Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 124: Summon the **** ape replicator!

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Chapter 124 Summoning God Ape Replicators!

Spring is prosperous only after the winter is biting.

Yang Xu deliberately restricted himself, using only melee techniques.

Through a hard battle with Liancheng, he finally integrated his whole body exercises and practiced it successfully.

Hidden dangers left by breaking too fast before, all eliminated!

【Ding! ]...

【Ding! ]...

【Ding! ]...

The martial arts used by Yang Xu have all been upgraded to one level.

The power has surged again!

"Call, call..."

Liancheng gasped, his face unbelievable.

Everyone looked at him with a touch of sympathy.

The inner disciples not far away all looked at each other:

"Aren't even Brother Liancheng even Yang Xu's opponents?"

It was at this time.

People saw that Yang Xu walked past Liancheng.

"What are you doing?"

Lian Cheng's face changed.

There was no calmness and confidence at the beginning.

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"What? I said before that I'm going to call you a dead dog. I don't like to eat words!"

Step by step, Yang Xu marched towards Liancheng.

Even more shocking to everyone!

Yang Xu's breath is constantly strengthening-

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, level up! Current level: Level 2 Soul Master! 】


[Congratulations to the player, level up! Current level: Eighth-level Soul Master! 】

"I'm going! Does his realm rise so fast?"

"In the blink of an eye, I have been promoted to eighth level? Is he still human!"

"He must have suppressed his cultivation behavior before! Otherwise it would be incredible!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again.


Red Moon Sword fell to the ground.

In the bottom of Liancheng's heart, there was no idea of ​​resistance.

Bang bang...

Yang Xu's fist, on Liancheng's body and face, unkindly left a trace of bruise.

Without ten days, I am afraid it will not be eliminated.

Listen to the wind and drizzle.

As soon as he entered the room, Yang Xu entered the copy space without saying anything.

Increase the gravity and increase the firmness of the space.

Direct maximum difficulty:

Challenge the 100% strength of Sky Ape Replicator!

With the understanding of his heart, Yang Xu played all martial arts perfectly.

Thirty minutes later.

【Ding! ! 】

In the ear of Yang Xu, a clear and pleasant system prompt sounded:

[Congratulations to the players! Sky Ape Replicator Challenge Success! Reward experience value + 100000! True gas value 10000! 100 points! 】


Finally cleared!

[There is a chance to summon Skypeg replicators to participate in the battle. Do players try? 】


【Ding! The call failed! 】

"Call again!"

【Ding! The call failed! 】

"Go on! I still don't believe it!"


After a dozen times.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the success of the Summoning Skypeg replicator! Reward experience value +10000! True Qi +1000! Points +10! 】

[The player's first call is successful, and the reward call success rate is +1%! Copy space level + 1! 】

"The copy space also comes with grades?"

Yang Xu was wondering.


A huge figure, 100 meters high, appeared in the copy space.

Its appearance is exactly the same as that of the three song Apes.

But perhaps after many battles, Yang Xu can better realize the powerful power contained in its thick ape arm!

It punched out with a punch, I am afraid that a small hill can be easily razed to the ground!

And its fiercely ancient atmosphere makes people feel more depressed.

What kind of enemy can stop this kind of existence?

"System, how long can the Sky Apes replicators be called out?"

[System Tip: After Summoning the Sky Ape Replicator, it can help the summoner to fight for 30 seconds! There will always be a copy space until the battle order is accepted! 】

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Great! So if you encounter an irresistible danger, you can immediately summon it to fight!"

Haha, it's cool!

Another powerful hole card!

This time Qingzhuo Yaofeng and his party are even more confident.

Leaving the copy space, the intense pain and massive training experience came in.

Yang Xu took it easy.

He is used to it.


With the palm of his hand, he took out the "Giant Dragon Bow".

It is rugged and even huge.

The huge bow body close to two meters is thick and heavy, with mysterious patterns carved on the bow body.

It looks like an ancient script, but also like a rune inscription.

At the two ends of the bow, the thick white ivory of the arm twitched the breath of the beast.

The thick bowstring of the little finger, the whole body is dark, and I don't know what material is made.

It feels cold to the touch.

Yang Xu tried to draw a bow:


Not pulled away!

Yang Xu's eyes widened:

With his current strength, even lifting a ten-meter-square boulder is easy.

But I can't figure out this bow!

"I'm going! Fortunately, I didn't draw a bow in public in the square. Otherwise it would be embarrassing."

In view of its unidentified equipment, Yang Xu lost an "appraisal technique".

【Ding! 】

[Identification failed! 】

"Come again."

【Ding! 】

[Identification failed! 】

More than ten times in a row, all of them failed.

Yang Xu was speechless:

"My luck is not bad, why do I always fail?"

The reason must be on this bow.

"I still don't believe it. I have to appraise you successfully today!"

Yang Xu began to compete with this mysterious giant bow.

In a scented hall.

Yao Xueyi frowned, looking at the mirror in a daze.

Shimei walked in with joy.

Yao Xueyi couldn't help smiling:

"Wanwan, didn't you get in touch with your Zhihe Qinglang again, so happy?"

Wan Wan's delicate cherry lips curled up:

"I'm happy! Are you in control, or be careful of yourself, Master already knows your business."

Yao Xueyi sighed:

"Ah, I am worrying."

at this time.

A figure came in.

She wore a simple gray coat with gray hair and long black hair like a waterfall. She did not have the slightest ingenuity, and simply tied it with a gray rope.

Dress up like a hard-working Taoist.

But the dull and dull gray clothes couldn't hide her popularity.

The perfect posture curve is as bulging as the devil.

A fascinating face in Qingguoqingcheng, not under Yao Xueyi and Wanwan, but with a hint of intellectual maturity.

She has a serious face and a cold breath on her body that no one is close to.

Red lips close together, like a bright ice rose.

"Xue Yi! Give your business everything!"

She said coldly.

"Master, I..."

"Say it!"

"Yes. He... he knew Tuer in Ling Yunzong... he was very considerate... he was very interesting... Tu'er fell in love with him unconsciously..."

Yao Xueyi talked about Yang Xulai, there was almost no stopping, his mouth was full of his merits and charming.

The master in a Dao Yi, the more ugly his face becomes.

When she heard the other party's name was "Yang Xu", she suddenly changed color:

"His surname is Yang? You are absolutely impossible with him! You die this heart!"

Yao Xueyi's splendid torso:

"Why! Even if the Zhuge family has an old complaint with the Yang family, it has nothing to do with us! Master, you are no longer a member of the Zhuge family! Your surname is Qin now! Not Zhuge Qin!"

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