Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 120: Desperate woman in green dress

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Chapter 120: Desperate Woman in Green Dress

"You bitch, did not accept the pursuit of Lao Tzu, but now it is reduced to ugliness, deserve it!"

"Because of this ghost look, you still have the courage to survive? If I were to commit suicide directly!"

"The ugly and eight monsters get out of Ling Yunzong, and it's less annoying here!"

Four or five men, women in green skirts are being abused.

Lian Yi was masked by the green gauze, with some despair in her heart.

She lost everything, did she lose everything?


A cold voice sounded:

"Go away immediately! Otherwise die!"

Lian Yijiao trembled.

"What the **** is your **** mother, I... bang!"

Several mumbles.

Several **** men were beaten and broken, and the crying wolf crawled away.

Yang Xu looked at Lian Yi with complicated eyes.

Her figure was still exquisite and embossed, but her face was lightly masked and she refused to show her.

"Are you listening to the wind and drizzle?"

Yang Xu remembered that Lian Yi had defended him against Chu Tiange.

Her weird body-protecting treasure had a strange smell.


Lian Yi was silent for a while, saying:

"The use of jasper smoker needs to pay a certain price. The greater the power, the more the price will be paid."

She smiled bitterly:

"My appearance is my most precious thing. I lost it before I knew how failed I was in the past."

"Yangxu, now I am ugly, one sky above the other than Yao Xueyi, I... not worthy of you! Let's not meet again."

She turned and ran away.


Yang Xu grabbed her:

"Let me see your face!"

His tone is beyond doubt.

Unraveling the lotus veil, Yang Xu did not feel any discomfort at all:

"I have seen this injury and it can be treated."


Lian Yiyixi, her bright eyes dimmed instantly:

"Useless, this is the price of using jasper smoker, and I have a special physique that can't be cured... We still don't want to meet again."

Yang Xu looked at the greenery away, his eyes contemplative.

"what happened?"

Lv Chong stepped forward and asked.

"It's alright, you go back first, I will go to Teacher Yan."

Come to the teacher Yan.

Just knocking on the door, the door opened.

"Yangxu! That's great, I'm just going to find you!"

Yan Wanli looked surprised.

"You sit."

He pressed Yang Xu to his seat and sighed:

"You killed another inner disciple today?"

Yang Xu nodded.

"You kid, aren't you afraid of their revenge?"

Yang Xu's mouth corner:

"I'm afraid they won't retaliate! I like challenges like this, otherwise it's boring."

Yan Wanli was speechless for a while.

"Teacher Yan, what do you want to say?"

Yang Xu saw that Teacher Yan kept talking.

"Yang Xu, you have been low-key recently, some people are starting to jealous of you."

"What do you mean?"

"Today's palace meeting, Song Qingshu advocated severe punishment for you, on the grounds that you are arrogant to kill arrogant objects, and you have no rules. The suzerain also agreed with him."

"Is it going to suppress me again?"

Yang Xu sneered.

To Ling Yunzong, he was really disappointed.

With the talent he showed, he would be highly valued in any sect.

Only this bird Ling Yunzong, he was repeatedly suppressed.

Now, Zong Men even made it clear to suppress him.

What did he do wrong? Was it because of counterattacking a few rubbish?

Seeing the disappointment on Yang Xu's face, Yan Wanli felt a headache:

"Alas, Yang Xu, Zongmen can't hold you. You don't have to do the inner door assessment for a while."

There was a strong disdain on his face:

"That group of idiots, want to suppress you by preventing your internal assessment."

"Inner door assessment?"

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"I have said, do I have to conduct an internal assessment?"

This time Yan Wanli was surprised:

"You don't want to enter the inner door?"

"Why do you have to go inside? Is there any benefit?"

Yan Wanli was stunned again.

"Uh, to be a disciple of the inner door is to recognize your strength, which is also an honor."

"Can honor be eaten? Besides, my strength needs Zongmen's recognition? Teacher Yan, do you think that Ling Yunzong still doesn't know my Yang Xu?"

Killed several disciples in the door for several days.

Not to mention Ling Yunzong, even other sects have spread.

How could anyone not know Yang Xu?

As long as he mentions his name, no identity matters. People’s first reaction is:

Those who can suppress inner disciples!

Yang Xu's thought made Yan Wanli laugh.

Then he laughed loudly and his tone was full of joy:

"Ha ha ha ha, interesting! I haven't thought through your kid thoroughly, let's just say, as an inner door, don't do it!"

Yan Wanli couldn't stop the smile on his face:

"Song Qing sparse those few wastes, and they never thought of killing them. They valued their inner identity very much, but it was just garbage for you. Their abacus is about to fail!"

"Mr. Yan, is this Song Qingshu the uncle of Song Haishan?"


Han Xu flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

It seems that the old guy intervened in the Song family's invasion of the Yang family.

Ye is not going to clean you up, are you still up?

Yang Xu secretly wrote down.

"Oh, what are you doing with me?"

Yang Xu's complexion:

"Teacher Yan, I want to ask you if there is any medicine that can restore a woman's appearance?"

He told Yan Wanli the injury of Lian Yi's appearance.

"The little girl Lianyi is very smart and talented. I have checked her injuries, and there is really a cure..."

Teacher Yan rummaging around the bookshelf.


A booklet fell to the ground.

When Yang Xu looked at it, it was actually a dense list of medicinal herbs.

"Here, this is a prescription to restore her appearance, but there are a few flavors on the material that are more difficult to find. You need to go to Qingzhuo Peak..."

"Qingzhuo Yaofeng?"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

Qingzhuo Demon Peak is one of the most dangerous places recognized by Tianfeng Kingdom.

Because there are monsters in Qingzhuo Peak.

Monsters are completely different from fierce beasts.

The fierce beasts are more fierce, although they are powerful, but they mostly act instinctively.

Essentially still a beast.

But the monster is different.

Their IQ is not under humans, and even some special monsters can be transformed into humanoids.

Thinking patterns are also similar to humans.

Even more terrifying!

They also possess the abilities of beasts, and their skills are varied and strange.

Therefore, the Qingzhuo Peak where monsters are entrenched is extremely dangerous.

"I've checked it out long ago. Lianyi happened to be from Qingzhuo City. She should be familiar with it. You can let her go with you."

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the side mission! Whether to accept? 】


[Spur task: restore Lian Yi appearance

Task content: Find 30 materials needed to restore appearance

Completion reward: experience value + 100000! True Qi +10000! Points + 1000! S-level lucky draw once!

Current completion degree: 0/100! 】

"S-level draw opportunity? There are 1000 points, the reward is good."

Yang Xu was happy.

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