Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 132: A piece of debris exploded

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Chapter 132

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the Orc Left Guardian Pioneer! Reward experience value + 1000000! True Qi + 100000! Points +10000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Beastmaster Armor x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the power: "Xiaoyue Huaxing Gong" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, you get the x1 of the Bloodline of Bear Clan! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Thousand Beast Token Fragment x1! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the side mission is completed!

Reward S-level lucky draw opportunity x1!

Medal of Honor x1!

Reward experience value + 100000! True Qi +10000! Points + 1000! 】

"Haha, great gains, great gains!"

Yang Xu was very excited.

The biggest gain is that I have saved for so long.

The points have finally exceeded 2 million!

"Point Mall, redeem 2 opportunities for reading and archiving!"

Yang Xu said without hesitation.

There is not enough archive times, which makes me uneasy.

[Successful exchange! 】


There are only tens of thousands of points in the moment.

The number of reading archives has become 3/10.


Having an archive is equivalent to having the biggest life-saving card, and you also have confidence in your heart.

Yang Xu counted the loot.

Beastmaster armor, "Xiaoyue Huaxing Gong" and the like, Yang Xu casually glanced at it, it was all rubbish.

Just lost the mall and exchanged points.

"Bear clan bloodstone? For Xiong Feng, he will like it."

"Huh? Thousand Beast Order?"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

[Item: Fragment of Ten Beast Order (1/12)

Grade: None

Description: According to legend, the beasts can command the beasts of the beasts. The token contains the life of the beast king.

Description 2: You have to keep searching, where is the world where the Beastmaster is buried. 】

Yang Xu breathed a little fast.

"Ten Thousand Beasts Order? Order the Beasts?"

His eyes brightened:

What do the beasts represent?


What can beasts do, order beasts!

Equivalent conversion: thousands of beasts = points.


Ten Thousand Beasts = Points sent to you automatically.

If we get the order of thousands of beasts, we will order the beasts to kill themselves, and the points will not come!

Yang Xu became more and more excited.

The so-called "treasure of the beast king", on the other hand, does not pay much attention.

"Medal of honor? What is this?"

This is a small slap-sized bronze medal.

Yang Xu took it out:

[Congratulations to the player, the reputation system is on!

Player's current reputation: 10 (an unknown civilian)

"I'm going, my reputation is civilian? Or is it unknown?"

Yang Xu was speechless for a while.

Turn on the system and see:

[Prestige system:

It can reduce the difficulty of the mission and increase the chance of the player getting the recognition of key characters;

Can increase the chance of obtaining mission critical props;

Prestige reaches a certain value, you can get some privileges;

If you reach a certain level, you can enjoy a certain discount in the points mall. 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Detection of a medal of honor can increase reputation by 1,000 points! Do you wear it? 】

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:


[Successful wearing! Player's current reputation: 1100 (the fledgling soldiers)! 】

"System, help me check what discount the points mall has?"

[The player's reputation is not enough, there is no discount! 】

The cold sound of the system.

But Yang Xu was not disappointed.

Now that you have reached the level, you will have privileges.

In the future, there will be another data that can be brushed!

"young people!!"

A thunderous drink sounded.

I saw a tall general wearing a golden armor, coming in droves.

"Your archery is awesome! This time, thanks to your rapid killing of the leader of the beast tide, our garrison army has reduced its casualties by more than half!"

General Jin Jia shot Yang Xu's shoulder heavily.

The soldiers around looked at Yang Xu with admiration.

There is worship in his eyes.

"Brother Yang Xu! I'll **** my sister-in-law safely!"

A lovely soldier pawned Lian Yi's face flushed.

Yang Xu smiled and didn't explain.

"Yangxu? This name is so nice! Hey, Yangxu, what are you doing here? Can I help you with an old cow?"

General Jin Jia is surnamed Niu, and he is bold and informal.

Yang Xu talked about his intentions, he thumped his chest:

"Isn't it the medicinal herbs, come here, take Yang Xu's list and look for it in the warehouse! Take as much as you can!"

He laughed:

"There is nothing else in Qingzhuo, how much is the elixir, how much is the wine! Yang Xu, drink it!"

Before dark.

The two soldiers brought two thick packs of elixir.

Actually have more than 200 pieces together!

Lian Yi's elixir to restore her appearance was even more straightforward.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, complete the side mission: restore Lian Yi appearance!

Reward S-level lucky draw opportunity x1! Experience +100000! True Qi +10000! Points + 1000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: restore Jian Nantian injury completion +10!

Current completion degree: 20/100! 】

Unexpectedly, the spur task was completed so quickly.

Helping to defend the city is really a huge gain.

"Brother Yangxu, we don't have a space bag here, we can only give it out in a bag. You can put away the medicinal materials yourself, if there is not enough, there will be more in the warehouse."

"Yes, put away the medicinal materials. Brother Yang Xu went to drink with us!"

The two soldiers are 16 or 7 years old.

Although the small face was still immature, it had been baptized by blood and fire early.

Yang Xu's favor for these loyal fighters who threw blood on his head for his country.

He laughed out loud:

"Go, drink!"

The main hall of the castle.

General Niu fought with the soldiers and tasted wine with each other.

When Yang Xuyi joined, the atmosphere became more intense.

General Niu hooked up with Yang Xu:

"Xiao Xu smashed! You are completely different from those little white-faced monks! If the general is here, you will definitely love you at a glance!"

"General Niu, what are you kidding, but we are serious men. If the general is going to like me, then I can find the wrong hole. I don't have that configuration!"

"Our favorite thing is the small amplitude, high frequency, and lasting close-fitting exercise with the little girl..."


The generals laughed and almost overturned the roof.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations players, reputation +10! 】

[Congratulations players, reputation +10! 】


Yang Xu couldn't think of it at all. With his kung fu of drinking wine, his reputation rose.

"Come here, wine? There is no wine? Too **** disappointed!"

General Niu scolded.

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Want wine? I have wow here! Fine wine! How much is needed!"

In the points mall, the best monkey wine, daughter red, etc., one point for a big car.

Yang Xu kept drawing out wine from the space bag.

This wine not only tastes refreshing, but also cures some stubborn diseases of the soldiers.

The whole city's main palace, the atmosphere fell into the second hot.

Wait for several soldiers to send Yang Xu back.

He was completely drunk.

"Yangxu, if I were a demon, would you like me?"

Half a dream and half awake, Yang Xu vaguely heard a girl asking in the ear.

He did not want to reply:

"Like! There is nothing you can't like! Do you know who I admire the most, Xu Xian, Dong Yong, Ning Caichen?

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