Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 121: Just so tough

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Chapter 121

"By teacher Yan, what kind of formula is this? Need so many flavors?"

Yang Xu looked at the booklet.

Yan Wanli flashed his eyes and sighed:

"This thing... alas, Jiannantian's medicine."

"Senior Jiannantian?"

Yang Xu frowned.

When he was comatose, Jian Nantian came to show him his injuries.

Also helped a lot.

Seeing what Teacher Yan meant, it seemed that he wanted Yang Xu to be a disciple.

"Senior Jiannantian suffered any injuries? I saw that his strength has not been affected?"

Yang Xu felt that Jian Nantian had at least a 9th-level soul, and might even break through the soul king.

Unexpectedly Yan Wanli smiled:

"Not affected? His current strength is not even half of his past!"


Yang Xu's eyes were horrified.

Souls of the ninth level are all now, half stronger than this when not injured?

At least it's Soul Emperor?

Even Soul Venerable?

Such a master, even if there are few Tianfeng Kingdom.

If there is such a cattle man backing the mountain, he is in Lingyunzong... No, even in the Heavenly Wind Kingdom, can't he walk sideways?

"Senior Jiannantian is so strong, why not take medicine to heal?"

"Because of these medicines, it's too hard to find."

Yan Wanli sighed.

Yang Xu's eyes flashed slightly:

"There is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid of caring people, Teacher Yan, can this medicine be borrowed from me for a while?"

Teacher Yan nodded with a smile.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the main mission! Whether to accept? 】

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:


[Main task: restore Jian Nantian's injury!

Task content: Find the 881 flavor materials of Qi Jiannan's healing medicine!

Mission rewards: x1 redemption coupons for S-level items in the points mall; x1 mysterious treasure chest; X1 lucky draw opportunities for S-level prizes; experience value + 10 million, true gas value + 1 million! Points + 100,000!

Current completion degree: 0/100! 】


Reward experience value of 10 million!

True gas worth 1 million!

100,000 points!

The most basic rewards are so scary!

Not to mention special rewards.

Let's not talk about the mysterious treasure chest and S-level lucky draw opportunities.

Just say that the S-level item redemption voucher in the points mall.

This is simply a god-level reward!

You know, the products produced by the mall must be fine!

Don't say S-level exchange, even if it is B-level, A-level, it is also a baby with unlimited potential.

And it is different from the S-level draw.

You are likely to draw **** in the lottery.

Even if you get a baby, it is not necessarily what you need most.

The significance of S-level redemption is: you can choose whatever suits you best!

The power of choice is the most precious to Yang Xu now!

"You are so kind to the system. If you don't give it away, it will be S-level!"

Yang Xu also realized the difficulty of the main mission this time.

The richer the reward, the higher the difficulty.

"The more difficult, the more challenge I have!"

Yang Xu also found that a large part of the 881 medicinal herbs had to go to Qingzhuo Yaofeng.

Without saying anything, Yang Xu went to find Lian Yi.

Lian Yi room.

She was tearing herself in the mirror and hurt herself.

I have been used to the stars holding the moon for a long time, and the time when she lost her beauty is simply her most painful day.


A red lotus leaf sprang out of the void and flew in front of her.

The lotus leaf is slap in size, flashing red light.

Lian Yi took a look:

"Daughter, I told you a long time ago that human beings are superficial and are accustomed to look at people. If you lose your looks, your life may be difficult. How can you do such a stupid thing for a man? That Yang Xutai Damn it!"

Lian Yi couldn't help smiling, brushing.

A lotus leaf also appeared in her palm.

But it is cyan.

She replied above:

"Mother, everything is voluntary for the daughter, it is not Yang Xu's business. Besides, you are not for the father..."

The blue lotus leaf flashed out and sent out.


The other side quickly replied, a row of shocking exclamation marks on the lotus leaf:

"You dead girl! There are several good men in the world who can compare with your father! Yang Xu can't even match your father's toes!"

"You nonsense! Yang Xu is more handsome than his father! More considerate than his father! More charming than his father!"

"Dead girl's wings are harder! It's better than me guys! Our lotus can occupy a place in Qingzhuo Peak, it's not up to your father! On wisdom, on talent, on martial arts, which Yang Xu is as good as your father? ?Your father is the best!"

The feelings of the mother and daughter are really unrestrained. Actually, you have come and gone to fight for men.

In the end, Lian Yi was sharp and sharp, slightly better.

It took a while before the other person sent angrily:

"It's useless to say anything else! If Yang Xu is considerate, he doesn't care if you break the picture! If he can help you restore your appearance, I can barely agree with you! If you can't do it, you can go back to Qingzhuo from the human race. !"

Lian Yijian's face was red and red:

When will she be with Yang Xu?

How can I deserve Yang Xu now?

But... restore appearance?

Looking at the long list of medicinal herbs sent by her mother to restore her appearance, Lian Yi felt a little uneasy:

Yang Xu... Will he help himself?


The door rang.

"I am Yang Xu."

Lian Yi heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Resisting the inner fluctuations, she opened the door.

What shines in Yang Xu's eyes is Lian Yi's "cold and indifferent" look.

She said "coldly":

"What are you doing? Come see me like this disgusting ghost?"

"Uh, I'm not interested in your appearance."

Yang Xu's first sentence made Lian Yi sink in his heart:

Does he really care about himself?

Is the mother right?

"I'm here for your help."

"Oh, why are you busy?"

Lian Yi said indifferently.

"I heard that you are from Qingzhuo City, presumably you know more about Qingzhuo demon peak? I need to go there, can you be a guide for me?"

"Are you going to Qingzhuo Peak?"

Lian Yi's eyes flashed, and there was a little more vigilance in Yang Xu's eyes:

"What are you doing there? It's very dangerous there. It is said that the monster... the monster is rampant..."

The words of the monster made her a little uncomfortable.

Yang Xu noticed, and his eyes flashed:

"I want to worship Jiannantian as a teacher, so I want to help him collect medicinal materials and heal his injuries. Well, these medicinal materials are all I need."

He handed Lian Yi a newly written list.

To prevent Lian Yi's self-esteem from being too strong, reject him.

Yang Xu deliberately mixed the restored medicinal herbs into the list.

Asking her to help herself is probably easier to accept than admitting to help her.

"this is……!"

Lian Yi, who was as thin as heart, saw the strangeness of the list at a glance:

There are many medicinal herbs on it, which is what she used to restore her appearance.

If the taste is the same, it may be a coincidence.

But it's a coincidence that so many herbs are in it?

Could it be that Yang Xu was looking for his own help, in fact, he was helping himself recover?

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