Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 131: Kill monsters and score points!

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Chapter 131 Killing Monsters and Brushing Points!

The body was shaking, Lian Yi stared at the tall figure.

There is a huge body two meters high, and an ugly scar like a cobweb on his face.

"It's him! It's him! It's him!"

Yang Xu looked at Lian Yi wonderingly, and said:

"Our friends... Little Nezha?"

"No! It's an enemy! Orcs! Stop him quickly and don't let him enter the city!"

Lian Yijiao drank.

"Everyone is on guard! Close the city gate!"

The soldier who was guarding the gate suddenly rushed towards the scarred face.

Scarfaced Han turned back suddenly, his eyes fixed on Lian Yi:

"Ugly monsters dare to spoil us! You are dead!"

He rushed towards Lian Yi while calling.


Come and go as soon as possible.

Yang Xu kicked him out with a kick.

"Advanced City! I'll block it!"


The scarred man was furious and roared upward.


The ground suddenly shook.

Shoucheng soldiers' complexions changed:

"Beast Attack! Blow the horn and prepare to fight!"


In the city head of Qingzhuo City, countless arrogant figures appeared.

The minimum for everyone is the spiritual master.

The highest reaches the soul realm.

But the horrific murderousness they broke out was stronger than the soul emperor Yang Xu killed.

He was so angry that he rose from the top of their heads and buzzed!

The world is changing.

Brush brush!

They repeatedly launched bows and launched long-range attacks.

Boom, boom, boom...

Hundreds of meters away in front, the smoke quickly moved towards the city gate.

Yang Xu rushed into the city with lotus Yi, boom!

No fewer than thirty soldiers pulled the chains of the organs to close the city gate.

"I come!"

Yang Xu rushed forward, grabbed the chain, and called!

The whole body was swollen with blue muscles, and the dragon was lying.

Skill: Furious Power!

The body was suddenly filled with terror.

The tyrannical flesh exercised by the copy space also exploded its potential.


The thick thigh chain pulled down quickly.


The gates closed heavily.

All soldiers looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes full of shock and admiration.

"Hello, how are you!"

"Is this your sister? After taking it to the city, there will be a special soldier to protect!"

The enthusiastic soldiers are thoughtful.

"Lian Yi you be careful, I can see if I can help if I go to the tower."

【Ding! ! 】

[Does the player trigger the side mission, accept it? 】


[Spur line task 2: Defend Qingzhuo City!

Task content: Defend the tide together with Qingzhuo soldiers!

Mission reward: S-level lucky draw opportunity x1! Medal of Honor x1!

Mission reward 2: Kill fierce beasts in exchange for points! 】

"Kill monsters for points? Good opportunity!"

What Yang Xu lacks most now is points.

It's time to score points!

When Yang Xu boarded the tower, he saw:

Hundreds of meters away, the billowing smoke was soaring.

The herd is coming fiercely.

Everything along the way was trampled and destroyed by the herd.

"General Qi Yun, this beast tide is bigger than any previous one! It is impossible to accurately identify its leader!"

"The herd is two hundred meters from the city wall!"

"One hundred and fifty meters!"

"Quickly find the leader and kill him!"

Only by killing the leader can you have the opportunity to repel the beast tide.

But this time the scale of the beast tide is unprecedentedly strong, and the dust is soaring.

With the sight of the soldiers, the position of the leader could not be discerned.

"I come!"

Golden Eye!

The runes of Yang Xu's binocular Condor flashed, and super vision opened!

"The herds are only a hundred meters apart!"

Yang Xu was in a calm mood, looking through the smoke and dust, looking for it quickly.

Soon, he locked an iron-backed rhinoceros in the herd.

This is a mutated species, the whole body is white, only the head is red.

Its two eyes are not on the head, but on the sides of the neck.

It didn't run at the front, but the herd kept changing according to its position.

"This is the leader? It didn't run in front, how to lead everyone? The meat film on the head..."

Suddenly Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"It's sending signals!"

Yang Xu suddenly looked up to the sky:

"No! There are air forces! Everyone beware of heaven!"

"The leader is the mad rhinoceros!"


Without warning, a blue light blew up the clouds and swooped down.


A Soul Master was pulled into the sky by it, and torn in half.

All the soldiers did not change color after the rain of the sky rained:


A fine steel arrow shot out.

The herd kept falling down.


Four or five cyan flying eagles burst out of the sky.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Successively, several strong men were hit by the city wall and fell to their deaths. They were caught and torn in the air...

"The thief catches the king first!"

Yang Xu took out the giant Canglong bow.

When this bow appeared, many people were surprised.

"This **** is a bow?"

"Can it be used?"


A flying eagle Chaoyang Xu rushed.

Yang Xu instantly bent his bow and arrow.


The steel arrow burst out.


The cyan flying eagle's head was pierced.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player for killing the Bluescale Eagle x1! Reward experience value +1000! Points +100! 】

"Good archery!"

A strong soul, Chao Yangxu nodded approvingly.

Yang Xu didn't respond, his pupils flickered:


He locked the iron back crazy.


The steel arrow burst out.


Can't actually shoot through the iron-backed head!

"It seems that you have to bring out the real guy."

Yang Xu took out an iron feather **** arrow.


Bow and arrow.

The vitality gathered, and the black spiral spiraled on the arrows.


Iron Feather Arrow burst out.

The wind element roared and turned into a dragon.

Wherever he passed, the wind and clouds changed color, and the blue-scaled eagle was blown up and down.

"What kind of arrow is this! It's amazing!"

The soldiers exclaimed.

Yang Xu shot the Iron Feather Arrow, and he didn't pay attention anymore.

Twisting his head and firing bows again and again, he began to harvest points.


Iron Feather Arrow pierces the iron-backed head!


It wailed loudly and fell down.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the leader of the herd, Ironback! Reward experience value + 100000! Points +10000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Ironback Mad Rhino Blood Crystal x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the players, get the brutal collision! Do you want to learn? 】

Lost the leader.

The original orderly herd suddenly became messy.




A large number of beasts hit the wall without knowing it.

There are even some fierce beasts.

The city wall trembled and seemed to collapse in the next second.

【Ding! ]...

【Ding! ]...

【Ding! ]...

In Yang Xu's ears, the prompting sounds joined together.

His points are rolled by the 800,000 accumulated points.


A blue-scaled eagle attacked the soldiers towards the head of the city.


Yang Xu shot his head with an arrow.

Get 1000 points!

"Still shoot birds!"

Yang Xu's eyes lit up and began shooting birds in the air.

Suddenly, the air pressure of the defenders suddenly dropped.

Everyone's eyes looked at Yang Xu as if they were gods.

Yang Xu's point growth rate skyrocketed.

Less than half a day.

Sweep more than 1 million points!

When Yang Xu killed the Greenscale Eagle.

Turned his head again and began to deal with the wild beasts.

Puff puff.

Every arrow missed.

Yang Xu's points are close to 2 million.

He laughed so much that he was about to crack.

Chenggen underground.

The scar-faced orc man flashed with resentment in his eyes:

"Failed! It's all because of that ugly monster and that stink boy!"


He unfolded at a rapid speed and escaped from the roots of the city wall:

"I remember the smell of you two! Orcs will not let you go!"

He snorted.

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"It's almost a point, just take you together!"


Iron Feather Arrow pierced the scarred male head.

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