stick. Let's say, if you have any doubts about swordsmanship, let's discuss, maybe we can help you."

Yang Xu talked with Lu Chong about his own opinions and experiences.

Lu Chong heard the brighter his eyes, the whole person was excited.

You should know that although there is a system, every sword and every move of Yang Xu is actually practiced.

And after each battle, they will carefully reflect on and sum up experience.

It can be said that even if there is no system, his sword skill is also at the forefront of Ling Yun.

What's more, Lu Chong is also very talented.

Some ideas often inspired Yang Xu and benefited greatly.

The harmonious picture that the two discussed with each other left most people around dumbfounded:

Hey, this is a little different from the style we imagined.

Why is Yang Xu so approachable?

If Xiong Feng is here, he will definitely say that they have set their minds:

Who stipulates that the master should be lonely and arrogant.

A bold new disciple, tentatively stepped forward and finally confirmed:

Not pretended!

Yang Xu is really talking about swordsmanship.

more importantly!

Unlike other Jianxiu's broom self-preservation, Yang Xu did not hide at all.

For a time, many sword repairs went to Yang Xu.

A group of people by the waterfall actually formed a good circle of sword repair.

"Why does this matter! Yang Xu deserves to die!"

Ling Yunzong hall.

Elder Song Qingshu repeated the case:

"This is already the fourth inner disciple he killed! It's too presumptuous!"

"Yes! Yang Xu is too murderous. Even killing four of my inner disciples, and each of them is Ling Yun's talent, Yang Xu is deeply guilty!"

Elders who had made good relations with Elder Song could not help saying.

Song Qingshu glanced at a cold light:

"In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, Sect Master, I suggest that you take severe punishment on Yang Xu, kill chickens and monkeys, and be effective!"

He looked at the patriarch's face, looking at the top of the hall, the seat of the patriarch.

The patriarch was in his early forties, with no white face, and frowning, and he looked indecisive.

Teacher Yan below looked in his eyes, his heart fluttering with worry.

Seeing that Song Qingshu had to speak, he couldn't help interrupting:

"Elder Song is not right? All of you here know that there is no good stubborn person who can enter the inner door. Unrelenting? Isn't it what we want?"

There was a trace of disdain on Teacher Yan's face:

"As for the murderousness, hehe, don't we all forget that Zongmen even gave the inner disciples the privilege to give them the power to kill people. Why didn't it count when Yangxu arrived?"

"Yan Wanli, you are talking nonsense!"

Elder Song shouted:

"Can Yang Xu compare with the inner disciples? Even if the inner disciples killed one person a year, not as many as Yang Xu killed in a month! In just a few days, he killed four inner disciples. Could he let him take the inner disciples? The door can't be finished..."

"Joke! Are you willing to be Yang Xu? If the inner door doesn't go to Yang Xu for trouble, Yang Xu will chase and kill them? A bunch of fools take it and die!"

"What's more, Yang Xu's ability to kill the inner door is his skill! Is it too strong to be a sin? We not only can't punish such a genius, but should also be encouraged and affirmed! Sovereign, please think clearly and don't make orders What the children are chilling!"

Teacher Yan tried to persuade the suzerain.

The Sect Master's eyes flashed a bit of unhappiness:

"Wanli, your words are serious. Yang Xu is just a disciple who has just entered the door. Elder Song is right. This son is too murderous. I am afraid that he will not be disciplined in the long run."

Song Qing's eyes were filled with joy, and he could not help respectfully:

"Sect Master Mingchao Qiuhao! When Yang Xu entered Ling Yunzong as a genius, I saw that he was not a kind, so I wanted to suppress Yang Xu for a few days and grind his temper! Who ever thought he was more arrogant..."

"Song Laogou, shut up!"

Teacher Yan's angry voice resounded through the hall:

"Sect Master! Have you forgotten Brother Sword and Sister Sister! Don't let the tragedy of that year repeat again! Sect Master, you must think twice!"

This remark came out.


All eyes, including the suzerain, looked at the corner.

Inconspicuous corner.

Jian Nantian was in a grey robe and was dozing against the pillar of the hall.

Seeing everyone, Jian Nantian frowned and said coldly:

"I don't like being surrounded by people."


Everyone hurriedly withdrew their eyes.

The Sect Master's brow furrowed, and after a while, he shot a long case:

"That’s it: Yang Xu’s son is too murderous and unruly. When he suppresses it, let’s wait for him to conduct the inner door test, and send the youngest of the inner door disciples to teach him, let He knew the majesty of Zongmen!"

"Send that lunatic? This is all right!"

"The character of the crazy boy in Liancheng... Gee, let me let Yang Xu know the majesty of Zongmen!"

The elders agreed.

"Okay, the hall will end here!"

Without waiting for teacher Yan to say anything, the suzerain disappeared.


All the people in the main hall also walked away.

There is only Yan Wanli, and the sleepy Jiannantian.

Yan Wanli hated:

"This is too unfair to Yang Xu! The suzerain decided to be so hasty and disappointing..."

Jian Nantian lazily glanced at him:

"You didn't know his virtue on the first day, are you not used to it yet?"

"No! I have to talk to Yang Xu and appease him. Zong Men treats him so arrogantly that he can't chill his heart!"

By the cold lake.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the level of swordsmanship "Dragon Sword Extraction" has been upgraded! Current level: lv1! 】

Counting the exchange of experience with Lu Chong and others, it took only half a day for Yang Xu to actually raise the S-level "Sword-cutting Sword Extraction" by one level.

Whether it is the speed of the sword or the lethality, it has improved a lot.

What also gratified Yang Xu was that he also made this friend Lu Chong.

This kid is somewhat mysterious and secret, and will not be too old next year, but some of his insights are extremely mature.

There are even original and subtle ideas that make Yang Xu inspired.

"Lv Chong, go back together."

Yang Xu and Lu Chong walked out of the back mountain together.

When passing by the corner.

A far cry was heard from far away.

"is her."

Lu Chong frowned.

"What's going on? Do you know?"

Lu Chong shook his head regretfully:

"It's fair to know that when she first started, she was the same beauty as Yao Xueyi. She was often surrounded by a lot of brothers and sisters. But since she accidentally broke the phase, all those who pursued her were all insulting her... Isn’t it that Lian Yi still has a relationship with you? Don’t you know?"

"I went to see!"

Yang Xu went forward with a cold face.

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