Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 123: Strange Red Moon Ring Sword

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Chapter 123 Strange Red Moon Ring Sword

Judging by the arrow-making technique passed down by that little brother, no one would choose such a bow.

Bianyang Xu looked at it at a glance.

"As long as I pull it away, give it to me?"

Yang Xu asked.

Liancheng heartbeat:

"Your appetite is not small!"

This bow was accidentally found in a general tomb when he was traveling.

There was also a cheat book with the bow at the time.

It is an extremely precious top-level exercise.

But it was placed under the bow.

It looks like protecting the bow.


Up to now, even the city has not discovered the secret of this bow.

Even, no one can pull this bow!

"Give me the bow, I have no plans to give it away yet."

Liancheng suddenly felt a little reluctant.

Reaching for the bow, he grabbed an empty space.

Liancheng's eyes were cold, staring at Yang Xu:

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Are you playing me?"

Yang Xu was very upset.

Damn you don't plan to give it away, what's the reason for it?

Do you waste your time?

Yang Xugang will throw the bow back to him.

"Give you the last chance! Give me the bow back, I don’t have to worry about it with you! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"Are you Liancheng?"

Yang Xu sneered:

Good guy, he didn't go to the inner door test, this lunatic actually came to the door to suppress himself.

It's really a good dog that is obedient.


Yang Xu clutched the bow firmly in his hand:

"I also changed my mind. I like this bow very much, so I won't give it back to you. I choose to be at your own risk."

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, have they been equipped with a giant dragon bow (not identified), is the player wearing it? 】

Yang Xu glanced at the attributes:

[Weapon: Giant Canglong Bow (not identified)

Grade: Unknown

Weight: unknown

Destructive power: unknown

Description: Unknown! 】

A series of "unknowns" could not be seen by Mao.

Yang Xu took out the space bag and meditated on "wearing".


The giant dragon bow disappeared.

Everyone thought he put it in a space bag.

In fact, the equipment space that comes with the system is included.

"You choose to be at your own risk?"

Liancheng's complexion:

"Yangxu! Don't think you are arrogant with a little strength! This is Ling Yunzong, people stronger than you are everywhere!"

"There are people who are stronger than me, but I am sure that it is definitely not you!"

Yang Xu is not at all polite.

The crowd suddenly boiled:

Nima, it's awesome!

This is the rhythm to fight!

Brush pull brush pull!

Those who saw the machine quickly had to take a step back, leaving a circle of 100 meters.

In the center of the circle, only Yang Xu and Liancheng are left.

"Yangxu, you have a kind! I was going to give you a chance. Now you find yourself dead, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Yang Xu shrugged:

"Less nonsense! What tricks to use, and I Yang Xu then! I'm sorry I didn't make you a dead dog today, I'm sorry for the hard work these days!"

This sentence completely detonated the atmosphere of the entire Yanwuchang.

Regardless of the newcomer disciples, or the outside door and the inside door, the messy shouts came and went:

"Brother Yang Xu is kind!"

"Come on!"

"Don't counsel Liancheng, die him!"

"Defeat Yang Xu! Give us a fight!"

Liancheng raised his eyebrows proudly:

"Have you heard it? This is the voice of the masses, and they all look forward to me packing you up."

Yang Xu took his ears impatiently:

"Does your family speak about the story of Tianqiao? So much nonsense! If you want to fight, you can fight, if you don't, you can get away!"

"You... good!"

Liancheng's face was gloomy and his eyes were murderous:

"Since you are determined to die, I won't stop you!"


He opened his left hand.

On the left palm, there is a metal ring the size of a copper coin.

The index finger of your right hand hooks the metal ring and pulls outward.

An amazing scene happened:

A weird sword was slowly pulled out of Liancheng's left palm.

This strange sword has no hilt and sword grid, only a ring on the top.

It has short arms and a red body, as if stained with blood.

Gently shaking, the **** sword exudes a strong **** breath.

Liancheng smiled, like a bloodthirsty lunatic:

"This ring-sword is named Hongyue, which I cultivated by the method of blood refining, my left arm is its scabbard, and my blood is its nourishment."


"What a weird sword!"

"It's murderous is terrifying!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

Then he looked at Yang Xu worriedly:

"Don't Yang Xu die here?"

Some disciples who are worried about Yang Xu want to report to Zongmen's senior officials.

The inner disciple, who was guarded on the periphery, beat him back.

Their task is to stay here. When Liancheng packs up Yang Xu, no one is allowed to report.

Therefore, neither Mr. Yan nor Elder Song knows the situation here.

Stroking the Red Moon Sword gently, a pathological infatuation appeared on Liancheng's face, and like a lunatic, you stared at Yang Xu quietly:

"The red moon is out of the sheath, you will see the blood light! Yang Xu, now you feed my red moon by yourself, and it's a retreat. Otherwise, you will definitely die!"

His voice just fell.


A flame fist slammed.

Yang Xu's indifferent face flashed after the flames:

"You have too much nonsense!"

"Humph, I don't know if I'm going forward or backward! Broken!"

Liancheng's finger lightly ticked and brushed!

The red moon flew across like lightning, and the flame punch broke directly.

"Ape Demon Fist!"

Yang Xu punched a giant ape with a punch.


The blood flashed, and the shadows collapsed.

"Are you doing this trick? I am a little disappointed."

Liancheng smiled faintly, like an experienced hunter playing prey.

Yang Xu didn't say a word, looked calmly, and played one trick after another:

"Tian Shuang Quan!"

"Paiyun Palm!"

"Aeolus Legs!"


"Fist of Flames!"

Yang Xu moves faster and faster.

Within a hundred meters, his shadow gradually became all directions.

Fist shadow is heavy, palms and legs are out.

Liancheng became a little hectic from the initial leisure.

Eventually, breathing became more and more rapid, and the sword became more and more messy.


Yang Xushen is now on the side of the city:

"Your Red Moon is getting slower and slower."




For the first time, Yang Xu broke the Liancheng's sword and shadow defense.

He was shot directly.

Everyone exclaimed:

"Actually broke the Liancheng defense!"


Liancheng retreated three big steps, staring at Yang Xu in horror:

"Impossible! How can you be so strong!"

"Is this strong?"

Yang Xu shrugged in surprise:

"Don't you find that from the beginning to now, my best skills are useless."


The crowd was boiling:

"Yes! Yang Xu is best at swordsmanship and bowing, which are useless!"

In fact, Yang Xu's cards are more than that.

Sun Fruit, "Ten Sun Divine Skill", Ten Sun Reincarnation God Body, Linhuang Sword...

All of these, he is useless.

Just using the most simple physical boxing method has already made Liancheng unable to withstand!

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