Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 125: The true face of the giant dragon bow!

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Chapter 125 The True Face of the Giant Dragon Bow!

Yao Xueyi's fierce reaction made You Qin's face stunned.

Her obedient disciple, who has always been docile, will not violate her meaning.

But today.

For the kid named "Yang Xu", he refuted her so fiercely.

Qin's anger suddenly rose:

"Shut up! Although I don't have anything to do with Zhuge's family anymore, I don't have any good feelings about Yang's family! Yao Xueyi, I will not agree with you and that kid! You can do it for yourself!"

Yao Xueyi's eyes were startled, and she looked to her sister for help.

Wanwan is now cat-waisted, trying to sneak out.

"Stop, you stop!"

Qin's beautiful face, as cold as frost, stared at her fiercely:

"Is my thousand-machine mother crane here with you? Take it to me and use it as a teacher."

Wan Wan's pretty face suddenly changed color:

"Master! There are thousands of machine cranes, you can use them as well. Why use mother cranes, I..."

"Why? Do you want to be like a non-shadow and violate the meaning of being a teacher?"

There is a beautiful face of Qin Shiqin covered with a layer of cold.

Wan Wan couldn't help but stick out her tongue, like a docile cat:

"Why are there people, Master has the most trouble with Wan Wan, and Wan Wan will get it for Master!"


She ran out of smoke.

Qinshi saw Yao Xueyi crying next to him and snorted:

"What you don't want to do, don't know what a man is good for, like a girl like this. Don't cry, wipe my tears!"

Her jade hand stuffed Yao Xueyi with a snow-white veil.

There is a faint fragrance on it.

Yao Xueyi ignored.

She was angry.

"Master, ma'am, Qianji Mother Crane was brought here, but Master, I heard that Qianji Mother Crane has abnormal fluctuations. It is not good for the skin to use it often. You just use Zihe."

Wan Wanba told Master that her face was full of seriousness.

Qin Shi gave a glance at this ghostly little apprentice, wow.

Enter a true energy into the mother crane, and suddenly a child crane condenses.

She wrote a line and issued.

"Master, don't use the mother crane, in case a stranger sends..."

"Why, I can't use the teacher's stuff yet?"

Qin's Emei swept away.


Flashing in the void, a red thousand cranes flew.

Wan Wan's eyes widened immediately.

Lian Yao Xueyi also held her breath:

But she knew that Shimei didn't use the mother crane less, and contacted the Zhihe Qinglang.

In case this is from that guy...

Wan Wan watched Master open the paper crane, and her heartbeat almost stopped.

She secretly determined:

Look for the opportunity to steal the thousand machine mother crane!

How do you know.

Master Qin's watched the paper crane and was not angry.

A beautiful face is full of dignity:

"Qingzhuo Demon Peak is in turmoil! There are rumors that the Mengzhang Treasury is about to be born. Xueyi and Wanwan. You are leading the sisters to guard the ethereal palace, so you can go to Qingzhuo Demon Peak to check it out!"

She put away the mother crane and turned away.

Wanwan stared at Master Linglong's back disappearing, stupid:

"Sister, mother crane, how can I get it back... If the bad guy sends bad news, Master will kill me when he sees..."

Yao Xueyi comforts her:

"It doesn't matter, Master always loves you the most, even if you know it, you won't be too angry."

The more she looked at her sister, the more wrong she was, remembering the bold temperament of this little nizi, a sudden shock:

"Sister Sister! You will not be in the paper crane, often tell him shameless and explicit words?"

Wan Wan's small face was almost crying and nodded weakly.

Yao Xueyi touches her forehead with her hand:

"You're done... I can't save you! You better beg your lover not to send any disgusting things, otherwise you will wait for Master to come back from Qingzhuo Demon Peak and kill you!"

Ling Yunzong here.

Yang Xu didn't know how much trouble the sisters Yaoyao and Wanwan had because of themselves.

He is still competing against the giant dragon bow.

"It's day! I don't believe that the identification was unsuccessful!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the level of identification is improved! Current level: lv5! 】


Less than half a day.

Yang Xu's identification skills have soared to level 5.

But the Canglong Dragon Bow still failed to identify!

"Nima, there must be something wrong with this bow."

Yang Xu threw it aside fiercely.

Ten days passed by.

During this period, Yang Rourou left Ling Yun.

Before leaving, he told Yang Xu to go home and look around when he passed the Dragon City.

After a few days of hard work, Lian Yi's strength soared to the spirit realm.

Such a horrible speed of training made Yang Xu dumbfounded.

Everything is ready.

Yang Xu and Lian Yi went to Qingzhuo Demon Peak.

"Tenglong City is in front of you. Are you going home? Should I go back with you?"

In the carriage, Lian Yiqing was masked, and the tone was inexplicable.

Yang Xu gave her a white look:

"It's not taking you to see your in-laws, what are you so excited about."

He is in a bad mood.

The reason is naturally the identification of the old unsuccessful giant dragon bow.

"Don't try to compete with it. If the timing machine arrives, you will immediately discover its secret."

Lian Yi speaks with a special tone.

It sounds soft and glutinous, which is particularly nice.

The entrance to the Yang family.

Yang Xu and Lian Yi got out of the carriage. The girl looked around and looked around.

Yang Xu frowned:

The atmosphere of Yang family seems a bit strange.

"Father, what happened?"

Yang Xu came to the living room.

Father looked angry.

A gray-faced man left with an arrogant look.

"Is this from the monarch family?"

Father Yang Qingtian nodded:

"Since the annexation of the Song family, several big families have felt a sense of crisis. Especially the Jun family, which has suppressed the Yang family in all aspects of trade and united other families to isolate the Yang family."

"Because the Yang family just annexed the Song family industry and failed to fully digest it, it has been ignored for a long time, and I did not expect the Jun family to make it worse!"

Yang Xu frowned:

"That's too much? What did the guy just do?"

Mentioning this person, Yang Qingtian's face suddenly sank:

"Huh! The Jun family thought that the Yang family was bullying. Today they sent people to come and ask for the Song family’s property. They also said that the Yang family had a small appetite and could not eat the Song family. !"

"They are looking for death!"

Yang Xu's eyes burst into cold light.

It seems that they kill Jun Tianqiu and Jun Tianci, they don't remember long.

"Yangming, you sent someone to check the distribution of power in the Jun's family. Be careful not to show your feet."


"Yang Xiao, how many masters are you going to find out!"


"Yanghong, you go to the Jun's house and send this letter."

Yang Xu's orders were given continuously.

Lian Yi looked at him with irritability, his eyes flashing with splendor.

Have eaten with parents.

Yang Xu stroked the bow in the courtyard.


【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the level of "Appraisal Technique" has been increased, and the current level is 6! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the authentication is successful! 】

The seemingly inconspicuous giant Canglong bow suddenly blossomed into a thousand gods.

Its true face finally appeared in front of Yang Xu.

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